Tableau de bord vide suite migration V17 vers V18

J’ai vu plusieurs sujets sur le « Tableau de bord vide » mais je ne trouve pas de solution.
Donc le tableau de bord reste vide j’au essayé d’activer et désactiver des éléments dans Configuration / Affichage mais ça ne change rien.

Je peux mettre le fichier log :

2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c - This is an already logged session. _SESSION[‹ dol_login ›]=ngrimaldi _SESSION[‹ dol_entity ›]=1
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.civility as civility_code, u.birth, u.job,, u.email_oauth2, u.personal_email, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address,,, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut as status, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.flagdelsessionsbefore, u.iplastlogin, u.ippreviouslogin, u.datelastpassvalidation, u.datestartvalidity, u.dateendvalidity, as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, u.national_registration_number, u.ref_employee, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = ‹ ngrimaldi › ORDER BY u.entity ASC
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT rowid, name, label, type, size, elementtype, fieldunique, fieldrequired, param, pos, alwayseditable, perms, langs, list, printable, totalizable, fielddefault, fieldcomputed, entity, enabled, help, css, cssview, csslist FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = ‹ user › ORDER BY pos
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT param, value FROM llx_user_param WHERE fk_user = 1 AND entity = 1
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c DefaultValues::fetchAll
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT rowid,type,user_id,page,param,value FROM llx_default_values as t WHERE 1 = 1 AND (t.user_id IN (0,1) AND entity IN (0,1))
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_user_rights as ur, llx_rights_def as r WHERE = ur.fk_id AND r.entity = 1 AND ur.entity = 1 AND ur.fk_user= 1 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL AND r.perms NOT LIKE ‹ %_advance ›
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT DISTINCT r.module, r.perms, r.subperms FROM llx_usergroup_rights as gr, llx_usergroup_user as gu, llx_rights_def as r WHERE = gr.fk_id AND gr.entity = 1 AND gu.entity IN (0,1) AND r.entity = 1 AND gr.fk_usergroup = gu.fk_usergroup AND gu.fk_user = 1 AND r.perms IS NOT NULL
2024-04-09 15:37:18 NOTICE 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c — Access to GET /dolibarr/htdocs/index.php - action=, massaction=
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where (lang=‹ fr_FR › OR lang IS NULL) AND entity IN (0, 0,1) ORDER BY lang DESC
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.prefix, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled,, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN (‹ eldy ›,‹ all ›) AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.type DESC, m.position, m.rowid
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT rowid, title, url, target FROM llx_bookmark WHERE (fk_user = 1 OR fk_user is NULL OR fk_user = 0) AND entity IN (1) ORDER BY position
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c InfoBox::listBoxes get default box list for mode=activated userid=
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.position, b.box_order, b.fk_user, d.rowid as box_id, d.file, d.note, d.tms FROM llx_boxes as b, llx_boxes_def as d WHERE b.box_id = d.rowid AND b.entity IN (0,1) AND b.position = 0 AND b.fk_user = 0 ORDER BY b.box_order
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_comptes::loadBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT b.rowid, b.ref, b.label,,b.number, b.courant, b.clos, b.rappro, b.url, b.code_banque, b.code_guichet, b.cle_rib, b.bic, b.iban_prefix as iban, b.domiciliation, b.proprio, b.owner_address, b.account_number, b.currency_code, b.min_allowed, b.min_desired, comment, b.fk_accountancy_journal, aj.code as accountancy_journal FROM llx_bank_account as b LEFT JOIN llx_accounting_journal as aj ON aj.rowid=b.fk_accountancy_journal WHERE b.entity = 1 AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount FROM llx_bank WHERE fk_account = 1
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c Translate::loadCacheCurrencies
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT code_iso, label, unicode FROM llx_c_currencies WHERE active = 1 AND code_iso = ‹ EUR ›
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_comptes::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_birthdays::loadBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.birth as datea, date_format(u.birth, ‹ %d ›) as daya, ‹ birth › as typea,, u.statut as status FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.entity IN (0,1) AND u.statut = 1 AND date_format( u.birth, ‹ %c ›) = ‹ 4 › AND u.birth < ‹ 2024-01-01 00:00:00 › UNION SELECT u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.dateemployment as datea, date_format(u.dateemployment, ‹ %d ›) as daya, ‹ employment › as typea,, u.statut as status FROM llx_user as u WHERE u.entity IN (0,1) AND u.statut = 1 AND date_format( u.dateemployment, ‹ %c ›) = ‹ 4 › AND u.dateemployment < ‹ 2024-01-01 00:00:00 › ORDER BY daya ASC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_birthdays::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_client, s.code_compta, s.client, s.logo,, s.entity, e.ref, e.tms, e.rowid, e.ref_customer, e.fk_statut, e.fk_user_valid, c.ref as commande_ref, c.rowid as commande_id FROM llx_expedition as e LEFT JOIN llx_element_element as el ON e.rowid = el.fk_target AND el.targettype = ‹ shipping › AND el.sourcetype IN (‹ commande ›) LEFT JOIN llx_commande as c ON el.fk_source = c.rowid AND el.sourcetype IN (‹ commande ›) AND el.targettype = ‹ shipping › LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON s.rowid = e.fk_soc WHERE e.entity IN (1) ORDER BY e.date_delivery, e.ref DESC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_shipments::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.logo,, s.entity, c.rowid, c.ref, c.tms, c.date_commande, c.total_ht, c.total_tva, c.total_ttc, c.fk_statut as status FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity IN (1) ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_supplier_orders::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_client, s.code_compta, s.client, s.logo,, s.entity, c.ref, c.tms, c.rowid, c.date_commande, c.ref_client, c.fk_statut, c.fk_user_valid, c.facture, c.total_ht, c.total_tva, c.total_ttc FROM llx_commande as c, llx_societe as s WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity IN (1) ORDER BY c.tms DESC, c.ref DESC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_commandes::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.logo,, s.entity, c.rowid, c.ref, c.tms, c.date_commande, c.date_livraison as delivery_date, c.total_ht, c.total_tva, c.total_ttc, c.fk_statut as status FROM llx_societe as s, llx_commande_fournisseur as c WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid AND c.entity IN (1) AND c.date_livraison IS NOT NULL AND c.fk_statut IN (3, 4) ORDER BY c.date_livraison ASC, c.fk_statut ASC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_supplier_orders_awaiting_reception::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c CommandeStats::getAllByProductEntry cache file /var/services/web/dolibarr/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_fr_FR_entity.1_user1.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1712677038 - 86400) so we can’t use it.
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c CommandeStats::_getAllByProduct
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT product.ref, COUNT(product.ref) as nb, SUM(tl.total_ht) as total, AVG(tl.total_ht) as avg FROM llx_commande as c INNER JOIN llx_commandedet as tl ON c.rowid = tl.fk_commande INNER JOIN llx_product as product ON tl.fk_product = product.rowid WHERE c.entity IN (1) AND c.date_commande BETWEEN ‹ 2024-01-01 00:00:00 › AND ‹ 2024-12-31 23:59:59 › GROUP BY product.ref ORDER BY nb DESC
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c CommandeStats::getAllByProductEntry save cache file /var/services/web/dolibarr/documents/users/temp/CommandeStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_fr_FR_entity.1_user1.cache onto disk.
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=70
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureStats::getAllByProductEntry cache file /var/services/web/dolibarr/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_fr_FR_entity.1_user1.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1712677038 - 86400) so we can’t use it.
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureStats::_getAllByProduct
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT product.ref, COUNT(product.ref) as nb, SUM(tl.total_ht) as total, AVG(tl.total_ht) as avg FROM llx_facture as f, llx_facturedet as tl, llx_product as product WHERE f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND (f.fk_statut <> 3 OR f.close_code <> ‹ replaced ›) AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) AND f.rowid = tl.fk_facture AND tl.fk_product = product.rowid AND f.datef BETWEEN ‹ 2024-01-01 00:00:00 › AND ‹ 2024-12-31 23:59:59 › GROUP BY product.ref ORDER BY nb DESC
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureStats::getAllByProductEntry save cache file /var/services/web/dolibarr/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getAllByProductEntry_customer_fr_FR_entity.1_user1.cache onto disk.
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c DolGraph::draw_chart this->type=pie this->MaxValue=70
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_graph_product_distribution::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.logo,, s.entity, f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.ref_supplier, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut as status, f.datef as date, f.datec as datec, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.tms, f.type FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 56
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 55
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 54
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 53
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureFournisseur::getSommePaiement
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount FROM llx_paiementfourn_facturefourn WHERE fk_facturefourn = 52
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_factures_fourn::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.logo,, s.entity, s.datec, s.tms, s.status FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.fournisseur = 1 AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_fournisseurs::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_client, s.client, s.code_compta, s.logo,, s.entity, s.tva_intra, s.siren as idprof1, s.siret as idprof2, s.ape as idprof3, s.idprof4, s.idprof5, s.idprof6, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, f.type, f.datef as date, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut as status, f.rowid as facid, SUM(pf.amount) as am FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_paiement_facture as pf ON f.rowid = pf.fk_facture WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.paye = 0 AND fk_statut = 1 GROUP BY s.rowid, s.nom, s.name_alias, s.code_client, s.client, s.logo,, s.entity, s.tva_intra, s.siren, s.siret, s.ape, s.idprof4, s.idprof5, s.idprof6, s.code_compta, f.rowid, f.ref, f.date_lim_reglement, f.type, f.datef, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.paye, f.fk_statut ORDER BY datelimite ASC, f.ref ASC LIMIT 6
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT SUM(f.total_ht) as total_ht FROM llx_societe as s, llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_paiement_facture as pf ON f.rowid = pf.fk_facture WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.paye = 0 AND fk_statut = 1
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_factures_imp::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_prospect::loadBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_client, s.code_compta, s.client, s.logo,, s.entity, s.fk_stcomm, s.datec, s.tms, s.status FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.client IN (2, 3) AND s.entity IN (1) ORDER BY s.tms DESC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_prospect::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_ficheinter::loadBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT f.rowid, f.ref, f.fk_soc, f.fk_statut as status, f.datec, f.date_valid as datev, f.tms as datem, s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_client, s.code_compta, s.client, s.logo,, s.entity FROM llx_societe as s, llx_fichinter as f WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity = 1 ORDER BY f.tms DESC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_ficheinter::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT f.rowid as facid, f.ref, f.type, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.datef as date, f.paye, f.fk_statut as status, f.datec, f.tms, f.date_lim_reglement as datelimite, s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_client, s.code_compta, s.client, s.logo,, s.entity, s.tva_intra, s.siren as idprof1, s.siret as idprof2, s.ape as idprof3, s.idprof4, s.idprof5, s.idprof6, SUM(pf.amount) as am FROM llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN llx_paiement_facture as pf ON f.rowid = pf.fk_facture, llx_societe as s WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND f.entity IN (1) GROUP BY s.rowid, s.nom, s.name_alias, s.code_client, s.code_compta, s.client, s.logo,, s.entity, s.tva_intra, s.siren, s.siret, s.ape, s.idprof4, s.idprof5, s.idprof6, f.rowid, f.ref, f.type, f.total_ht, f.total_tva, f.total_ttc, f.datef, f.paye, f.fk_statut, f.datec, f.tms, f.date_lim_reglement ORDER BY f.tms DESC, f.ref DESC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_factures::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.title, p.fk_statut as status, p.public, p.fk_soc, s.nom as name, s.name_alias FROM llx_projet as p LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s on p.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.fk_statut = 1 ORDER BY p.datec DESC
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT count() as nb, sum(progress) as totprogress FROM llx_projet as p LEFT JOIN llx_projet_task as pt on pt.fk_projet = p.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.rowid = 15
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT count(
) as nb, sum(progress) as totprogress FROM llx_projet as p LEFT JOIN llx_projet_task as pt on pt.fk_projet = p.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.rowid = 14
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT count() as nb, sum(progress) as totprogress FROM llx_projet as p LEFT JOIN llx_projet_task as pt on pt.fk_projet = p.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.rowid = 13
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT count(
) as nb, sum(progress) as totprogress FROM llx_projet as p LEFT JOIN llx_projet_task as pt on pt.fk_projet = p.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.rowid = 12
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT count() as nb, sum(progress) as totprogress FROM llx_projet as p LEFT JOIN llx_projet_task as pt on pt.fk_projet = p.rowid WHERE p.entity IN (1) AND p.rowid = 11
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_project::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT sp.rowid as id, sp.lastname, sp.firstname, sp.civility as civility_id, sp.datec, sp.tms, sp.fk_soc, sp.statut as status, sp.address,,,, sp.phone_perso, sp.phone_mobile, as spemail, s.rowid as socid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.code_client, s.client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.fournisseur, s.code_compta, s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.logo,, s.entity, co.label as country, co.code as country_code FROM llx_socpeople as sp LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as co ON sp.fk_pays = co.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_societe as s ON sp.fk_soc = s.rowid WHERE sp.entity IN (1) ORDER BY sp.tms DESC LIMIT 5
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c box_contacts::showBox
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear cache file /var/services/web/dolibarr/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_fr_FR_entity.1_user1.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1712677038 - 86400) so we can’t use it.
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureStats::_getNbByMonth
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT date_format(f.datef,‹ %m ›) as dm, COUNT(
) as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN ‹ 2022-01-01 00:00:00 › AND ‹ 2022-12-31 23:59:59 › AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureStats::_getNbByMonth
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT date_format(f.datef,‹ %m ›) as dm, COUNT() as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN ‹ 2023-01-01 00:00:00 › AND ‹ 2023-12-31 23:59:59 › AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureStats::_getNbByMonth
2024-04-09 15:37:18 DEBUG 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c sql=SELECT date_format(f.datef,‹ %m ›) as dm, COUNT(
) as nb FROM llx_facture_fourn as f WHERE f.datef BETWEEN ‹ 2024-01-01 00:00:00 › AND ‹ 2024-12-31 23:59:59 › AND f.fk_statut >= 0 AND f.entity IN (1) AND f.type IN (0,1,2,3,5) GROUP BY dm ORDER BY dm DESC
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c FactureStats::getNbByMonthWithPrevYear save cache file /var/services/web/dolibarr/documents/users/temp/FactureStats_getNbByMonthWithPrevYear_supplier_fr_FR_entity.1_user1.cache onto disk.
2024-04-09 15:37:18 INFO 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:389b:1fab:91b:463c — End access to /dolibarr/htdocs/index.php

Pour la partie PHP je ne sais pas comment vérifier si tout est ok.

Merci d’avance

Ce sont les logs apache qu’il faut regarder.
Tableau de bord vide = erreur php.

Essayez plutôt de désactiver tout module externe et de les réactiver un par un.

je vois dans le log à plusieurs reprises nnn-user1.cache is not found or older than now - cachedelay (1712677038 - 86400) so we can’t use it.
ça peut être lié?

J’ai désactivé les deux modules externes (AUTOLIQUIDATION TVA et SOUS-TOTAL PAR IOUSTON
) ça ne change rien

Est ce que ces messages donnent une indication ?

root@xxxxxx:~# tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
#4 {main}
thrown in /volume1/web/dolibarr/htdocs/core/class/stats.class.php on line 161" while reading upstream, client: 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:d0d3:3810:5a1:96b9, server: , request: « GET /dolibarr/htdocs/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=home HTTP/1.1 », upstream: « fastcgi://unix:/run/php-fpm/php-139939eb-365d-4381-9996-ecf91c4216bc.sock: », host: « », referrer: « »
2024/04/09 19:33:43 [error] 30910#30910: *12910 FastCGI sent in stderr: « PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: fwrite(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given in /volume1/web/dolibarr/htdocs/core/class/stats.class.php:161
Stack trace:
#0 /volume1/web/dolibarr/htdocs/core/class/stats.class.php(161): fwrite(false, ‹ [[« J »,0,0,« 3 »],… ›)
#1 /volume1/web/dolibarr/htdocs/core/boxes/box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth.php(141): Stats->getNbByMonthWithPrevYear(2024, 2022, 86400, 2, 1)
#2 /volume1/web/dolibarr/htdocs/core/class/html.formother.class.php(1383): box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth->loadBox(5)
#3 /volume1/web/dolibarr/htdocs/index.php(90): FormOther::getBoxesArea(Object(User), ‹ 0 ›)
#4 {main}
thrown in /volume1/web/dolibarr/htdocs/core/class/stats.class.php on line 161 » while reading upstream, client: 2a0d:3344:23a7:c710:d0d3:3810:5a1:96b9, server: , request: « GET /dolibarr/htdocs/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=home HTTP/1.1 », upstream: « fastcgi://unix:/run/php-fpm/php-139939eb-365d-4381-9996-ecf91c4216bc.sock: », host: « », referrer: « »

Le problème n’a pas pas l’air simple à identifier.

Il faudrait supprimer le répertoire documents/users/temp (il sera recréé en théorie).

En cas d’échec toujours, vérifier les droits d’écriture du répertoire documents, est-ce dolibarr a bien les droits pour y écrire. Comment a été fait la mise à jour ? Avec bien le même utilisateur qu’utilise Dolibarr pour s’exécuter ?

Super merci.
J’ai supprimé le répertoire, il s’est bien recrée et le tableau de bord est à jour.
Merci beaucoup