Module Confirmation de RDV

Suite du sujet Don de mes modules :

Slt @aspangaro-Inovea

Petit test si ca peut t aider
En 10,6
La page custom/confirm/confirm.php du module est accessible
mais qd on veut creer un evenement avec un type
Duplicate entry ‹ 3-user-1 › for key ‹ uk_actioncomm_resources ›

En 10,7
La page custom/confirm/confirm.php du module est innaccessible (Page blanche >>erreur 500?)
qd on veut creer un evenement avec un type c est ok

A ta dispo pour tester :wink:

php error.log

[05-Sep-2020 06:08:23 UTC] PHP Warning: Declaration of modConfirm::remove() should be compatible with DolibarrModules::remove($options = ‹  ›) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/dolibarr106/htdocs/custom/confirm/core/modules/modConfirm.class.php on line 298

[05-Sep-2020 06:08:36 UTC] PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/dolibarr106/htdocs/custom/confirm/confirm.php on line 83

[05-Sep-2020 06:12:13 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to assign property ‹ id › of non-object in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/dolibarr107/htdocs/custom/confirm/core/triggers/interface_010_modConfirm_ConfirmWorkflow.class.php on line 136

[05-Sep-2020 06:12:13 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to assign property ‹ id › of non-object in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/dolibarr107/htdocs/custom/confirm/core/triggers/interface_010_modConfirm_ConfirmWorkflow.class.php on line 137

[05-Sep-2020 06:12:13 UTC] PHP Warning: strftime() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/dolibarr107/htdocs/custom/confirm/core/modules/confirm/mod_confirm_pluton.php on line 144

[05-Sep-2020 06:15:50 UTC] PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/dolibarr106/htdocs/custom/confirm/confirm.php on line 83