Bon en fait cela semble avoir fonctionné car quand je raccourci l’url a uniquement : localhost j’ai bien « Apache2 Ubuntu Default page » qui s’affiche…
J’ai réinstallé le .deb dolibarr pour voir si cela résout le souci… Et ben oui et non !
J’ai quelquechose maintenant sous /localhost/dolibarr mais je ne sais qu’en faire :
- Copyright © 2004-2017 Laurent Destailleur * Copyright © 2005-2017 Regis Houssin * Copyright © 2011-2012 Juanjo Menent * Copyright © 2015 Marcos GarcÃa * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . / /* * \file htdocs/index.php * \brief Dolibarr home page / define(‹ NOCSRFCHECK ›,1); // This is main home and login page. We must be able to go on it from another web site. require ‹ ›; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/core/class/html.formother.class.php’; // If not defined, we select menu « home » $_GET[‹ mainmenu ›]=GETPOST(‹ mainmenu ›, ‹ aZ09 ›)?GETPOST(‹ mainmenu ›, ‹ aZ09 ›):‹ home ›; $action=GETPOST(‹ action ›,‹ aZ09 ›); $hookmanager->initHooks(array(‹ index ›)); / * Actions / // Check if company name is defined (first install) if (!isset($conf->global->MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM) || empty($conf->global->MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM)) { header(« Location: « .DOL_URL_ROOT. »/admin/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=setup&mesg=setupnotcomplete »); exit; } if (count($conf->modules) <= (empty($conf->global->MAIN_MIN_NB_ENABLED_MODULE_FOR_WARNING)?1:$conf->global->MAIN_MIN_NB_ENABLED_MODULE_FOR_WARNING)) // If only user module enabled { header(« Location: « .DOL_URL_ROOT. »/admin/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=setup&mesg=setupnotcomplete »); exit; } if (GETPOST(‹ addbox ›)) // Add box (when submit is done from a form when ajax disabled) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/core/class/infobox.class.php’; $zone=GETPOST(‹ areacode ›, ‹ aZ09 ›); $userid=GETPOST(‹ userid ›, ‹ int ›); $boxorder=GETPOST(‹ boxorder ›, ‹ aZ09 ›); $boxorder.=GETPOST(‹ boxcombo ›, ‹ aZ09 ›); $result=InfoBox::saveboxorder($db,$zone,$boxorder,$userid); if ($result > 0) setEventMessages($langs->trans(« BoxAdded »), null); } / * View */ if (! is_object($form)) $form=new Form($db); // Title $title=$langs->trans(« HomeArea »).’ - Dolibarr ‹ .DOL_VERSION; if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_APPLICATION_TITLE)) $title=$langs->trans(« HomeArea »). › - ‹ .$conf->global->MAIN_APPLICATION_TITLE; llxHeader( ›’,$title); $resultboxes=FormOther::getBoxesArea($user,« 0 »); // Load $resultboxes (selectboxlist + boxactivated + boxlista + boxlistb) print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans(« HomeArea »),$resultboxes[‹ selectboxlist ›],‹ title_home ›); if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_MOTD)) { $conf->global->MAIN_MOTD=preg_replace(’//i’,’
',$conf->global->MAIN_MOTD); if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_MOTD)) { $substitutionarray=getCommonSubstitutionArray($langs); complete_substitutions_array($substitutionarray, $langs); $texttoshow = make_substitutions($conf->global->MAIN_MOTD, $substitutionarray, $langs); print « \n\n »; print ’
'; print dol_htmlentitiesbr($texttoshow); print ’
'; print « \n\n »; } } print ’
'; /* * Dashboard Dolibarr states (statistics) * Hidden for external users / $boxstat=’’; // Load translation files required by page $langs->loadLangs(array(‹ commercial ›, ‹ bills ›, ‹ orders ›, ‹ contracts ›)); if (empty($user->societe_id)) { $boxstat.=’
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›’; $boxstat.=’’; $boxstat.=’’; $boxstat.=’’; $boxstat.=’’; $boxstat.=’
‹ .$langs->trans(« DolibarrStateBoard »). ›
‹ ; $object=new stdClass(); $parameters=array(); $action= ›’; $reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks(‹ addStatisticLine ›,$parameters,$object,$action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks $boxstat.=$hookmanager->resPrint; if (empty($reshook)) { // Condition to be checked for each display line dashboard $conditions=array( $user->rights->user->user->lire, ! empty($conf->societe->enabled) && $user->rights->societe->lire && empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_DISABLE_CUSTOMERS) && empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_DISABLE_CUSTOMERS_STATS), ! empty($conf->societe->enabled) && $user->rights->societe->lire && empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_DISABLE_PROSPECTS) && empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_DISABLE_PROSPECTS_STATS), ! empty($conf->fournisseur->enabled) && $user->rights->fournisseur->lire && empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_DISABLE_SUPPLIERS_STATS), ! empty($conf->societe->enabled) && $user->rights->societe->contact->lire, ! empty($conf->adherent->enabled) && $user->rights->adherent->lire, ! empty($conf->product->enabled) && $user->rights->produit->lire, ! empty($conf->service->enabled) && $user->rights->service->lire, ! empty($conf->propal->enabled) && $user->rights->propale->lire, ! empty($conf->commande->enabled) && $user->rights->commande->lire, ! empty($conf->facture->enabled) && $user->rights->facture->lire, ! empty($conf->contrat->enabled) && $user->rights->contrat->lire, ! empty($conf->ficheinter->enabled) && $user->rights->ficheinter->lire, ! empty($conf->supplier_order->enabled) && $user->rights->fournisseur->commande->lire && empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_DISABLE_SUPPLIERS_ORDERS_STATS), ! empty($conf->supplier_invoice->enabled) && $user->rights->fournisseur->facture->lire && empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_DISABLE_SUPPLIERS_INVOICES_STATS), ! empty($conf->supplier_proposal->enabled) && $user->rights->supplier_proposal->lire && empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_DISABLE_SUPPLIERS_PROPOSAL_STATS), ! empty($conf->projet->enabled) && $user->rights->projet->lire, ! empty($conf->expensereport->enabled) && $user->rights->expensereport->lire, ! empty($conf->don->enabled) && $user->rights->don->lire ); // Class file containing the method load_state_board for each line $includes=array( DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/user/class/user.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/societe/class/client.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/societe/class/client.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/fourn/class/fournisseur.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/contact/class/contact.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/adherents/class/adherent.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/product/class/product.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/product/class/product.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/comm/propal/class/propal.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/commande/class/commande.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/contrat/class/contrat.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/fichinter/class/fichinter.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/fourn/class/fournisseur.commande.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/fourn/class/fournisseur.facture.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/supplier_proposal/class/supplier_proposal.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/projet/class/project.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/expensereport/class/expensereport.class.php", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/don/class/don.class.php" ); // Name class containing the method load_state_board for each line $classes=array(‹ User ›, ‹ Client ›, ‹ Client ›, ‹ Fournisseur ›, ‹ Contact ›, ‹ Adherent ›, ‹ Product ›, ‹ Product ›, ‹ Propal ›, ‹ Commande ›, ‹ Facture ›, ‹ Contrat ›, ‹ Fichinter ›, ‹ CommandeFournisseur ›, ‹ FactureFournisseur ›, ‹ SupplierProposal ›, ‹ Project ›, ‹ ExpenseReport ›, ‹ Don › ); // Cle array returned by the method load_state_board for each line $keys=array(‹ users ›, ‹ customers ›, ‹ prospects ›, ‹ suppliers ›, ‹ contacts ›, ‹ members ›, ‹ products ›, ‹ services ›, ‹ proposals ›, ‹ orders ›, ‹ invoices ›, ‹ Contracts ›, ‹ fichinters ›, ‹ supplier_orders ›, ‹ supplier_invoices ›, ‹ askprice ›, ‹ projects ›, ‹ expensereports ›, ‹ donations › ); // Dashboard Icon lines $icons=array(‹ user ›, ‹ company ›, ‹ company ›, ‹ company ›, ‹ contact ›, ‹ user ›, ‹ product ›, ‹ service ›, ‹ propal ›, ‹ order ›, ‹ bill ›, ‹ order ›, ‹ order ›, ‹ order ›, ‹ bill ›, ‹ propal ›, ‹ projectpub ›, ‹ trip ›, ‹ generic › ); // Translation keyword $titres=array(« Users », « ThirdPartyCustomersStats », « ThirdPartyProspectsStats », « Suppliers », « Contacts », « Members », « Products », « Services », « CommercialProposalsShort », « CustomersOrders », « BillsCustomers », « Contracts », « Interventions », « SuppliersOrders », « SuppliersInvoices », « SupplierProposalShort », « Projects », « ExpenseReports », « Donations » ); // Dashboard Link lines $links=array( DOL_URL_ROOT.’/user/list.php’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/societe/list.php?type=c&mainmenu=companies’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/societe/list.php?type=p&mainmenu=companies’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/societe/list.php?type=f&mainmenu=companies’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/contact/list.php?mainmenu=companies’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/adherents/list.php?statut=1&mainmenu=members’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/product/list.php?type=0&mainmenu=products’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/product/list.php?type=1&mainmenu=products’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/comm/propal/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&leftmenu=propals’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/commande/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&leftmenu=orders’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/compta/facture/list.php?mainmenu=billing&leftmenu=customers_bills’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/contrat/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&leftmenu=contracts’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/fichinter/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&leftmenu=ficheinter’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/fourn/commande/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&leftmenu=orders_suppliers’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/fourn/facture/list.php?mainmenu=billing&leftmenu=suppliers_bills’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/supplier_proposal/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&leftmenu=’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/projet/list.php?mainmenu=project’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/expensereport/list.php?mainmenu=hrm&leftmenu=expensereport’, DOL_URL_ROOT.’/don/list.php?leftmenu=donations’ ); // Translation lang files $langfile=array(« users », « companies », « prospects », « suppliers », « companies », « members », « products », « products », « propal », « orders », « bills », « contracts », « interventions », « bills », « bills », « supplier_proposal », « projects », « trips », « donations » ); // Loop and displays each line of table foreach ($keys as $key=>$val) { if ($conditions[$key]) { $classe=$classes[$key]; // Search in cache if load_state_board is already realized if (! isset($boardloaded[$classe]) || ! is_object($boardloaded[$classe])) { include_once $includes[$key]; // Loading a class cost around 1Mb $board=new $classe($db); $board->load_state_board($user); $boardloaded[$classe]=$board; } else { $board=$boardloaded[$classe]; } if (!empty($langfile[$key])) $langs->load($langfile[$key]); $text=$langs->trans($titres[$key]); //$sep=($conf->dol_use_jmobile?’
‹ : › ‹ ); $boxstat.= ›’; $boxstat.=’
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›’.$text.’
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›’.img_object("",$icons[$key],‹ class=« inline-block » ›).’ ‹ .($board->nb[$val]?$board->nb[$val]:0). ›’; $boxstat.=’
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›’; } } } $boxstat.=’
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›
‹ ; $boxstat.= ›
'; } //print $boxstat; print ’
'; / * Dolibarr Working Board with weather / $showweather=(empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_METEO) || $conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_METEO == 2) ? 1 : 0; //Array that contains all WorkboardResponse classes to process them $dashboardlines=array(); // Do not include sections without management permission require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/core/class/workboardresponse.class.php’; // Number of actions to do (late) if (! empty($conf->agenda->enabled) && $user->rights->agenda->myactions->read) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/comm/action/class/actioncomm.class.php’; $board=new ActionComm($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of project opened if (! empty($conf->projet->enabled) && $user->rights->projet->lire) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/projet/class/project.class.php’; $board=new Project($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of tasks to do (late) if (! empty($conf->projet->enabled) && empty($conf->global->PROJECT_HIDE_TASKS) && $user->rights->projet->lire) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/projet/class/task.class.php’; $board=new Task($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of commercial proposals opened (expired) if (! empty($conf->propal->enabled) && $user->rights->propale->lire) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/comm/propal/class/propal.class.php’; $board=new Propal($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user,« opened »); // Number of commercial proposals CLOSED signed (billed) $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user,« signed »); } // Number of commercial proposals opened (expired) if (! empty($conf->supplier_proposal->enabled) && $user->rights->supplier_proposal->lire) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/supplier_proposal/class/supplier_proposal.class.php’; $board=new SupplierProposal($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user,« opened »); // Number of commercial proposals CLOSED signed (billed) $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user,« signed »); } // Number of customer orders a deal if (! empty($conf->commande->enabled) && $user->rights->commande->lire) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/commande/class/commande.class.php’; $board=new Commande($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of suppliers orders a deal if (! empty($conf->supplier_order->enabled) && $user->rights->fournisseur->commande->lire) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/fourn/class/fournisseur.commande.class.php’; $board=new CommandeFournisseur($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of services enabled (delayed) if (! empty($conf->contrat->enabled) && $user->rights->contrat->lire) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/contrat/class/contrat.class.php’; $board=new Contrat($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user, « inactive »); // Number of active services (expired) $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user, « active »); } // Number of invoices customers (has paid) if (! empty($conf->facture->enabled) && $user->rights->facture->lire) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php’; $board=new Facture($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of supplier invoices (has paid) if (! empty($conf->supplier_invoice->enabled) && ! empty($user->rights->fournisseur->facture->lire)) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/fourn/class/fournisseur.facture.class.php’; $board=new FactureFournisseur($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of transactions to conciliate if (! empty($conf->banque->enabled) && $user->rights->banque->lire && ! $user->societe_id) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/compta/bank/class/account.class.php’; $board=new Account($db); $nb = $board::countAccountToReconcile(); // Get nb of account to reconciliate if ($nb > 0) { $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } } // Number of cheque to send if (! empty($conf->banque->enabled) && $user->rights->banque->lire && ! $user->societe_id && empty($conf->global->BANK_DISABLE_CHECK_DEPOSIT)) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/compta/paiement/cheque/class/remisecheque.class.php’; $board=new RemiseCheque($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of foundation members if (! empty($conf->adherent->enabled) && $user->rights->adherent->lire && ! $user->societe_id) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/adherents/class/adherent.class.php’; $board=new Adherent($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of expense reports to approve if (! empty($conf->expensereport->enabled) && $user->rights->expensereport->approve) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/expensereport/class/expensereport.class.php’; $board=new ExpenseReport($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user,‹ toapprove ›); } // Number of expense reports to pay if (! empty($conf->expensereport->enabled) && $user->rights->expensereport->to_paid) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.’/expensereport/class/expensereport.class.php’; $board=new ExpenseReport($db); $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user,‹ topay ›); } $object=new stdClass(); $parameters=array(); $action=’’; $reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks(‹ addOpenElementsDashboardLine ›,$parameters,$object,$action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks if ($reshook == 0) { $dashboardlines = array_merge($dashboardlines, $hookmanager->resArray); } // Calculate total nb of late $totallate=$totaltodo=0; //Remove any invalid response //load_board can return an integer if failed or WorkboardResponse if OK $valid_dashboardlines=array(); foreach($dashboardlines as $tmp) { if ($tmp instanceof WorkboardResponse) $valid_dashboardlines[] = $tmp; } // We calculate $totallate. Must be defined before start of next loop because it is show in first fetch on next loop foreach($valid_dashboardlines as $board) { if ($board->nbtodolate > 0) { if(!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_METEO_WITH_PERCENTAGE)) $totaltodo += $board->nbtodo; $totallate += $board->nbtodolate; } } //var_dump($totallate, $totaltodo); if(!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_METEO_WITH_PERCENTAGE) && !empty($totaltodo)) $totallate = round($totallate / $totaltodo * 100, 2); //var_dump($totallate); $boxwork=’’; $boxwork.=’
‹ ; $boxwork.= ›’."\n"; $boxwork.=’’; $boxwork.=’’; $boxwork.=’’."\n"; if ($showweather) { $boxwork.=’’; $boxwork.=’’; $boxwork.=’’; } // Show dashboard $nbworkboardempty=0; if (! empty($valid_dashboardlines)) { $boxwork.=’’; } else { $boxwork.=’’; $boxwork.=’’; $boxwork.=’’; } $boxwork.=’’; $boxwork.=’
‹ .$langs->trans(« DolibarrWorkBoard »). ›
‹ ; $text= ›’; if ($totallate > 0) $text=$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv(« WarningYouHaveAtLeastOneTaskLate »).’ (’.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv(« NActionsLate »,$totallate.(!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_METEO_WITH_PERCENTAGE) ? ‹ % › : ‹ ›)).’)’; else $text=$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv(« NoItemLate »); $text.=’. ‹ .$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv(« LateDesc »); //$text.=$form->textwithpicto( ›’,$langs->trans(« LateDesc »)); $options=‹ height=« 64px » ›; $boxwork.=showWeather($totallate,$text,$options); $boxwork.=’
‹ ; foreach($valid_dashboardlines as $board) { if (empty($board->nbtodo)) $nbworkboardempty++; $textlate = $langs->trans(« NActionsLate »,$board->nbtodolate); $textlate.= ’ ( ›.$langs->trans(« Late »).’ = ‹ .$langs->trans(« DateReference »). › > ‹ .$langs->trans(« DateToday »). › ‹ .(ceil($board->warning_delay) >= 0 ? ‹ + › : ‹ ›).ceil($board->warning_delay). › ‹ .$langs->trans(« days »). ›)’; $boxwork .=’
‹ ; $boxwork .= ’
‹ ; $sep=($conf->dol_use_jmobile? ›
‹ : › ‹ ); $boxwork .= ‹ ›.$board->img. › ‹ .$board->label. ›
‹ ; $boxwork .= ‹ ›.$board->nbtodo. › ›; if ($board->total > 0 && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_WORKBOARD_SHOW_TOTAL_WO_TAX)) { $boxwork .= ’ / ‹ .price($board->total) . ›’; } $boxwork .= ’
‹ ; if ($board->nbtodolate > 0) { $boxwork .= ’
‹ ; $boxwork .= ‹ ›; //$boxwork .= img_picto($textlate, « warning_white », ‹ class=« valigntextbottom » ›). › ›; $boxwork .= img_picto($textlate, « warning_white », ‹ class=« inline-block hideonsmartphone valigntextbottom » ›).’’; $boxwork .= ‹ ›; $boxwork .= $board->nbtodolate; $boxwork .= ‹ ›; $boxwork .= ‹ ›; $boxwork .= ’
‹ ; } $boxwork.= ›
‹ ; $boxwork .="\n"; } $boxwork .= ›
‹ ; $boxwork .= ›
‹ ; $boxwork .= ›
‹ ; $boxwork .= ›
‹ ; $boxwork .= ›
‹ ; $boxwork .= ›
‹ ; $boxwork .= ›
‹ ; $boxwork .= ›
‹ ; $boxwork.=$langs->trans(« NoOpenedElementToProcess »); $boxwork.= ›
‹ ; // End table array of working board $boxwork.= ›
'; print ’
'; print ’
'; / * Show boxes / $boxlist.=’
‹ ; $boxlist.= ›
'; $boxlist.=$boxwork; $boxlist.=$resultboxes[‹ boxlista ›]; $boxlist.= ’
'; $boxlist.= ’
'; $boxlist.=$boxstat; $boxlist.=$resultboxes[‹ boxlistb ›]; $boxlist.= ’
‹ ; $boxlist.= « \n »; $boxlist.= ›
'; print $boxlist; print ’
'; / * Show security warnings / // Security warning repertoire install existe (si utilisateur admin) if ($user->admin && empty($conf->global->MAIN_REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING)) { $message=’’; // Check if install lock file is present $lockfile=DOL_DATA_ROOT.’/install.lock’; if (! empty($lockfile) && ! file_exists($lockfile) && is_dir(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/install")) { $langs->load(« errors »); //if (! empty($message)) $message.=’
‹ ; $message.=info_admin($langs->trans(« WarningLockFileDoesNotExists »,DOL_DATA_ROOT). › ‹ .$langs->trans(« WarningUntilDirRemoved », DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/install"), 0, 0, ‹ 1 ›, ‹ clearboth ›); } // Conf files must be in read only mode if (is_writable($conffile)) { $langs->load(« errors »); //$langs->load(« other »); //if (! empty($message)) $message.= ›
‹ ; $message.=info_admin($langs->transnoentities(« WarningConfFileMustBeReadOnly »). › ‹ .$langs->trans(« WarningUntilDirRemoved », DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/install"), 0, 0, ‹ 1 ›, ‹ clearboth ›); } if ($message) { print $message; //$message.= ›
‹ ; //print info_admin($langs->trans(« WarningUntilDirRemoved »,DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/install")); } } //print ‹ mem= ›.memory_get_usage(). › - '.memory_get_peak_usage(); // End of page llxFooter(); $db->close(); /* * Show weather logo. Logo to show depends on $totallate and values for * $conf->global->MAIN_METEO_LEVELx * * @param int $totallate Nb of element late * @param string $text Text to show on logo * @param string $options More parameters on img tag * @return string Return img tag of weather / function showWeather($totallate,$text,$options) { global $conf; $out=’’; $offset=0; $factor=10; // By default $used_conf = !empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_METEO_WITH_PERCENTAGE) ? ‹ MAIN_METEO_PERCENTAGE_LEVEL › : ‹ MAIN_METEO_LEVEL ›; $level0=$offset; if (! empty($conf->global->{$used_conf.‹ 0 ›})) { $level0=$conf->global->{$used_conf.‹ 0 ›}; } $level1=$offset+1$factor; if (! empty($conf->global->{$used_conf.‹ 1 ›})) { $level1=$conf->global->{$used_conf.‹ 1 ›}; } $level2=$offset+2*$factor; if (! empty($conf->global->{$used_conf.‹ 2 ›})) { $level2=$conf->global->{$used_conf.‹ 2 ›}; } $level3=$offset+3*$factor; if (! empty($conf->global->{$used_conf.‹ 3 ›})) { $level3=$conf->global->{$used_conf.‹ 3 ›}; } if ($totallate <= $level0) $out.=img_weather($text,‹ weather-clear.png ›,$options); elseif ($totallate > $level0 && $totallate <= $level1) $out.=img_weather($text,‹ weather-few-clouds.png ›,$options); elseif ($totallate > $level1 && $totallate <= $level2) $out.=img_weather($text,‹ weather-clouds.png ›,$options); elseif ($totallate > $level2 && $totallate <= $level3) $out.=img_weather($text,‹ weather-many-clouds.png ›,$options); elseif ($totallate > $level3) $out.=img_weather($text,‹ weather-storm.png ›,$options); return $out; } [/code]
Mais bon appétit bien sûr !!