Dolibarr V14 Freeze

Il est temps de démarrer la version bêta de Dolibarr ERP CRM version 14.0

Tous les développeurs et utilisateurs sont invités à tester la version 14.0 BETA à partir des sources github (branche develop pour obtenir les fichiers).

Maintenant que la période de gel est commencée, je n’ajouterai pas de nouvelles fonctionnalités pendant quelques jours, jusqu’à ce que je pense que les choses sont suffisamment stables pour commencer à fonctionner à la fois dans la branche develop et dans la branche 14.0 (bientôt disponible).

Parce que nous sommes entrés dans la période bêta, s’il vous plaît, si vous travaillez sur du code Dolibarr, utilisez votre temps à corriger les bogues et ne corriger que les bogues , autant que vous le pouvez.

Le projet a besoin de vos correctifs. Voici une liste de problèmes signalés:

Laurent, Aka Eldy @eldy

Voici la liste des modifications disponibles dans cette version par rapport à la précédente:

***** ChangeLog for 14.0.0 compared to 13.0.0 *****

For users:


NEW: Feature to make inventories

NEW: Several security issues after a second private bug bounty campaign.

NEW: Add a security center page with all information and advices related to the security of your instance

NEW: Add a performance center page with all information and advices related to the performance of your instance

NEW: A lot of fix into english text after a small proofreading campaign (still not perfect, but really better)

NEW: All main menu entries are using the picto of the module

NEW: Accountancy - Add closure menu

NEW: Accountancy - Add FEC import

NEW: Accountancy - Add formconfirm with options on export

NEW: Accountancy - Add select date from/to in already bind customer and supplier list

NEW: Accountancy - Format FEC - Add new field DateLimitReglmt

NEW: Accountancy - In ledger & journals, show link on bank transaction

NEW: Accountancy - Possibility to filter on journals in balance

NEW: Accountancy - Add a page to list subledger accounts on product/company

NEW: add the Channel column into the list of orders

NEW: Add a check to avoid an invoice date in the future

NEW: Add some color and picto for the direction of movement

NEW: Add the column "alias" of company in the list of proposal, order, invoice

NEW: Add the column "Office phone" and "User mobile" in user list

NEW: Add the column "Price level"in thirdparty list

NEW: Add some company information in the dropdown login menu

NEW: Add constant MAIN_BUGTRACK_URL to set url to redirect to on link "declare a bug"

NEW: Add contact tag and bulk email status on the thirparty+contact create form

NEW: Add db fields note_public note_private for ECM module

NEW: Manage deposit on supplier invoice (& somes ajustments)

NEW: Add edit/delete action icons on categories list pages

NEW: Add hidden option to auto load input line extrafield into new lines

NEW: Add import profile to import BOM

NEW: Add last date of modification for website pages in the list of pages

NEW: Add link picto to the stock movement on the detail of production

NEW: Add mass action "Set tag" for product/service, user, thirdparty, warehouse, project, bank account, members

NEW: Add Mass action order validate and set to billed

NEW: add massActions to set a commercial proposal to status "Refused"



NEW: Add option SOCIETE_DISABLE_WORKFORCE to hide staff field

NEW: Add pagination at Get Products response

NEW: Add new permission "Export website"

NEW: Add possibility to exports userGroups fields on user exports

NEW: Add price min and price min including tax into product export

NEW: Can search on lots or serials into the quick search bar

NEW: Add support for Friday as a non working day

NEW: Add a total in agent margin & uniformize code

NEW: add total margin in invoice list

NEW: Can set a Warehouse on Thirparty

NEW: auto notification with module Notification can use templated emails

NEW: Bank Entries : add verif fk_user addPaymentToBank Social Contribution

NEW: Bank Entries : display user linked to a salary or a taxes

NEW: better date_valid on invoice

NEW: Can ask the warehouse in proposal

NEW: Can clone a cron job.

NEW: Can create a lot from list

NEW: Can edit object in module builder

NEW: Can filter files in GED on status Shared/Not shared

NEW: Can filter on extrafields date on lists

NEW: Can filter on rowid in list of blocked logs.

NEW: Can hide columns "time consumed" on timesheet per week.

NEW: Can set an employee on each social contribution

NEW: Can set a percentage when creating an invoice from another object

NEW: Can set if a ticket group is visible on public interface or not.

NEW: Can set order of execution of hooks

NEW: Can show the holidays on the agenda view.

NEW: Can show the project ref or label into PDF documents

NEW: Can toggle FCKeditor on public/private notes

NEW: Can use captcha on public page to create a ticket

NEW: Check update for externals modules using button on module page

NEW: choose lines while creating intervention card from origin

NEW: Column shippement method, payment mode, payment term in propal and order list

NEW: Conf for default actiomm status when created from card

NEW: Conf for default actiomm status when created from card (and DefaultValues CRUD class)

NEW: customer price customer ref: push back to v14

NEW: customer ref for product customer prices

NEW: date and user signature on proposal (Issue 16062)

NEW: Dictionary for availability - Add column position

NEW: TAKEPOS delayed payment in TakePOS

NEW: TAKEPOS display date range if exist in TakePOS

NEW: TAKEPOS display resiliate status in TakePOS for member

NEW: TAKEPOS Edit sales lines rights in TakePOS

NEW: Extrafields of documents lines are inside the lines, not any more on separate TR

NEW: Can set a user related to a social contribution

NEW: ICS Direct debit can be set with a different value for each bank account

NEW: LDAP: usergroup search can be filtered

NEW: Make public bookmarks editable by admin users only

NEW: If no logo defined, can use the squarred logo on login page

NEW: The manifest file can use the squared image if available

NEW: Add buld actions for Bank Transfer

NEW: Enhance the multicurrency rate editor

NEW: migration script

NEW: More permission in TakePOS (Can edit added line, can modify once order sent to kitchen)

NEW: Multiselect ledger account code filter on book keeping list

NEW: Normalyse Type company field with ajax combobox

NEW: TAKEPOS: option for Takepos to show the total price without tax

NEW: option to automatically close an open project when all its tasks are done (=progress 100%)

NEW: option to select membership type on the online payment page for membership subscription or renewal

NEW: preload product description on selection for customer propal/order/invoice

NEW: Add a ref in product customer price

NEW: Save old page with .old extension on disk when editing a website page

NEW: Search usergroups & resources

NEW: Set status of all variant when setting status of parent

NEW: Setup Page for module create with module builder enhancement #FoundationFunding

NEW: Show picto of module into the list of dictionaries

NEW: Show the total of payment on the payment confirm page

NEW: Stock movement list - Add more complete date field

NEW: Support color for types of event

NEW: The setup for Mandatory field can now be done on combo list too.

NEW: translate in "en_US" to complete PR 16980

NEW: unit selection on object edit line

NEW: Update the list of taxes available by default for France

NEW: Add captcha on public page to create a ticket

NEW: Salary payment request and Salary payment are 2 different steps in workflow on Salary payment recording

NEW: VAT payment request and VAT payment are now 2 different steps in workflow on VAT payment recording

NEW: VAT report - Optimisation & collapse by rate

NEW: When we add contacts/users to Project, ask to also affect them on project tasks

NEW: When a doc file is shared, link is visible from the main page of doc.

NEW: Workflow to set a shipment as closed.

NEW: Option to automatically create a login/user when a new subscription of a member is done online

NEW: #16378 More E-Mail Contact substitution Values for better salutation

NEW: #13739 #17390 Product API route added to get product stock and product with or without variants

NEW: option to leave the "Automatically create a total payment" checkbox empty on the tax creation page

NEW: #17113 Can upload a favicon in website module

NEW: #17292 default subscription amount by adherent type

For developers:


NEW: start new module Event Organization Management

NEW: start new module Partnership Management

NEW: start new module Knowledge Management

NEW: start new module Workstations management

NEW: hook printFieldListTitle for cabyprodserv.php

NEW: Hook to allow external modules to add their own shortlist of recent objects

NEW: SQL-altering hooks in the turnover by product report

NEW: Add data-eec=1 for EEC countries on select for js interaction

NEW: Add experimental repair script to switch to dynamic row format and utf8mb4 encoding

NEW: add form confirm hook on company card

NEW: Add function showValueWithClipboardCPButton() to add a copy/paste

NEW: Add function showValueWithCopyAndPasteButton() to add a copy/paste

NEW: Add hook addSectionECMAuto method to add custom diretory into ECM auto files

NEW: Add native compression in rest apis

NEW: Product Variants API, add variant stock to response by parameter

NEW: Upgrade Stripe PHP lib to 7.67.0

NEW: Add link to OpenAPI specifications xml file in REST API module setup: swagger.json file can be included into external tools like redoc

NEW: Support sepa_debit in stripe paymentmethods list

NEW: Update doleditor.class.php for easily activate SCAYT

NEW: Add triggers in the function add_object_linked(), updateObjectLinked() and deleteObjectLinked()

NEW: Add triggers OBJECT_LINK_INSERT, OBJECT_LINK_UPDATE et OBJECT_LINK_DELETE in the function add_object_linked(), updateObjectLinked() and deleteObjectLinked()

NEW: API Add option $includeifobjectisused to get a product

NEW: API Get the list of product ids only

NEW: Can set a target image in dolcropresize function.

NEW: Can set a label as placeholder for combo lists.


Following changes may create regressions for some external modules, but were necessary to make Dolibarr better:

* The ICS value for direct debit or credit transfer is now store on each bank account instead of into the global setup.

* API /setup/shipment_methods has been replaced with API /setup/shipping_methods

* Field "total" renamed into to "total_ht" for table llx_facture, llx_facture_rec for better field name consistency

* Field "tva" renamed into "total_tva" for table llx_propal, llx_supplier_proposal, llx_commande, llx_commande_fournisseur for better field name consistency

* Field "total" renamed into "total_ttc" for table lx_propal, llx_supplier_proposal for better field name consistency

* If your database is PostgreSql, you must use version 9.1.0 or more (Dolibarr need the SQL function CONCAT)

* If your database is MySql or MariaDB, you need at least version 5.1

* Function set_price_level() has been renamed into setPriceLevel() to follow camelcase rules
3 « J'aime »

La version sera-t-elle compatible PHP 8 ? Je ne trouve pas d’indication ici.

Normalement Oui.
Il y a un gros travail qui a été fait : Compatibility phpv8 · Issue #16628 · Dolibarr/dolibarr · GitHub

super, de belles fonctionnalités en perspective !

est ce que vous avez des info quant a cette fonctionalitée ?


Bonjour à tous,
Une vision sur la dispo de la v14 ?
D’après mes observations, ça devrait encore tomber en juin sur base du rythme des dernièrers releases. Correct ?

Belle journée à tous,

Fin juin/début juillet comme chaque année