dolibarr  18.0.6
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 /* Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Olivier Geffroy <>
3  * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Florian Henry <>
4  * Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Alexandre Spangaro <>
5  * Copyright (C) 2022 Lionel Vessiller <>
6  * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Laurent Destailleur <>
7  * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Frédéric France <>
8  * Copyright (C) 2022 Progiseize <>
9  *
10  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13  * (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
22  */
30 // Load Dolibarr environment
31 require '../../';
32 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/accountancy/class/accountancyexport.class.php';
33 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/accounting.lib.php';
34 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/accountancy/class/lettering.class.php';
35 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/accountancy/class/bookkeeping.class.php';
36 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/accountancy/class/accountingjournal.class.php';
37 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formfile.class.php';
38 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formother.class.php';
39 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formaccounting.class.php';
40 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php';
41 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/admin.lib.php';
43 // Load translation files required by the page
44 $langs->loadLangs(array("accountancy", "compta"));
46 $socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int');
48 $action = GETPOST('action', 'aZ09');
49 $massaction = GETPOST('massaction', 'alpha');
50 $confirm = GETPOST('confirm', 'alpha');
51 $toselect = GETPOST('toselect', 'array');
52 $contextpage = GETPOST('contextpage', 'aZ') ? GETPOST('contextpage', 'aZ') : 'bookkeepinglist';
53 $search_mvt_num = GETPOST('search_mvt_num', 'int');
54 $search_doc_type = GETPOST("search_doc_type", 'alpha');
55 $search_doc_ref = GETPOST("search_doc_ref", 'alpha');
56 $search_date_startyear = GETPOST('search_date_startyear', 'int');
57 $search_date_startmonth = GETPOST('search_date_startmonth', 'int');
58 $search_date_startday = GETPOST('search_date_startday', 'int');
59 $search_date_endyear = GETPOST('search_date_endyear', 'int');
60 $search_date_endmonth = GETPOST('search_date_endmonth', 'int');
61 $search_date_endday = GETPOST('search_date_endday', 'int');
62 $search_date_start = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $search_date_startmonth, $search_date_startday, $search_date_startyear);
63 $search_date_end = dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $search_date_endmonth, $search_date_endday, $search_date_endyear);
64 $search_doc_date = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('doc_datemonth', 'int'), GETPOST('doc_dateday', 'int'), GETPOST('doc_dateyear', 'int'));
65 $search_date_creation_startyear = GETPOST('search_date_creation_startyear', 'int');
66 $search_date_creation_startmonth = GETPOST('search_date_creation_startmonth', 'int');
67 $search_date_creation_startday = GETPOST('search_date_creation_startday', 'int');
68 $search_date_creation_endyear = GETPOST('search_date_creation_endyear', 'int');
69 $search_date_creation_endmonth = GETPOST('search_date_creation_endmonth', 'int');
70 $search_date_creation_endday = GETPOST('search_date_creation_endday', 'int');
71 $search_date_creation_start = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $search_date_creation_startmonth, $search_date_creation_startday, $search_date_creation_startyear);
72 $search_date_creation_end = dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $search_date_creation_endmonth, $search_date_creation_endday, $search_date_creation_endyear);
73 $search_date_modification_startyear = GETPOST('search_date_modification_startyear', 'int');
74 $search_date_modification_startmonth = GETPOST('search_date_modification_startmonth', 'int');
75 $search_date_modification_startday = GETPOST('search_date_modification_startday', 'int');
76 $search_date_modification_endyear = GETPOST('search_date_modification_endyear', 'int');
77 $search_date_modification_endmonth = GETPOST('search_date_modification_endmonth', 'int');
78 $search_date_modification_endday = GETPOST('search_date_modification_endday', 'int');
79 $search_date_modification_start = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $search_date_modification_startmonth, $search_date_modification_startday, $search_date_modification_startyear);
80 $search_date_modification_end = dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $search_date_modification_endmonth, $search_date_modification_endday, $search_date_modification_endyear);
81 $search_date_export_startyear = GETPOST('search_date_export_startyear', 'int');
82 $search_date_export_startmonth = GETPOST('search_date_export_startmonth', 'int');
83 $search_date_export_startday = GETPOST('search_date_export_startday', 'int');
84 $search_date_export_endyear = GETPOST('search_date_export_endyear', 'int');
85 $search_date_export_endmonth = GETPOST('search_date_export_endmonth', 'int');
86 $search_date_export_endday = GETPOST('search_date_export_endday', 'int');
87 $search_date_export_start = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $search_date_export_startmonth, $search_date_export_startday, $search_date_export_startyear);
88 $search_date_export_end = dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $search_date_export_endmonth, $search_date_export_endday, $search_date_export_endyear);
89 $search_date_validation_startyear = GETPOST('search_date_validation_startyear', 'int');
90 $search_date_validation_startmonth = GETPOST('search_date_validation_startmonth', 'int');
91 $search_date_validation_startday = GETPOST('search_date_validation_startday', 'int');
92 $search_date_validation_endyear = GETPOST('search_date_validation_endyear', 'int');
93 $search_date_validation_endmonth = GETPOST('search_date_validation_endmonth', 'int');
94 $search_date_validation_endday = GETPOST('search_date_validation_endday', 'int');
95 $search_date_validation_start = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $search_date_validation_startmonth, $search_date_validation_startday, $search_date_validation_startyear);
96 $search_date_validation_end = dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $search_date_validation_endmonth, $search_date_validation_endday, $search_date_validation_endyear);
97 $search_import_key = GETPOST("search_import_key", 'alpha');
99 //var_dump($search_date_start);exit;
100 if (GETPOST("button_delmvt_x") || GETPOST("button_delmvt.x") || GETPOST("button_delmvt")) {
101  $action = 'delbookkeepingyear';
102 }
103 if (GETPOST("button_export_file_x") || GETPOST("button_export_file.x") || GETPOST("button_export_file")) {
104  $action = 'export_file';
105 }
107 $search_account_category = GETPOST('search_account_category', 'int');
109 $search_accountancy_code = GETPOST("search_accountancy_code", 'alpha');
110 $search_accountancy_code_start = GETPOST('search_accountancy_code_start', 'alpha');
111 if ($search_accountancy_code_start == - 1) {
112  $search_accountancy_code_start = '';
113 }
114 $search_accountancy_code_end = GETPOST('search_accountancy_code_end', 'alpha');
115 if ($search_accountancy_code_end == - 1) {
116  $search_accountancy_code_end = '';
117 }
119 $search_accountancy_aux_code = GETPOST("search_accountancy_aux_code", 'alpha');
120 $search_accountancy_aux_code_start = GETPOST('search_accountancy_aux_code_start', 'alpha');
121 if ($search_accountancy_aux_code_start == - 1) {
122  $search_accountancy_aux_code_start = '';
123 }
124 $search_accountancy_aux_code_end = GETPOST('search_accountancy_aux_code_end', 'alpha');
125 if ($search_accountancy_aux_code_end == - 1) {
126  $search_accountancy_aux_code_end = '';
127 }
128 $search_mvt_label = GETPOST('search_mvt_label', 'alpha');
129 $search_direction = GETPOST('search_direction', 'alpha');
130 $search_debit = GETPOST('search_debit', 'alpha');
131 $search_credit = GETPOST('search_credit', 'alpha');
132 $search_ledger_code = GETPOST('search_ledger_code', 'array');
133 $search_lettering_code = GETPOST('search_lettering_code', 'alpha');
134 $search_not_reconciled = GETPOST('search_not_reconciled', 'alpha');
136 // Load variable for pagination
137 $limit = GETPOST('limit', 'int') ?GETPOST('limit', 'int') : (empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION) ? $conf->liste_limit : $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION);
138 $sortfield = GETPOST('sortfield', 'aZ09comma');
139 $sortorder = GETPOST('sortorder', 'aZ09comma');
140 $optioncss = GETPOST('optioncss', 'alpha');
141 $page = GETPOSTISSET('pageplusone') ? (GETPOST('pageplusone') - 1) : GETPOST("page", 'int');
142 if (empty($page) || $page < 0) {
143  $page = 0;
144 }
145 $offset = $limit * $page;
146 $pageprev = $page - 1;
147 $pagenext = $page + 1;
148 if ($sortorder == "") {
149  $sortorder = "ASC";
150 }
151 if ($sortfield == "") {
152  $sortfield = "t.piece_num,t.rowid";
153 }
155 // Initialize technical object to manage hooks of page. Note that conf->hooks_modules contains array of hook context
156 $object = new BookKeeping($db);
157 $hookmanager->initHooks(array('bookkeepingexport'));
159 $formaccounting = new FormAccounting($db);
160 $form = new Form($db);
162 if (!in_array($action, array('export_file', 'delmouv', 'delmouvconfirm')) && !GETPOSTISSET('begin') && !GETPOSTISSET('formfilteraction') && GETPOST('page', 'int') == '' && !GETPOST('noreset', 'int') && $user->hasRight('accounting', 'mouvements', 'export')) {
163  if (empty($search_date_start) && empty($search_date_end) && !GETPOSTISSET('restore_lastsearch_values') && !GETPOST('search_accountancy_code_start')) {
164  $query = "SELECT date_start, date_end from ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."accounting_fiscalyear ";
165  $query .= " where date_start < '".$db->idate(dol_now())."' and date_end > '".$db->idate(dol_now())."' limit 1";
166  $res = $db->query($query);
168  if ($res->num_rows > 0) {
169  $fiscalYear = $db->fetch_object($res);
170  $search_date_start = strtotime($fiscalYear->date_start);
171  $search_date_end = strtotime($fiscalYear->date_end);
172  } else {
173  $month_start = ($conf->global->SOCIETE_FISCAL_MONTH_START ? ($conf->global->SOCIETE_FISCAL_MONTH_START) : 1);
174  $year_start = dol_print_date(dol_now(), '%Y');
175  if (dol_print_date(dol_now(), '%m') < $month_start) {
176  $year_start--; // If current month is lower that starting fiscal month, we start last year
177  }
178  $year_end = $year_start + 1;
179  $month_end = $month_start - 1;
180  if ($month_end < 1) {
181  $month_end = 12;
182  $year_end--;
183  }
184  $search_date_start = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month_start, 1, $year_start);
185  $search_date_end = dol_get_last_day($year_end, $month_end);
186  }
187  }
188 }
191 $arrayfields = array(
192  't.piece_num'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("TransactionNumShort"), 'checked'=>1),
193  't.code_journal'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("Codejournal"), 'checked'=>1),
194  't.doc_date'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("Docdate"), 'checked'=>1),
195  't.doc_ref'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("Piece"), 'checked'=>1),
196  't.numero_compte'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("AccountAccountingShort"), 'checked'=>1),
197  't.subledger_account'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("SubledgerAccount"), 'checked'=>1),
198  't.label_operation'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("Label"), 'checked'=>1),
199  't.debit'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("AccountingDebit"), 'checked'=>1),
200  ''=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("AccountingCredit"), 'checked'=>1),
201  't.lettering_code'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("LetteringCode"), 'checked'=>1),
202  't.date_creation'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("DateCreation"), 'checked'=>0),
203  't.tms'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("DateModification"), 'checked'=>0),
204  't.date_export'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("DateExport"), 'checked'=>1),
205  't.date_validated'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("DateValidationAndLock"), 'checked'=>1, 'enabled'=>!getDolGlobalString("ACCOUNTANCY_DISABLE_CLOSURE_LINE_BY_LINE")),
206  't.import_key'=>array('label'=>$langs->trans("ImportId"), 'checked'=>0, 'position'=>1100),
207 );
209 if (empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_ENABLE_LETTERING)) {
210  unset($arrayfields['t.lettering_code']);
211 }
213 $accountancyexport = new AccountancyExport($db);
214 $listofformat = $accountancyexport->getType();
215 $formatexportset = getDolGlobalString('ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_MODELCSV');
216 if (empty($listofformat[$formatexportset])) {
217  $formatexportset = 1;
218 }
220 $error = 0;
222 if (!isModEnabled('accounting')) {
223  accessforbidden();
224 }
225 if ($user->socid > 0) {
226  accessforbidden();
227 }
228 if (!$user->hasRight('accounting', 'mouvements', 'lire')) {
229  accessforbidden();
230 }
233 /*
234  * Actions
235  */
237 $param = '';
239 if (GETPOST('cancel', 'alpha')) {
240  $action = 'list'; $massaction = '';
241 }
242 if (!GETPOST('confirmmassaction', 'alpha')) {
243  $massaction = '';
244 }
246 $parameters = array('socid'=>$socid);
247 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('doActions', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
248 if ($reshook < 0) {
249  setEventMessages($hookmanager->error, $hookmanager->errors, 'errors');
250 }
252 if (empty($reshook)) {
253  include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/';
255  if (GETPOST('button_removefilter_x', 'alpha') || GETPOST('button_removefilter.x', 'alpha') || GETPOST('button_removefilter', 'alpha')) { // All tests are required to be compatible with all browsers
256  $search_mvt_num = '';
257  $search_doc_type = '';
258  $search_doc_ref = '';
259  $search_doc_date = '';
260  $search_account_category = '';
261  $search_accountancy_code = '';
262  $search_accountancy_code_start = '';
263  $search_accountancy_code_end = '';
264  $search_accountancy_aux_code = '';
265  $search_accountancy_aux_code_start = '';
266  $search_accountancy_aux_code_end = '';
267  $search_mvt_label = '';
268  $search_direction = '';
269  $search_ledger_code = array();
270  $search_date_startyear = '';
271  $search_date_startmonth = '';
272  $search_date_startday = '';
273  $search_date_endyear = '';
274  $search_date_endmonth = '';
275  $search_date_endday = '';
276  $search_date_start = '';
277  $search_date_end = '';
278  $search_date_creation_startyear = '';
279  $search_date_creation_startmonth = '';
280  $search_date_creation_startday = '';
281  $search_date_creation_endyear = '';
282  $search_date_creation_endmonth = '';
283  $search_date_creation_endday = '';
284  $search_date_creation_start = '';
285  $search_date_creation_end = '';
286  $search_date_modification_startyear = '';
287  $search_date_modification_startmonth = '';
288  $search_date_modification_startday = '';
289  $search_date_modification_endyear = '';
290  $search_date_modification_endmonth = '';
291  $search_date_modification_endday = '';
292  $search_date_modification_start = '';
293  $search_date_modification_end = '';
294  $search_date_export_startyear = '';
295  $search_date_export_startmonth = '';
296  $search_date_export_startday = '';
297  $search_date_export_endyear = '';
298  $search_date_export_endmonth = '';
299  $search_date_export_endday = '';
300  $search_date_export_start = '';
301  $search_date_export_end = '';
302  $search_date_validation_startyear = '';
303  $search_date_validation_startmonth = '';
304  $search_date_validation_startday = '';
305  $search_date_validation_endyear = '';
306  $search_date_validation_endmonth = '';
307  $search_date_validation_endday = '';
308  $search_date_validation_start = '';
309  $search_date_validation_end = '';
310  $search_debit = '';
311  $search_credit = '';
312  $search_lettering_code = '';
313  $search_not_reconciled = '';
314  $search_import_key = '';
315  $toselect = array();
316  }
318  // Must be after the remove filter action, before the export.
319  $filter = array();
320  if (!empty($search_date_start)) {
321  $filter['t.doc_date>='] = $search_date_start;
322  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_start);
323  $param .= '&search_date_startmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_startday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_startyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
324  }
325  if (!empty($search_date_end)) {
326  $filter['t.doc_date<='] = $search_date_end;
327  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_end);
328  $param .= '&search_date_endmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_endday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_endyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
329  }
330  if (!empty($search_doc_date)) {
331  $filter['t.doc_date'] = $search_doc_date;
332  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_doc_date);
333  $param .= '&doc_datemonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&doc_dateday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&doc_dateyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
334  }
335  if (!empty($search_doc_type)) {
336  $filter['t.doc_type'] = $search_doc_type;
337  $param .= '&search_doc_type='.urlencode($search_doc_type);
338  }
339  if (!empty($search_doc_ref)) {
340  $filter['t.doc_ref'] = $search_doc_ref;
341  $param .= '&search_doc_ref='.urlencode($search_doc_ref);
342  }
343  if ($search_account_category != '-1' && !empty($search_account_category)) {
344  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/accountancy/class/accountancycategory.class.php';
345  $accountingcategory = new AccountancyCategory($db);
347  $listofaccountsforgroup = $accountingcategory->getCptsCat(0, 'fk_accounting_category = '.((int) $search_account_category));
348  $listofaccountsforgroup2 = array();
349  if (is_array($listofaccountsforgroup)) {
350  foreach ($listofaccountsforgroup as $tmpval) {
351  $listofaccountsforgroup2[] = "'".$db->escape($tmpval['id'])."'";
352  }
353  }
354  $filter['t.search_accounting_code_in'] = join(',', $listofaccountsforgroup2);
355  $param .= '&search_account_category='.urlencode($search_account_category);
356  }
357  if (!empty($search_accountancy_code)) {
358  $filter['t.numero_compte'] = $search_accountancy_code;
359  $param .= '&search_accountancy_code='.urlencode($search_accountancy_code);
360  }
361  if (!empty($search_accountancy_code_start)) {
362  $filter['t.numero_compte>='] = $search_accountancy_code_start;
363  $param .= '&search_accountancy_code_start='.urlencode($search_accountancy_code_start);
364  }
365  if (!empty($search_accountancy_code_end)) {
366  $filter['t.numero_compte<='] = $search_accountancy_code_end;
367  $param .= '&search_accountancy_code_end='.urlencode($search_accountancy_code_end);
368  }
369  if (!empty($search_accountancy_aux_code)) {
370  $filter['t.subledger_account'] = $search_accountancy_aux_code;
371  $param .= '&search_accountancy_aux_code='.urlencode($search_accountancy_aux_code);
372  }
373  if (!empty($search_accountancy_aux_code_start)) {
374  $filter['t.subledger_account>='] = $search_accountancy_aux_code_start;
375  $param .= '&search_accountancy_aux_code_start='.urlencode($search_accountancy_aux_code_start);
376  }
377  if (!empty($search_accountancy_aux_code_end)) {
378  $filter['t.subledger_account<='] = $search_accountancy_aux_code_end;
379  $param .= '&search_accountancy_aux_code_end='.urlencode($search_accountancy_aux_code_end);
380  }
381  if (!empty($search_mvt_label)) {
382  $filter['t.label_operation'] = $search_mvt_label;
383  $param .= '&search_mvt_label='.urlencode($search_mvt_label);
384  }
385  if (!empty($search_direction)) {
386  $filter['t.sens'] = $search_direction;
387  $param .= '&search_direction='.urlencode($search_direction);
388  }
389  if (!empty($search_ledger_code)) {
390  $filter['t.code_journal'] = $search_ledger_code;
391  foreach ($search_ledger_code as $code) {
392  $param .= '&search_ledger_code[]='.urlencode($code);
393  }
394  }
395  if (!empty($search_mvt_num)) {
396  $filter['t.piece_num'] = $search_mvt_num;
397  $param .= '&search_mvt_num='.urlencode($search_mvt_num);
398  }
399  if (!empty($search_date_creation_start)) {
400  $filter['t.date_creation>='] = $search_date_creation_start;
401  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_creation_start);
402  $param .= '&search_date_creation_startmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_creation_startday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_creation_startyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
403  }
404  if (!empty($search_date_creation_end)) {
405  $filter['t.date_creation<='] = $search_date_creation_end;
406  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_creation_end);
407  $param .= '&search_date_creation_endmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_creation_endday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_creation_endyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
408  }
409  if (!empty($search_date_modification_start)) {
410  $filter['t.tms>='] = $search_date_modification_start;
411  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_modification_start);
412  $param .= '&search_date_modification_startmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_modification_startday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_modification_startyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
413  }
414  if (!empty($search_date_modification_end)) {
415  $filter['t.tms<='] = $search_date_modification_end;
416  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_modification_end);
417  $param .= '&search_date_modification_endmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_modification_endday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_modification_endyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
418  }
419  if (!empty($search_date_export_start)) {
420  $filter['t.date_export>='] = $search_date_export_start;
421  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_export_start);
422  $param .= '&search_date_export_startmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_export_startday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_export_startyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
423  }
424  if (!empty($search_date_export_end)) {
425  $filter['t.date_export<='] = $search_date_export_end;
426  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_export_end);
427  $param .= '&search_date_export_endmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_export_endday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_export_endyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
428  }
429  if (!empty($search_date_validation_start)) {
430  $filter['t.date_validated>='] = $search_date_validation_start;
431  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_validation_start);
432  $param .= '&search_date_validation_startmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_validation_startday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_validation_startyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
433  }
434  if (!empty($search_date_validation_end)) {
435  $filter['t.date_validated<='] = $search_date_validation_end;
436  $tmp = dol_getdate($search_date_validation_end);
437  $param .= '&search_date_validation_endmonth='.urlencode($tmp['mon']).'&search_date_validation_endday='.urlencode($tmp['mday']).'&search_date_validation_endyear='.urlencode($tmp['year']);
438  }
439  if (!empty($search_debit)) {
440  $filter['t.debit'] = $search_debit;
441  $param .= '&search_debit='.urlencode($search_debit);
442  }
443  if (!empty($search_credit)) {
444  $filter[''] = $search_credit;
445  $param .= '&search_credit='.urlencode($search_credit);
446  }
447  if (!empty($search_lettering_code)) {
448  $filter['t.lettering_code'] = $search_lettering_code;
449  $param .= '&search_lettering_code='.urlencode($search_lettering_code);
450  }
451  if (!empty($search_not_reconciled)) {
452  $filter['t.reconciled_option'] = $search_not_reconciled;
453  $param .= '&search_not_reconciled='.urlencode($search_not_reconciled);
454  }
455  if (!empty($search_import_key)) {
456  $filter['t.import_key'] = $search_import_key;
457  $param .= '&search_import_key='.urlencode($search_import_key);
458  }
460  if ($action == 'setreexport') {
461  $setreexport = GETPOST('value', 'int');
462  if (!dolibarr_set_const($db, "ACCOUNTING_REEXPORT", $setreexport, 'yesno', 0, '', $conf->entity)) {
463  $error++;
464  }
466  if (!$error) {
467  if (empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_REEXPORT)) {
468  setEventMessages($langs->trans("ExportOfPiecesAlreadyExportedIsDisable"), null, 'mesgs');
469  } else {
470  setEventMessages($langs->trans("ExportOfPiecesAlreadyExportedIsEnable"), null, 'warnings');
471  }
472  } else {
473  setEventMessages($langs->trans("Error"), null, 'errors');
474  }
475  }
477  // Mass actions
478  $objectclass = 'Bookkeeping';
479  $objectlabel = 'Bookkeeping';
480  $permissiontoread = $user->hasRight('societe', 'lire');
481  $permissiontodelete = $user->hasRight('societe', 'supprimer');
482  $permissiontoadd = $user->hasRight('societe', 'creer');
483  $uploaddir = $conf->societe->dir_output;
484  include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/';
485 }
487 // Build and execute select (used by page and export action)
488 // must de set after the action that set $filter
489 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
491 $sql = 'SELECT';
492 $sql .= ' t.rowid,';
493 $sql .= " t.doc_date,";
494 $sql .= " t.doc_type,";
495 $sql .= " t.doc_ref,";
496 $sql .= " t.fk_doc,";
497 $sql .= " t.fk_docdet,";
498 $sql .= " t.thirdparty_code,";
499 $sql .= " t.subledger_account,";
500 $sql .= " t.subledger_label,";
501 $sql .= " t.numero_compte,";
502 $sql .= " t.label_compte,";
503 $sql .= " t.label_operation,";
504 $sql .= " t.debit,";
505 $sql .= ",";
506 $sql .= " t.lettering_code,";
507 $sql .= " t.montant as amount,";
508 $sql .= " t.sens,";
509 $sql .= " t.fk_user_author,";
510 $sql .= " t.import_key,";
511 $sql .= " t.code_journal,";
512 $sql .= " t.journal_label,";
513 $sql .= " t.piece_num,";
514 $sql .= " t.date_creation,";
515 $sql .= " t.tms as date_modification,";
516 $sql .= " t.date_export,";
517 $sql .= " t.date_validated as date_validation,";
518 $sql .= " t.import_key";
520 $sqlfields = $sql; // $sql fields to remove for count total
522 $sql .= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$object->table_element.' as t';
523 // Manage filter
524 $sqlwhere = array();
525 if (count($filter) > 0) {
526  foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
527  if ($key == 't.doc_date') {
528  $sqlwhere[] = $key."='".$db->idate($value)."'";
529  } elseif ($key == 't.doc_date>=' || $key == 't.doc_date<=') {
530  $sqlwhere[] = $key."'".$db->idate($value)."'";
531  } elseif ($key == 't.numero_compte>=' || $key == 't.numero_compte<=' || $key == 't.subledger_account>=' || $key == 't.subledger_account<=') {
532  $sqlwhere[] = $key."'".$db->escape($value)."'";
533  } elseif ($key == 't.fk_doc' || $key == 't.fk_docdet' || $key == 't.piece_num') {
534  $sqlwhere[] = $key.'='.((int) $value);
535  } elseif ($key == 't.subledger_account' || $key == 't.numero_compte') {
536  $sqlwhere[] = $key." LIKE '".$db->escape($value)."%'";
537  } elseif ($key == 't.subledger_account') {
538  $sqlwhere[] = natural_search($key, $value, 0, 1);
539  } elseif ($key == 't.date_creation>=' || $key == 't.date_creation<=') {
540  $sqlwhere[] = $key."'".$db->idate($value)."'";
541  } elseif ($key == 't.tms>=' || $key == 't.tms<=') {
542  $sqlwhere[] = $key."'".$db->idate($value)."'";
543  } elseif ($key == 't.date_export>=' || $key == 't.date_export<=') {
544  $sqlwhere[] = $key."'".$db->idate($value)."'";
545  } elseif ($key == 't.date_validated>=' || $key == 't.date_validated<=') {
546  $sqlwhere[] = $key."'".$db->idate($value)."'";
547  } elseif ($key == '' || $key == 't.debit') {
548  $sqlwhere[] = natural_search($key, $value, 1, 1);
549  } elseif ($key == 't.reconciled_option') {
550  $sqlwhere[] = 't.lettering_code IS NULL';
551  } elseif ($key == 't.code_journal' && !empty($value)) {
552  if (is_array($value)) {
553  $sqlwhere[] = natural_search("t.code_journal", join(',', $value), 3, 1);
554  } else {
555  $sqlwhere[] = natural_search("t.code_journal", $value, 3, 1);
556  }
557  } elseif ($key == 't.search_accounting_code_in' && !empty($value)) {
558  $sqlwhere[] = 't.numero_compte IN ('.$db->sanitize($value, 1).')';
559  } else {
560  $sqlwhere[] = natural_search($key, $value, 0, 1);
561  }
562  }
563 }
564 $sql .= ' WHERE t.entity IN ('.getEntity('accountancy').')';
565 if (empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_REEXPORT)) { // Reexport not enabled (default mode)
566  $sql .= " AND t.date_export IS NULL";
567 }
568 if (count($sqlwhere) > 0) {
569  $sql .= ' AND '.implode(' AND ', $sqlwhere);
570 }
571 //print $sql;
574 // Export into a file with format defined into setup (FEC, CSV, ...)
575 // Must be after definition of $sql
576 if ($action == 'export_fileconfirm' && $user->hasRight('accounting', 'mouvements', 'export')) {
577  // TODO Replace the fetchAll to get all ->line followed by call to ->export(). fetchAll() currently consumes too much memory on large export.
578  // Replace this with the query($sql) and loop on each line to export them.
579  $result = $object->fetchAll($sortorder, $sortfield, 0, 0, $filter, 'AND', (empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_REEXPORT) ? 0 : 1));
581  if ($result < 0) {
582  setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
583  } else {
584  // Export files then exit
585  $accountancyexport = new AccountancyExport($db);
587  $formatexport = GETPOST('formatexport', 'int');
588  $notexportlettering = GETPOST('notexportlettering', 'alpha');
590  if (!empty($notexportlettering)) {
591  if (is_array($object->lines)) {
592  foreach ($object->lines as $k => $movement) {
593  unset($object->lines[$k]->lettering_code);
594  unset($object->lines[$k]->date_lettering);
595  }
596  }
597  }
599  $notifiedexportdate = GETPOST('notifiedexportdate', 'alpha');
600  $notifiedvalidationdate = GETPOST('notifiedvalidationdate', 'alpha');
601  $withAttachment = !empty(trim(GETPOST('notifiedexportfull', 'alphanohtml'))) ? 1 : 0;
603  // Output data on screen or download
604  $result = $accountancyexport->export($object->lines, $formatexport, $withAttachment);
606  $error = 0;
607  if ($result < 0) {
608  $error++;
609  } else {
610  if (!empty($notifiedexportdate) || !empty($notifiedvalidationdate)) {
611  if (is_array($object->lines)) {
612  dol_syslog("/accountancy/bookkeeping/list.php Function export_file Specify movements as exported", LOG_DEBUG);
614  // Specify as export : update field date_export or date_validated
615  $db->begin();
617  // TODO Merge update for each line into one global using rowid IN (list of movement ids)
618  foreach ($object->lines as $movement) {
619  $now = dol_now();
621  $setfields = '';
622  if (!empty($notifiedexportdate) && empty($movement->date_export)) {
623  $setfields .= ($setfields ? "," : "")." date_export = '".$db->idate($now)."'";
624  }
625  if (!empty($notifiedvalidationdate) && empty($movement->date_validation)) {
626  $setfields .= ($setfields ? "," : "")." date_validated = '".$db->idate($now)."'";
627  }
629  if ($setfields) {
630  $sql = " UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."accounting_bookkeeping";
631  $sql .= " SET ".$setfields;
632  $sql .= " WHERE rowid = ".((int) $movement->id);
634  $result = $db->query($sql);
635  if (!$result) {
636  $error++;
637  break;
638  }
639  }
640  }
642  if (!$error) {
643  $db->commit();
644  } else {
645  $error++;
646  $accountancyexport->errors[] = $langs->trans('NotAllExportedMovementsCouldBeRecordedAsExportedOrValidated');
647  $db->rollback();
648  }
649  }
650  }
651  }
653  if ($error) {
654  setEventMessages('', $accountancyexport->errors, 'errors');
655  header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
656  }
657  exit(); // download or show errors
658  }
659 }
662 /*
663  * View
664  */
666 $formother = new FormOther($db);
667 $formfile = new FormFile($db);
669 $title_page = $langs->trans("Operations").' - '.$langs->trans("ExportAccountancy");
671 // Count total nb of records
672 $nbtotalofrecords = '';
673 if (!getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_DISABLE_FULL_SCANLIST')) {
674  /* The fast and low memory method to get and count full list converts the sql into a sql count */
675  $sqlforcount = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($sqlfields, '/').'/', 'SELECT COUNT(*) as nbtotalofrecords', $sql);
676  $sqlforcount = preg_replace('/GROUP BY .*$/', '', $sqlforcount);
677  $resql = $db->query($sqlforcount);
678  if ($resql) {
679  $objforcount = $db->fetch_object($resql);
680  $nbtotalofrecords = $objforcount->nbtotalofrecords;
681  } else {
682  dol_print_error($db);
683  }
685  if (($page * $limit) > $nbtotalofrecords) { // if total resultset is smaller then paging size (filtering), goto and load page 0
686  $page = 0;
687  $offset = 0;
688  }
689  $db->free($resql);
690 }
692 // Complete request and execute it with limit
693 $sql .= $db->order($sortfield, $sortorder);
694 if ($limit) {
695  $sql .= $db->plimit($limit + 1, $offset);
696 }
698 $resql = $db->query($sql);
699 if (!$resql) {
700  dol_print_error($db);
701  exit;
702 }
704 $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
706 $arrayofselected = is_array($toselect) ? $toselect : array();
708 // Output page
709 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
711 llxHeader('', $title_page);
713 $formconfirm = '';
715 if ($action == 'export_file') {
716  $form_question = array();
718  $form_question['formatexport'] = array(
719  'name' => 'formatexport',
720  'type' => 'select',
721  'label' => $langs->trans('Modelcsv'), // TODO Use Selectmodelcsv and show a select combo
722  'values' => $listofformat,
723  'default' => $formatexportset,
724  'morecss' => 'minwidth200 maxwidth200'
725  );
727  $form_question['separator0'] = array('name'=>'separator0', 'type'=>'separator');
729  if (getDolGlobalInt("ACCOUNTING_ENABLE_LETTERING")) {
730  // If 1, we check by default.
731  $checked = !empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_DEFAULT_NOT_EXPORT_LETTERING) ? 'true' : 'false';
732  $form_question['notexportlettering'] = array(
733  'name' => 'notexportlettering',
734  'type' => 'checkbox',
735  'label' => $langs->trans('NotExportLettering'),
736  'value' => $checked,
737  );
739  $form_question['separator1'] = array('name'=>'separator1', 'type'=>'separator');
740  }
742  // If 1 or not set, we check by default.
743  $checked = (!isset($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_DEFAULT_NOT_NOTIFIED_EXPORT_DATE) || !empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_DEFAULT_NOT_NOTIFIED_EXPORT_DATE));
744  $form_question['notifiedexportdate'] = array(
745  'name' => 'notifiedexportdate',
746  'type' => 'checkbox',
747  'label' => $langs->trans('NotifiedExportDate'),
748  'value' => (!empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_DEFAULT_NOT_NOTIFIED_EXPORT_DATE) ? 'false' : 'true'),
749  );
751  $form_question['separator2'] = array('name'=>'separator2', 'type'=>'separator');
754  // If 0 or not set, we NOT check by default.
756  $form_question['notifiedvalidationdate'] = array(
757  'name' => 'notifiedvalidationdate',
758  'type' => 'checkbox',
759  'label' => $langs->trans('NotifiedValidationDate', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("MenuAccountancyClosure")),
760  'value' => $checked,
761  );
763  $form_question['separator3'] = array('name'=>'separator3', 'type'=>'separator');
764  }
766  // add documents in an archive for accountancy export (Quadratus)
767  if (getDolGlobalString('ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_MODELCSV') == AccountancyExport::$EXPORT_TYPE_QUADRATUS) {
768  $form_question['notifiedexportfull'] = array(
769  'name' => 'notifiedexportfull',
770  'type' => 'checkbox',
771  'label' => $langs->trans('NotifiedExportFull'),
772  'value' => 'false',
773  );
774  }
776  $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?'.$param, $langs->trans("ExportFilteredList").'...', $langs->trans('ConfirmExportFile'), 'export_fileconfirm', $form_question, '', 1, 420, 600);
777 }
779 // Print form confirm
780 print $formconfirm;
782 //$param=''; param started before
783 if (!empty($contextpage) && $contextpage != $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) {
784  $param .= '&contextpage='.urlencode($contextpage);
785 }
786 if ($limit > 0 && $limit != $conf->liste_limit) {
787  $param .= '&limit='.urlencode($limit);
788 }
790 // List of mass actions available
791 $arrayofmassactions = array();
792 $massactionbutton = $form->selectMassAction($massaction, $arrayofmassactions);
794 print '<form method="POST" id="searchFormList" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'">';
795 print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
796 print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="list">';
797 if ($optioncss != '') {
798  print '<input type="hidden" name="optioncss" value="'.urlencode($optioncss).'">';
799 }
800 print '<input type="hidden" name="formfilteraction" id="formfilteraction" value="list">';
801 print '<input type="hidden" name="sortfield" value="'.$sortfield.'">';
802 print '<input type="hidden" name="sortorder" value="'.$sortorder.'">';
803 print '<input type="hidden" name="contextpage" value="'.$contextpage.'">';
805 if (count($filter)) {
806  $buttonLabel = $langs->trans("ExportFilteredList");
807 } else {
808  $buttonLabel = $langs->trans("ExportList");
809 }
811 $parameters = array('param' => $param);
812 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('addMoreActionsButtonsList', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
813 if ($reshook < 0) {
814  setEventMessages($hookmanager->error, $hookmanager->errors, 'errors');
815 }
817 $newcardbutton = empty($hookmanager->resPrint) ? '' : $hookmanager->resPrint;
818 if (empty($reshook)) {
819  // Button re-export
820  if (empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_REEXPORT)) {
821  $newcardbutton .= '<a class="valignmiddle" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=setreexport&token='.newToken().'&value=1'.($param ? '&'.$param : '').'&sortfield='.urlencode($sortfield).'&sortorder='.urlencode($sortorder).'">'.img_picto($langs->trans("ClickToShowAlreadyExportedLines"), 'switch_off', 'class="small size15x valignmiddle"');
822  $newcardbutton .= '<span class="valignmiddle marginrightonly paddingleft">'.$langs->trans("ClickToShowAlreadyExportedLines").'</span>';
823  $newcardbutton .= '</a>';
824  } else {
825  $newcardbutton .= '<a class="valignmiddle" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=setreexport&token='.newToken().'&value=0'.($param ? '&'.$param : '').'&sortfield='.urlencode($sortfield).'&sortorder='.urlencode($sortorder).'">'.img_picto($langs->trans("DocsAlreadyExportedAreIncluded"), 'switch_on', 'class="warning size15x valignmiddle"');
826  $newcardbutton .= '<span class="valignmiddle marginrightonly paddingleft">'.$langs->trans("DocsAlreadyExportedAreIncluded").'</span>';
827  $newcardbutton .= '</a>';
828  }
830  if ($user->hasRight('accounting', 'mouvements', 'export')) {
831  $newcardbutton .= dolGetButtonTitle($buttonLabel, $langs->trans("ExportFilteredList"), 'fa fa-file-export paddingleft', $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=export_file&token='.newToken().($param ? '&'.$param : '').'&sortfield='.urlencode($sortfield).'&sortorder='.urlencode($sortorder), $user->hasRight('accounting', 'mouvements', 'export'));
832  }
833 }
835 print_barre_liste($title_page, $page, $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], $param, $sortfield, $sortorder, $massactionbutton, $num, $nbtotalofrecords, 'title_accountancy', 0, $newcardbutton, '', $limit, 0, 0, 1);
837 // Not display message when all the list of docs are included
838 if (empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_REEXPORT)) {
839  print info_admin($langs->trans("WarningDataDisappearsWhenDataIsExported"), 0, 0, 0, 'hideonsmartphone info');
840 }
842 //$topicmail = "Information";
843 //$modelmail = "accountingbookkeeping";
844 //$objecttmp = new BookKeeping($db);
845 //$trackid = 'bk'.$object->id;
846 include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/massactions_pre.tpl.php';
848 $varpage = empty($contextpage) ? $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] : $contextpage;
849 $selectedfields = $form->multiSelectArrayWithCheckbox('selectedfields', $arrayfields, $varpage, getDolGlobalString('MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN', '')); // This also change content of $arrayfields
850 if ($massactionbutton && $contextpage != 'poslist') {
851  $selectedfields .= $form->showCheckAddButtons('checkforselect', 1);
852 }
854 $moreforfilter = '';
855 $moreforfilter .= '<div class="divsearchfield">';
856 $moreforfilter .= $langs->trans('AccountingCategory').': ';
857 $moreforfilter .= '<div class="nowrap inline-block">';
858 $moreforfilter .= $formaccounting->select_accounting_category($search_account_category, 'search_account_category', 1, 0, 0, 0);
859 $moreforfilter .= '</div>';
860 $moreforfilter .= '</div>';
862 $parameters = array();
863 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('printFieldPreListTitle', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
864 if (empty($reshook)) {
865  $moreforfilter .= $hookmanager->resPrint;
866 } else {
867  $moreforfilter = $hookmanager->resPrint;
868 }
870 print '<div class="liste_titre liste_titre_bydiv centpercent">';
871 print $moreforfilter;
872 print '</div>';
874 print '<div class="div-table-responsive">';
875 print '<table class="tagtable liste'.($moreforfilter ? " listwithfilterbefore" : "").'">';
877 // Filters lines
878 print '<tr class="liste_titre_filter">';
879 // Action column
880 if (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN')) {
881  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
882  $searchpicto = $form->showFilterButtons('left');
883  print $searchpicto;
884  print '</td>';
885 }
886 // Movement number
887 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.piece_num']['checked'])) {
888  print '<td class="liste_titre"><input type="text" name="search_mvt_num" size="6" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($search_mvt_num).'"></td>';
889 }
890 // Code journal
891 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.code_journal']['checked'])) {
892  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
893  print $formaccounting->multi_select_journal($search_ledger_code, 'search_ledger_code', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'small maxwidth75');
894  print '</td>';
895 }
896 // Date document
897 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.doc_date']['checked'])) {
898  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
899  print '<div class="nowrap">';
900  print $form->selectDate($search_date_start ? $search_date_start : -1, 'search_date_start', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("From"));
901  print '</div>';
902  print '<div class="nowrap">';
903  print $form->selectDate($search_date_end ? $search_date_end : -1, 'search_date_end', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("to"));
904  print '</div>';
905  print '</td>';
906 }
907 // Ref document
908 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.doc_ref']['checked'])) {
909  print '<td class="liste_titre"><input type="text" name="search_doc_ref" size="8" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($search_doc_ref).'"></td>';
910 }
911 // Accountancy account
912 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.numero_compte']['checked'])) {
913  print '<td class="liste_titre">';
914  print '<div class="nowrap">';
915  print $formaccounting->select_account($search_accountancy_code_start, 'search_accountancy_code_start', $langs->trans('From'), array(), 1, 1, 'maxwidth150', 'account');
916  print '</div>';
917  print '<div class="nowrap">';
918  print $formaccounting->select_account($search_accountancy_code_end, 'search_accountancy_code_end', $langs->trans('to'), array(), 1, 1, 'maxwidth150', 'account');
919  print '</div>';
920  print '</td>';
921 }
922 // Subledger account
923 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.subledger_account']['checked'])) {
924  print '<td class="liste_titre">';
925  // TODO For the moment we keep a free input text instead of a combo. The select_auxaccount has problem because it does not
926  // use setup of keypress to select thirdparty and this hang browser on large database.
927  if (!empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTANCY_COMBO_FOR_AUX)) {
928  print '<div class="nowrap">';
929  //print $langs->trans('From').' ';
930  print $formaccounting->select_auxaccount($search_accountancy_aux_code_start, 'search_accountancy_aux_code_start', $langs->trans('From'), 'maxwidth250', 'subledgeraccount');
931  print '</div>';
932  print '<div class="nowrap">';
933  print $formaccounting->select_auxaccount($search_accountancy_aux_code_end, 'search_accountancy_aux_code_end', $langs->trans('to'), 'maxwidth250', 'subledgeraccount');
934  print '</div>';
935  } else {
936  print '<input type="text" class="maxwidth75" name="search_accountancy_aux_code" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($search_accountancy_aux_code).'">';
937  }
938  print '</td>';
939 }
940 // Label operation
941 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.label_operation']['checked'])) {
942  print '<td class="liste_titre">';
943  print '<input type="text" size="7" class="flat" name="search_mvt_label" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($search_mvt_label).'"/>';
944  print '</td>';
945 }
946 // Debit
947 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.debit']['checked'])) {
948  print '<td class="liste_titre right">';
949  print '<input type="text" class="flat" name="search_debit" size="4" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($search_debit).'">';
950  print '</td>';
951 }
952 // Credit
953 if (!empty($arrayfields['']['checked'])) {
954  print '<td class="liste_titre right">';
955  print '<input type="text" class="flat" name="search_credit" size="4" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($search_credit).'">';
956  print '</td>';
957 }
958 // Lettering code
959 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.lettering_code']['checked'])) {
960  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
961  print '<input type="text" size="3" class="flat" name="search_lettering_code" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($search_lettering_code).'"/>';
962  print '<br><span class="nowrap"><input type="checkbox" id="search_not_reconciled" name="search_not_reconciled" value="notreconciled"'.($search_not_reconciled == 'notreconciled' ? ' checked' : '').'><label for="search_not_reconciled">'.$langs->trans("NotReconciled").'</label></span>';
963  print '</td>';
964 }
966 // Fields from hook
967 $parameters = array('arrayfields'=>$arrayfields);
968 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('printFieldListOption', $parameters); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
969 print $hookmanager->resPrint;
971 // Date creation
972 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.date_creation']['checked'])) {
973  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
974  print '<div class="nowrap">';
975  print $form->selectDate($search_date_creation_start, 'search_date_creation_start', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("From"));
976  print '</div>';
977  print '<div class="nowrap">';
978  print $form->selectDate($search_date_creation_end, 'search_date_creation_end', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("to"));
979  print '</div>';
980  print '</td>';
981 }
982 // Date modification
983 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.tms']['checked'])) {
984  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
985  print '<div class="nowrap">';
986  print $form->selectDate($search_date_modification_start, 'search_date_modification_start', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("From"));
987  print '</div>';
988  print '<div class="nowrap">';
989  print $form->selectDate($search_date_modification_end, 'search_date_modification_end', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("From"));
990  print '</div>';
991  print '</td>';
992 }
993 // Date export
994 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.date_export']['checked'])) {
995  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
996  print '<div class="nowrap">';
997  print $form->selectDate($search_date_export_start, 'search_date_export_start', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("From"));
998  print '</div>';
999  print '<div class="nowrap">';
1000  print $form->selectDate($search_date_export_end, 'search_date_export_end', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("to"));
1001  print '</div>';
1002  print '</td>';
1003 }
1004 // Date validation
1005 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.date_validated']['checked'])) {
1006  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
1007  print '<div class="nowrap">';
1008  print $form->selectDate($search_date_validation_start, 'search_date_validation_start', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("From"));
1009  print '</div>';
1010  print '<div class="nowrap">';
1011  print $form->selectDate($search_date_validation_end, 'search_date_validation_end', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("to"));
1012  print '</div>';
1013  print '</td>';
1014 }
1015 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.import_key']['checked'])) {
1016  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
1017  print '<input class="flat searchstring maxwidth50" type="text" name="search_import_key" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($search_import_key).'">';
1018  print '</td>';
1019 }
1020 // Action column
1021 if (!getDolGlobalString('MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN')) {
1022  print '<td class="liste_titre center">';
1023  $searchpicto = $form->showFilterButtons();
1024  print $searchpicto;
1025  print '</td>';
1026 }
1027 print "</tr>\n";
1029 print '<tr class="liste_titre">';
1030 if (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN')) {
1031  print_liste_field_titre($selectedfields, $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "", '', '', '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center maxwidthsearch actioncolumn ');}
1032 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.piece_num']['checked'])) {
1033  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.piece_num']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.piece_num", "", $param, "", $sortfield, $sortorder);
1034 }
1035 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.code_journal']['checked'])) {
1036  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.code_journal']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.code_journal", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center ');
1037 }
1038 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.doc_date']['checked'])) {
1039  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.doc_date']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.doc_date", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center ');
1040 }
1041 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.doc_ref']['checked'])) {
1042  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.doc_ref']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.doc_ref", "", $param, "", $sortfield, $sortorder);
1043 }
1044 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.numero_compte']['checked'])) {
1045  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.numero_compte']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.numero_compte", "", $param, "", $sortfield, $sortorder);
1046 }
1047 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.subledger_account']['checked'])) {
1048  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.subledger_account']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.subledger_account", "", $param, "", $sortfield, $sortorder);
1049 }
1050 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.label_operation']['checked'])) {
1051  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.label_operation']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.label_operation", "", $param, "", $sortfield, $sortorder);
1052 }
1053 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.debit']['checked'])) {
1054  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.debit']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.debit", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'right ');
1055 }
1056 if (!empty($arrayfields['']['checked'])) {
1057  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'right ');
1058 }
1059 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.lettering_code']['checked'])) {
1060  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.lettering_code']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.lettering_code", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center ');
1061 }
1062 // Hook fields
1063 $parameters = array('arrayfields'=>$arrayfields, 'param'=>$param, 'sortfield'=>$sortfield, 'sortorder'=>$sortorder);
1064 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('printFieldListTitle', $parameters); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
1065 print $hookmanager->resPrint;
1066 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.date_creation']['checked'])) {
1067  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.date_creation']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.date_creation", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center ');
1068 }
1069 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.tms']['checked'])) {
1070  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.tms']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.tms", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center ');
1071 }
1072 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.date_export']['checked'])) {
1073  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.date_export']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.date_export,t.doc_date", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center ');
1074 }
1075 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.date_validated']['checked'])) {
1076  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.date_validated']['label'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "t.date_validated,t.doc_date", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center ');
1077 }
1078 if (!empty($arrayfields['t.import_key']['checked'])) {
1079  print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.import_key']['label'], $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "t.import_key", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center ');
1080 }
1081 if (!getDolGlobalString('MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN')) {
1082  print_liste_field_titre($selectedfields, $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "", '', '', '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center maxwidthsearch ');
1083 }
1084 print "</tr>\n";
1087 $line = new BookKeepingLine();
1089 // Loop on record
1090 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
1091 $i = 0;
1092 $totalarray = array();
1093 $totalarray['nbfield'] = 0;
1094 $total_debit = 0;
1095 $total_credit = 0;
1096 $totalarray['val'] = array ();
1097 $totalarray['val']['totaldebit'] = 0;
1098 $totalarray['val']['totalcredit'] = 0;
1100 while ($i < min($num, $limit)) {
1101  $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
1102  if (empty($obj)) {
1103  break; // Should not happen
1104  }
1106  $line->id = $obj->rowid;
1107  $line->doc_date = $db->jdate($obj->doc_date);
1108  $line->doc_type = $obj->doc_type;
1109  $line->doc_ref = $obj->doc_ref;
1110  $line->fk_doc = $obj->fk_doc;
1111  $line->fk_docdet = $obj->fk_docdet;
1112  $line->thirdparty_code = $obj->thirdparty_code;
1113  $line->subledger_account = $obj->subledger_account;
1114  $line->subledger_label = $obj->subledger_label;
1115  $line->numero_compte = $obj->numero_compte;
1116  $line->label_compte = $obj->label_compte;
1117  $line->label_operation = $obj->label_operation;
1118  $line->debit = $obj->debit;
1119  $line->credit = $obj->credit;
1120  $line->montant = $obj->amount; // deprecated
1121  $line->amount = $obj->amount;
1122  $line->sens = $obj->sens;
1123  $line->lettering_code = $obj->lettering_code;
1124  $line->fk_user_author = $obj->fk_user_author;
1125  $line->import_key = $obj->import_key;
1126  $line->code_journal = $obj->code_journal;
1127  $line->journal_label = $obj->journal_label;
1128  $line->piece_num = $obj->piece_num;
1129  $line->date_creation = $db->jdate($obj->date_creation);
1130  $line->date_modification = $db->jdate($obj->date_modification);
1131  $line->date_export = $db->jdate($obj->date_export);
1132  $line->date_validation = $db->jdate($obj->date_validation);
1134  $total_debit += $line->debit;
1135  $total_credit += $line->credit;
1137  print '<tr class="oddeven">';
1138  // Action column
1139  if (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN')) {
1140  print '<td class="nowraponall center">';
1141  if (($massactionbutton || $massaction) && $contextpage != 'poslist') { // If we are in select mode (massactionbutton defined) or if we have already selected and sent an action ($massaction) defined
1142  $selected = 0;
1143  if (in_array($line->id, $arrayofselected)) {
1144  $selected = 1;
1145  }
1146  print '<input id="cb'.$line->id.'" class="flat checkforselect" type="checkbox" name="toselect[]" value="'.$line->id.'"'.($selected ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />';
1147  }
1148  print '</td>';
1149  if (!$i) {
1150  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1151  }
1152  }
1154  // Piece number
1155  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.piece_num']['checked'])) {
1156  print '<td>';
1157  $object->id = $line->id;
1158  $object->piece_num = $line->piece_num;
1159  print $object->getNomUrl(1, '', 0, '', 1);
1160  print '</td>';
1161  if (!$i) {
1162  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1163  }
1164  }
1166  // Journal code
1167  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.code_journal']['checked'])) {
1168  $accountingjournal = new AccountingJournal($db);
1169  $result = $accountingjournal->fetch('', $line->code_journal);
1170  $journaltoshow = (($result > 0) ? $accountingjournal->getNomUrl(0, 0, 0, '', 0) : $line->code_journal);
1171  print '<td class="center tdoverflowmax150">'.$journaltoshow.'</td>';
1172  if (!$i) {
1173  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1174  }
1175  }
1177  // Document date
1178  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.doc_date']['checked'])) {
1179  print '<td class="center">'.dol_print_date($line->doc_date, 'day').'</td>';
1180  if (!$i) {
1181  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1182  }
1183  }
1185  // Document ref
1186  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.doc_ref']['checked'])) {
1187  if ($line->doc_type == 'customer_invoice') {
1188  $langs->loadLangs(array('bills'));
1190  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php';
1191  $objectstatic = new Facture($db);
1192  $objectstatic->fetch($line->fk_doc);
1193  //$modulepart = 'facture';
1195  $filename = dol_sanitizeFileName($line->doc_ref);
1196  $filedir = $conf->facture->dir_output.'/'.dol_sanitizeFileName($line->doc_ref);
1197  $urlsource = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$objectstatic->id;
1198  $documentlink = $formfile->getDocumentsLink($objectstatic->element, $filename, $filedir);
1199  } elseif ($line->doc_type == 'supplier_invoice') {
1200  $langs->loadLangs(array('bills'));
1202  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/fournisseur.facture.class.php';
1203  $objectstatic = new FactureFournisseur($db);
1204  $objectstatic->fetch($line->fk_doc);
1205  //$modulepart = 'invoice_supplier';
1207  $filename = dol_sanitizeFileName($line->doc_ref);
1208  $filedir = $conf->fournisseur->facture->dir_output.'/'.get_exdir($line->fk_doc, 2, 0, 0, $objectstatic, $modulepart).dol_sanitizeFileName($line->doc_ref);
1209  $subdir = get_exdir($objectstatic->id, 2, 0, 0, $objectstatic, $modulepart).dol_sanitizeFileName($line->doc_ref);
1210  $documentlink = $formfile->getDocumentsLink($objectstatic->element, $subdir, $filedir);
1211  } elseif ($line->doc_type == 'expense_report') {
1212  $langs->loadLangs(array('trips'));
1214  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/expensereport/class/expensereport.class.php';
1215  $objectstatic = new ExpenseReport($db);
1216  $objectstatic->fetch($line->fk_doc);
1217  //$modulepart = 'expensereport';
1219  $filename = dol_sanitizeFileName($line->doc_ref);
1220  $filedir = $conf->expensereport->dir_output.'/'.dol_sanitizeFileName($line->doc_ref);
1221  $urlsource = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$objectstatic->id;
1222  $documentlink = $formfile->getDocumentsLink($objectstatic->element, $filename, $filedir);
1223  } elseif ($line->doc_type == 'bank') {
1224  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/bank/class/account.class.php';
1225  $objectstatic = new AccountLine($db);
1226  $objectstatic->fetch($line->fk_doc);
1227  } else {
1228  // Other type
1229  }
1231  $labeltoshow = '';
1232  $labeltoshowalt = '';
1233  if ($line->doc_type == 'customer_invoice' || $line->doc_type == 'supplier_invoice' || $line->doc_type == 'expense_report') {
1234  $labeltoshow .= $objectstatic->getNomUrl(1, '', 0, 0, '', 0, -1, 1);
1235  $labeltoshow .= $documentlink;
1236  $labeltoshowalt .= $objectstatic->ref;
1237  } elseif ($line->doc_type == 'bank') {
1238  $labeltoshow .= $objectstatic->getNomUrl(1);
1239  $labeltoshowalt .= $objectstatic->ref;
1240  $bank_ref = strstr($line->doc_ref, '-');
1241  $labeltoshow .= " " . $bank_ref;
1242  $labeltoshowalt .= " " . $bank_ref;
1243  } else {
1244  $labeltoshow .= $line->doc_ref;
1245  $labeltoshowalt .= $line->doc_ref;
1246  }
1248  print '<td class="nowraponall tdoverflowmax200" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($labeltoshowalt).'">';
1249  print $labeltoshow;
1250  print "</td>\n";
1251  if (!$i) {
1252  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1253  }
1254  }
1256  // Account number
1257  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.numero_compte']['checked'])) {
1258  print '<td>'.length_accountg($line->numero_compte).'</td>';
1259  if (!$i) {
1260  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1261  }
1262  }
1264  // Subledger account
1265  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.subledger_account']['checked'])) {
1266  print '<td>'.length_accounta($line->subledger_account).'</td>';
1267  if (!$i) {
1268  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1269  }
1270  }
1272  // Label operation
1273  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.label_operation']['checked'])) {
1274  print '<td class="small tdoverflowmax200" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($line->label_operation).'">'.dol_escape_htmltag($line->label_operation).'</td>';
1275  if (!$i) {
1276  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1277  }
1278  }
1280  // Amount debit
1281  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.debit']['checked'])) {
1282  print '<td class="right nowraponall amount">'.($line->debit != 0 ? price($line->debit) : '').'</td>';
1283  if (!$i) {
1284  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1285  }
1286  if (!$i) {
1287  $totalarray['pos'][$totalarray['nbfield']] = 'totaldebit';
1288  }
1289  $totalarray['val']['totaldebit'] += $line->debit;
1290  }
1292  // Amount credit
1293  if (!empty($arrayfields['']['checked'])) {
1294  print '<td class="right nowraponall amount">'.($line->credit != 0 ? price($line->credit) : '').'</td>';
1295  if (!$i) {
1296  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1297  }
1298  if (!$i) {
1299  $totalarray['pos'][$totalarray['nbfield']] = 'totalcredit';
1300  }
1301  $totalarray['val']['totalcredit'] += $line->credit;
1302  }
1304  // Lettering code
1305  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.lettering_code']['checked'])) {
1306  print '<td class="center">'.$line->lettering_code.'</td>';
1307  if (!$i) {
1308  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1309  }
1310  }
1312  // Fields from hook
1313  $parameters = array('arrayfields'=>$arrayfields, 'obj'=>$obj, 'i'=>$i, 'totalarray'=>&$totalarray);
1314  $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('printFieldListValue', $parameters); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
1315  print $hookmanager->resPrint;
1317  // Creation operation date
1318  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.date_creation']['checked'])) {
1319  print '<td class="center">'.dol_print_date($line->date_creation, 'dayhour', 'tzuserrel').'</td>';
1320  if (!$i) {
1321  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1322  }
1323  }
1325  // Modification operation date
1326  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.tms']['checked'])) {
1327  print '<td class="center">'.dol_print_date($line->date_modification, 'dayhour', 'tzuserrel').'</td>';
1328  if (!$i) {
1329  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1330  }
1331  }
1333  // Exported operation date
1334  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.date_export']['checked'])) {
1335  print '<td class="center nowraponall">'.dol_print_date($line->date_export, 'dayhour', 'tzuserrel').'</td>';
1336  if (!$i) {
1337  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1338  }
1339  }
1341  // Validated operation date
1342  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.date_validated']['checked'])) {
1343  print '<td class="center nowraponall">'.dol_print_date($line->date_validation, 'dayhour', 'tzuserrel').'</td>';
1344  if (!$i) {
1345  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1346  }
1347  }
1349  if (!empty($arrayfields['t.import_key']['checked'])) {
1350  print '<td class="tdoverflowmax100">'.$obj->import_key."</td>\n";
1351  if (!$i) {
1352  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1353  }
1354  }
1356  // Action column
1357  if (!getDolGlobalString('MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN')) {
1358  print '<td class="nowraponall center">';
1359  if (($massactionbutton || $massaction) && $contextpage != 'poslist') { // If we are in select mode (massactionbutton defined) or if we have already selected and sent an action ($massaction) defined
1360  $selected = 0;
1361  if (in_array($line->id, $arrayofselected)) {
1362  $selected = 1;
1363  }
1364  print '<input id="cb'.$line->id.'" class="flat checkforselect" type="checkbox" name="toselect[]" value="'.$line->id.'"'.($selected ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />';
1365  }
1366  print '</td>';
1367  if (!$i) {
1368  $totalarray['nbfield']++;
1369  }
1370  }
1373  print "</tr>\n";
1375  $i++;
1376 }
1378 // Show total line
1379 include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/list_print_total.tpl.php';
1381 // If no record found
1382 if ($num == 0) {
1383  $colspan = 1;
1384  foreach ($arrayfields as $key => $val) {
1385  if (!empty($val['checked'])) {
1386  $colspan++;
1387  }
1388  }
1389  print '<tr><td colspan="'.$colspan.'"><span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("NoRecordFound").'</span></td></tr>';
1390 }
1392 $parameters = array('arrayfields'=>$arrayfields, 'sql'=>$sql);
1393 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('printFieldListFooter', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
1394 print $hookmanager->resPrint;
1396 print "</table>";
1397 print '</div>';
1399 print '</form>';
1401 // End of page
1402 llxFooter();
1404 $db->close();
dolibarr_set_const($db, $name, $value, $type='chaine', $visible=0, $note='', $entity=1)
Insert a parameter (key,value) into database (delete old key then insert it again).
Definition: admin.lib.php:638
if(!defined('NOREQUIRESOC')) if(!defined('NOREQUIRETRAN')) if(!defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREMENU')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREAJAX')) llxHeader()
Empty header.
Definition: wrapper.php:56
Empty footer.
Definition: wrapper.php:70
Class to manage bank transaction lines.
Class to manage categories of an accounting account.
Manage the different format accountancy export.
Class to manage accounting accounts.
Class to manage Ledger (General Ledger and Subledger)
Class BookKeepingLine.
Class to manage Trips and Expenses.
Class to manage suppliers invoices.
Class to manage invoices.
Class to manage generation of HTML components for accounting management.
Class to offer components to list and upload files.
Class to manage generation of HTML components Only common components must be here.
Classe permettant la generation de composants html autre Only common components are here.
if(isModEnabled('facture') && $user->hasRight('facture', 'lire')) if((isModEnabled('fournisseur') &&empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_NEW_SUPPLIERMOD) && $user->hasRight("fournisseur", "facture", "lire"))||(isModEnabled('supplier_invoice') && $user->hasRight("supplier_invoice", "lire"))) if(isModEnabled('don') && $user->hasRight('don', 'lire')) if(isModEnabled('tax') &&!empty($user->rights->tax->charges->lire)) if(isModEnabled('facture') &&isModEnabled('commande') && $user->hasRight("commande", "lire") &&empty($conf->global->WORKFLOW_DISABLE_CREATE_INVOICE_FROM_ORDER)) $sql
Social contributions to pay.
Definition: index.php:746
if($cancel &&! $id) if($action=='add' &&! $cancel) if($action=='delete') if($id) $form
Definition: card.php:143
dol_get_last_day($year, $month=12, $gm=false)
Return GMT time for last day of a month or year.
Definition: date.lib.php:596
dol_mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year, $gm='auto', $check=1)
Return a timestamp date built from detailed informations (by default a local PHP server timestamp) Re...
dol_print_error($db='', $error='', $errors=null)
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation...
dolGetButtonTitle($label, $helpText='', $iconClass='fa fa-file', $url='', $id='', $status=1, $params=array())
Function dolGetButtonTitle : this kind of buttons are used in title in list.
natural_search($fields, $value, $mode=0, $nofirstand=0)
Generate natural SQL search string for a criteria (this criteria can be tested on one or several fiel...
price($amount, $form=0, $outlangs='', $trunc=1, $rounding=-1, $forcerounding=-1, $currency_code='')
Function to format a value into an amount for visual output Function used into PDF and HTML pages.
dol_print_date($time, $format='', $tzoutput='auto', $outputlangs='', $encodetooutput=false)
Output date in a string format according to outputlangs (or langs if not defined).
Return date for now.
getDolGlobalInt($key, $default=0)
Return dolibarr global constant int value.
img_picto($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=false, $srconly=0, $notitle=0, $alt='', $morecss='', $marginleftonlyshort=2)
Show picto whatever it's its name (generic function)
Return the value of token currently saved into session with name 'newtoken'.
print_liste_field_titre($name, $file="", $field="", $begin="", $moreparam="", $moreattrib="", $sortfield="", $sortorder="", $prefix="", $tooltip="", $forcenowrapcolumntitle=0)
Show title line of an array.
GETPOST($paramname, $check='alphanohtml', $method=0, $filter=null, $options=null, $noreplace=0)
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
info_admin($text, $infoonimgalt=0, $nodiv=0, $admin='1', $morecss='hideonsmartphone', $textfordropdown='')
Show information for admin users or standard users.
setEventMessages($mesg, $mesgs, $style='mesgs', $messagekey='', $noduplicate=0)
Set event messages in dol_events session object.
print_barre_liste($titre, $page, $file, $options='', $sortfield='', $sortorder='', $morehtmlcenter='', $num=-1, $totalnboflines='', $picto='generic', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morehtmlright='', $morecss='', $limit=-1, $hideselectlimit=0, $hidenavigation=0, $pagenavastextinput=0, $morehtmlrightbeforearrow='')
Print a title with navigation controls for pagination.
dol_sanitizeFileName($str, $newstr='_', $unaccent=1)
Clean a string to use it as a file name.
Return true if we are in a context of submitting the parameter $paramname from a POST of a form.
getDolGlobalString($key, $default='')
Return dolibarr global constant string value.
Is Dolibarr module enabled.
get_exdir($num, $level, $alpha, $withoutslash, $object, $modulepart='')
Return a path to have a the directory according to object where files are stored.
dol_syslog($message, $level=LOG_INFO, $ident=0, $suffixinfilename='', $restricttologhandler='', $logcontext=null)
Write log message into outputs.
dol_getdate($timestamp, $fast=false, $forcetimezone='')
Return an array with locale date info.
dol_escape_htmltag($stringtoescape, $keepb=0, $keepn=0, $noescapetags='', $escapeonlyhtmltags=0, $cleanalsojavascript=0)
Returns text escaped for inclusion in HTML alt or title or value tags, or into values of HTML input f...
if ($action == 'delbookkeepingyear') {
accessforbidden($message='', $printheader=1, $printfooter=1, $showonlymessage=0, $params=null)
Show a message to say access is forbidden and stop program.