dolibarr  18.0.6
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 /* Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Rodolphe Quiedeville <>
3  * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Jean-Louis Bergamo <>
4  * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Laurent Destailleur <>
5  * Copyright (C) 2004 Eric Seigne <>
6  * Copyright (C) 2005-2021 Regis Houssin <>
7  * Copyright (C) 2005 Lionel Cousteix <>
8  * Copyright (C) 2011 Herve Prot <>
9  * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Juanjo Menent <>
10  * Copyright (C) 2013 Florian Henry <>
11  * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Alexandre Spangaro <>
12  * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Jean-François Ferry <>
13  * Copyright (C) 2015 Ari Elbaz (elarifr) <>
14  * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Charlene Benke <>
15  * Copyright (C) 2016 Raphaël Doursenaud <>
16  * Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Frédéric France <>
17  * Copyright (C) 2018 David Beniamine <>
18  *
19  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
20  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
21  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
22  * (at your option) any later version.
23  *
24  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27  * GNU General Public License for more details.
28  *
29  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
31  */
38 // Load Dolibarr environment
39 require '../';
40 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/user/class/user.class.php';
41 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/user/class/usergroup.class.php';
42 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/contact/class/contact.class.php';
43 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formfile.class.php';
44 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/company.lib.php';
45 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/images.lib.php';
46 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/usergroups.lib.php';
47 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/extrafields.class.php';
48 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formadmin.class.php';
49 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formcompany.class.php';
50 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formother.class.php';
51 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
52 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/security2.lib.php';
53 if (isModEnabled('ldap')) {
54  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/ldap.class.php';
55 }
56 if (isModEnabled('adherent')) {
57  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/adherents/class/adherent.class.php';
58 }
59 if (isModEnabled('categorie')) {
60  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/categories/class/categorie.class.php';
61 }
62 if (isModEnabled('stock')) {
63  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/class/html.formproduct.class.php';
64 }
66 // Load translation files required by page
67 $langs->loadLangs(array('users', 'companies', 'ldap', 'admin', 'hrm', 'stocks', 'other'));
69 $id = GETPOST('id', 'int');
70 $action = GETPOST('action', 'aZ09');
71 $mode = GETPOST('mode', 'alpha');
72 $confirm = GETPOST('confirm', 'alpha');
73 $group = GETPOST("group", "int", 3);
74 $cancel = GETPOST('cancel', 'alpha');
75 $contextpage = GETPOST('contextpage', 'aZ') ?GETPOST('contextpage', 'aZ') : 'useracard'; // To manage different context of search
77 if (empty($id) && $action != 'create') {
78  $id = $user->id;
79 }
81 $dateemployment = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('dateemploymentmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('dateemploymentday', 'int'), GETPOST('dateemploymentyear', 'int'));
82 $dateemploymentend = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('dateemploymentendmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('dateemploymentendday', 'int'), GETPOST('dateemploymentendyear', 'int'));
83 $datestartvalidity = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('datestartvaliditymonth', 'int'), GETPOST('datestartvalidityday', 'int'), GETPOST('datestartvalidityyear', 'int'));
84 $dateendvalidity = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('dateendvaliditymonth', 'int'), GETPOST('dateendvalidityday', 'int'), GETPOST('dateendvalidityyear', 'int'));
85 $dateofbirth = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('dateofbirthmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('dateofbirthday', 'int'), GETPOST('dateofbirthyear', 'int'));
87 $childids = $user->getAllChildIds(1); // For later, test on salary visibility
89 $object = new User($db);
90 $extrafields = new ExtraFields($db);
92 // fetch optionals attributes and labels
93 $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($object->table_element);
95 $socialnetworks = getArrayOfSocialNetworks();
97 // Initialize technical object to manage hooks. Note that conf->hooks_modules contains array
98 $hookmanager->initHooks(array('usercard', 'globalcard'));
100 $error = 0;
102 $acceptlocallinktomedia = (acceptLocalLinktoMedia() > 0 ? 1 : 0);
104 if ($id > 0) {
105  $res = $object->fetch($id, '', '', 1);
106 }
108 // Security check
109 $socid = 0;
110 if ($user->socid > 0) {
111  $socid = $user->socid;
112 }
113 $feature2 = 'user';
114 $result = restrictedArea($user, 'user', $id, 'user', $feature2);
116 // Define value to know what current user can do on users
117 $canadduser = (!empty($user->admin) || $user->hasRight("user", "user", "write"));
118 $canreaduser = (!empty($user->admin) || $user->hasRight("user", "user", "read"));
119 $canedituser = (!empty($user->admin) || $user->hasRight("user", "user", "write")); // edit other user
120 $candisableuser = (!empty($user->admin) || $user->hasRight("user", "user", "delete"));
121 $canreadgroup = $canreaduser;
122 $caneditgroup = $canedituser;
123 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS)) {
124  $canreadgroup = (!empty($user->admin) || $user->hasRight("user", "group_advance", "read"));
125  $caneditgroup = (!empty($user->admin) || $user->hasRight("user", "group_advance", "write"));
126 }
128 if ($user->id != $id && !$canreaduser) {
129  accessforbidden();
130 }
132 // Define value to know what current user can do on properties of edited user
133 if ($id > 0) {
134  // $user is the current logged user, $id is the user we want to edit
135  $canedituser = (($user->id == $id) && $user->hasRight("user", "self", "write")) || (($user->id != $id) && $user->hasRight("user", "user", "write"));
136  $caneditfield = ((($user->id == $id) && $user->hasRight("user", "self", "write")) || (($user->id != $id) && $user->hasRight("user", "user", "write")));
137  $caneditpassword = ((($user->id == $id) && $user->hasRight("user", "self", "password")) || (($user->id != $id) && $user->hasRight("user", "user", "password")));
138 }
145 $parameters = array('id' => $id, 'socid' => $socid, 'group' => $group, 'caneditgroup' => $caneditgroup);
146 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('doActions', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
147 if ($reshook < 0) {
148  setEventMessages($hookmanager->error, $hookmanager->errors, 'errors');
149 }
151 if (empty($reshook)) {
152  $backurlforlist = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/user/list.php';
154  if (empty($backtopage) || ($cancel && empty($id))) {
155  if (empty($backtopage) || ($cancel && strpos($backtopage, '__ID__'))) {
156  if (empty($id) && (($action != 'add' && $action != 'create') || $cancel)) {
157  $backtopage = $backurlforlist;
158  } else {
159  $backtopage = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/user/card.php?id='.((!empty($id) && $id > 0) ? $id : '__ID__');
160  }
161  }
162  }
164  if ($cancel) {
165  if (!empty($backtopageforcancel)) {
166  header("Location: ".$backtopageforcancel);
167  exit;
168  } elseif (!empty($backtopage)) {
169  header("Location: ".$backtopage);
170  exit;
171  }
172  $action = '';
173  }
175  if ($action == 'confirm_disable' && $confirm == "yes" && $candisableuser) {
176  if ($id != $user->id) { // A user can't disable itself
177  $object->fetch($id);
178  if ($object->admin && empty($user->admin)) {
179  // If user to delete is an admin user and if logged user is not admin, we deny the operation.
180  $error++;
181  setEventMessages($langs->trans("OnlyAdminUsersCanDisableAdminUsers"), null, 'errors');
182  } else {
183  $object->setstatus(0);
184  header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$id);
185  exit;
186  }
187  }
188  }
190  if ($action == 'confirm_enable' && $confirm == "yes" && $candisableuser) {
191  $error = 0;
193  if ($id != $user->id) {
194  $object->fetch($id);
196  if (!empty($conf->file->main_limit_users)) {
197  $nb = $object->getNbOfUsers("active");
198  if ($nb >= $conf->file->main_limit_users) {
199  $error++;
200  setEventMessages($langs->trans("YourQuotaOfUsersIsReached"), null, 'errors');
201  }
202  }
204  if (!$error) {
205  $object->setstatus(1);
206  header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$id);
207  exit;
208  }
209  }
210  }
212  if ($action == 'confirm_delete' && $confirm == "yes" && $candisableuser) {
213  if ($id != $user->id) {
214  if (!GETPOSTISSET('token')) {
215  print 'Error, token required for this critical operation';
216  exit;
217  }
219  $object = new User($db);
220  $object->fetch($id);
221  $object->oldcopy = clone $object;
223  $result = $object->delete($user);
224  if ($result < 0) {
225  $langs->load("errors");
226  setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorUserCannotBeDelete"), null, 'errors');
227  } else {
228  setEventMessages($langs->trans("RecordDeleted"), null);
229  header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT."/user/list.php?restore_lastsearch_values=1");
230  exit;
231  }
232  }
233  }
235  // Action Add user
236  if ($action == 'add' && $canadduser) {
237  $error = 0;
239  if (!GETPOST("lastname")) {
240  $error++;
241  setEventMessages($langs->trans("NameNotDefined"), null, 'errors');
242  $action = "create"; // Go back to create page
243  }
244  if (!GETPOST("login")) {
245  $error++;
246  setEventMessages($langs->trans("LoginNotDefined"), null, 'errors');
247  $action = "create"; // Go back to create page
248  }
250  if (!empty($conf->file->main_limit_users)) { // If option to limit users is set
251  $nb = $object->getNbOfUsers("active");
252  if ($nb >= $conf->file->main_limit_users) {
253  $error++;
254  setEventMessages($langs->trans("YourQuotaOfUsersIsReached"), null, 'errors');
255  $action = "create"; // Go back to create page
256  }
257  }
259  if (!$error) {
260  $object->civility_code = GETPOST("civility_code", 'aZ09');
261  $object->lastname = GETPOST("lastname", 'alphanohtml');
262  $object->firstname = GETPOST("firstname", 'alphanohtml');
263  $object->ref_employee = GETPOST("ref_employee", 'alphanohtml');
264  $object->national_registration_number = GETPOST("national_registration_number", 'alphanohtml');
265  $object->login = GETPOST("login", 'alphanohtml');
266  $object->api_key = GETPOST("api_key", 'alphanohtml');
267  $object->gender = GETPOST("gender", 'aZ09');
268  $object->admin = GETPOST("admin", 'int');
269  $object->address = GETPOST('address', 'alphanohtml');
270  $object->zip = GETPOST('zipcode', 'alphanohtml');
271  $object->town = GETPOST('town', 'alphanohtml');
272  $object->country_id = GETPOST('country_id', 'int');
273  $object->state_id = GETPOST('state_id', 'int');
274  $object->office_phone = GETPOST("office_phone", 'alphanohtml');
275  $object->office_fax = GETPOST("office_fax", 'alphanohtml');
276  $object->user_mobile = GETPOST("user_mobile", 'alphanohtml');
278  if (isModEnabled('socialnetworks')) {
279  $object->socialnetworks = array();
280  foreach ($socialnetworks as $key => $value) {
281  if (GETPOST($key, 'alphanohtml')) {
282  $object->socialnetworks[$key] = GETPOST($key, 'alphanohtml');
283  }
284  }
285  }
287  $object->email = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', GETPOST("email", 'alphanohtml'));
288  $object->job = GETPOST("job", 'alphanohtml');
289  $object->signature = GETPOST("signature", 'restricthtml');
290  $object->accountancy_code = GETPOST("accountancy_code", 'alphanohtml');
291  $object->note_public = GETPOST("note_public", 'restricthtml');
292  $object->note_private = GETPOST("note_private", 'restricthtml');
293  $object->ldap_sid = GETPOST("ldap_sid", 'alphanohtml');
294  $object->fk_user = GETPOST("fk_user", 'int') > 0 ? GETPOST("fk_user", 'int') : 0;
295  $object->fk_user_expense_validator = GETPOST("fk_user_expense_validator", 'int') > 0 ? GETPOST("fk_user_expense_validator", 'int') : 0;
296  $object->fk_user_holiday_validator = GETPOST("fk_user_holiday_validator", 'int') > 0 ? GETPOST("fk_user_holiday_validator", 'int') : 0;
297  $object->employee = GETPOST('employee', 'alphanohtml');
299  $object->thm = GETPOST("thm", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("thm", 'alphanohtml') : '';
300  $object->thm = price2num($object->thm);
301  $object->tjm = GETPOST("tjm", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("tjm", 'alphanohtml') : '';
302  $object->tjm = price2num($object->tjm);
303  $object->salary = GETPOST("salary", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("salary", 'alphanohtml') : '';
304  $object->salary = price2num($object->salary);
305  $object->salaryextra = GETPOST("salaryextra", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("salaryextra", 'alphanohtml') : '';
306  $object->weeklyhours = GETPOST("weeklyhours", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("weeklyhours", 'alphanohtml') : '';
308  $object->color = GETPOST("color", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("color", 'alphanohtml') : '';
310  $object->dateemployment = $dateemployment;
311  $object->dateemploymentend = $dateemploymentend;
312  $object->datestartvalidity = $datestartvalidity;
313  $object->dateendvalidity = $dateendvalidity;
314  $object->birth = $dateofbirth;
316  $object->fk_warehouse = GETPOST('fk_warehouse', 'int');
318  $object->lang = GETPOST('default_lang', 'aZ09');
320  // Fill array 'array_options' with data from add form
321  $ret = $extrafields->setOptionalsFromPost(null, $object);
322  if ($ret < 0) {
323  $error++;
324  }
326  // Set entity property
327  $entity = GETPOST('entity', 'int');
328  if (isModEnabled('multicompany')) {
329  if (GETPOST('superadmin', 'int')) {
330  $object->entity = 0;
331  } else {
332  if (!empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE)) {
333  $object->entity = 1; // all users are forced into master entity
334  } else {
335  $object->entity = ($entity == '' ? 1 : $entity);
336  }
337  }
338  } else {
339  $object->entity = ($entity == '' ? 1 : $entity);
340  /*if ($user->admin && $user->entity == 0 && GETPOST("admin",'alpha'))
341  {
342  }*/
343  }
345  $db->begin();
347  $id = $object->create($user);
348  if ($id > 0) {
349  $resPass = 0;
350  if (GETPOST('password', 'none')) {
351  $resPass = $object->setPassword($user, GETPOST('password', 'none'));
352  }
353  if (is_int($resPass) && $resPass < 0) {
354  $langs->load("errors");
355  $db->rollback();
356  setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
357  $action = "create"; // Go back to create page
358  } else {
359  if (isModEnabled("categorie")) {
360  // Categories association
361  $usercats = GETPOST('usercats', 'array');
362  $object->setCategories($usercats);
363  }
364  $db->commit();
366  header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$id);
367  exit;
368  }
369  } else {
370  $langs->load("errors");
371  $db->rollback();
372  setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
373  $action = "create"; // Go back to create page
374  }
375  }
376  }
378  // Action add usergroup
379  if (($action == 'addgroup' || $action == 'removegroup') && $caneditgroup) {
380  if ($group) {
381  $editgroup = new UserGroup($db);
382  $editgroup->fetch($group);
383  $editgroup->oldcopy = clone $editgroup;
385  $object->fetch($id);
387  if ($action == 'addgroup') {
388  $result = $object->SetInGroup($group, $editgroup->entity);
389  }
390  if ($action == 'removegroup') {
391  $result = $object->RemoveFromGroup($group, $editgroup->entity);
392  }
394  if ($result > 0) {
395  $action = '';
396  } else {
397  setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
398  }
399  }
400  }
402  if ($action == 'update' && $canedituser) {
403  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php';
405  if ($caneditfield) { // Case we can edit all field
406  $error = 0;
408  if (!GETPOST("lastname", 'alpha')) {
409  setEventMessages($langs->trans("NameNotDefined"), null, 'errors');
410  $action = "edit"; // Go back to create page
411  $error++;
412  }
413  if (!GETPOST("login", 'alpha')) {
414  setEventMessages($langs->trans("LoginNotDefined"), null, 'errors');
415  $action = "edit"; // Go back to create page
416  $error++;
417  }
419  if (!$error) {
420  $object->fetch($id);
422  $object->oldcopy = clone $object;
424  $db->begin();
426  $object->civility_code = GETPOST("civility_code", 'aZ09');
427  $object->lastname = GETPOST("lastname", 'alphanohtml');
428  $object->firstname = GETPOST("firstname", 'alphanohtml');
429  /*
430  * Protection against deletion of ref_employee while the field is not present in the user tab
431  */
432  if (GETPOSTISSET("ref_employee")) {
433  $object->ref_employee = GETPOST("ref_employee", 'alphanohtml');
434  }
435  /*
436  * Protection against deletion of national_registration_number while the field is not present in the user tab
437  */
438  if (GETPOSTISSET("national_registration_number")) {
439  $object->national_registration_number = GETPOST("national_registration_number", 'alphanohtml');
440  }
441  $object->gender = GETPOST("gender", 'aZ09');
442  if ($caneditpassword) {
443  $object->pass = GETPOST("password", 'none'); // We can keep 'none' for password fields
444  }
445  if ($caneditpassword || $user->hasRight("api", "apikey", "generate")) {
446  $object->api_key = (GETPOST("api_key", 'alphanohtml')) ? GETPOST("api_key", 'alphanohtml') : $object->api_key;
447  }
448  if (!empty($user->admin) && $user->id != $id) {
449  // admin flag can only be set/unset by an admin user and not four ourself
450  // A test is also done later when forging sql request
451  $object->admin = GETPOST("admin", "int");
452  }
453  if ($user->admin && !$object->ldap_sid) { // same test than on edit page
454  $object->login = GETPOST("login", 'alphanohtml');
455  }
456  $object->address = GETPOST('address', 'alphanohtml');
457  $object->zip = GETPOST('zipcode', 'alphanohtml');
458  $object->town = GETPOST('town', 'alphanohtml');
459  $object->country_id = GETPOST('country_id', 'int');
460  $object->state_id = GETPOST('state_id', 'int');
461  $object->office_phone = GETPOST("office_phone", 'alphanohtml');
462  $object->office_fax = GETPOST("office_fax", 'alphanohtml');
463  $object->user_mobile = GETPOST("user_mobile", 'alphanohtml');
465  if (isModEnabled('socialnetworks')) {
466  $object->socialnetworks = array();
467  foreach ($socialnetworks as $key => $value) {
468  if (GETPOST($key, 'alphanohtml')) {
469  $object->socialnetworks[$key] = GETPOST($key, 'alphanohtml');
470  }
471  }
472  }
474  $object->email = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', GETPOST("email", 'alphanohtml'));
475  $object->job = GETPOST("job", 'alphanohtml');
476  $object->signature = GETPOST("signature", 'restricthtml');
477  $object->accountancy_code = GETPOST("accountancy_code", 'alphanohtml');
478  $object->openid = GETPOST("openid", 'alphanohtml');
479  $object->fk_user = GETPOST("fk_user", 'int') > 0 ? GETPOST("fk_user", 'int') : 0;
480  $object->fk_user_expense_validator = GETPOST("fk_user_expense_validator", 'int') > 0 ? GETPOST("fk_user_expense_validator", 'int') : 0;
481  $object->fk_user_holiday_validator = GETPOST("fk_user_holiday_validator", 'int') > 0 ? GETPOST("fk_user_holiday_validator", 'int') : 0;
482  $object->employee = GETPOST('employee', 'int');
484  $object->thm = GETPOST("thm", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("thm", 'alphanohtml') : '';
485  $object->thm = price2num($object->thm);
486  $object->tjm = GETPOST("tjm", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("tjm", 'alphanohtml') : '';
487  $object->thm = price2num($object->thm);
488  $object->salary = GETPOST("salary", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("salary", 'alphanohtml') : '';
489  $object->salary = price2num($object->salary);
490  $object->salaryextra = GETPOST("salaryextra", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("salaryextra", 'alphanohtml') : '';
491  $object->salaryextra = price2num($object->salaryextra);
492  $object->weeklyhours = GETPOST("weeklyhours", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("weeklyhours", 'alphanohtml') : '';
493  $object->weeklyhours = price2num($object->weeklyhours);
495  $object->color = GETPOST("color", 'alphanohtml') != '' ? GETPOST("color", 'alphanohtml') : '';
496  $object->dateemployment = $dateemployment;
497  $object->dateemploymentend = $dateemploymentend;
498  $object->datestartvalidity = $datestartvalidity;
499  $object->dateendvalidity = $dateendvalidity;
500  $object->birth = $dateofbirth;
502  if (isModEnabled('stock')) {
503  $object->fk_warehouse = GETPOST('fk_warehouse', 'int');
504  }
506  $object->lang = GETPOST('default_lang', 'aZ09');
508  // Do we update also ->entity ?
509  if (isModEnabled('multicompany') && empty($user->entity) && !empty($user->admin)) { // If multicompany is not enabled, we never update the entity of a user.
510  if (GETPOST('superadmin', 'int')) {
511  $object->entity = 0;
512  } else {
513  if (!empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE)) {
514  $object->entity = 1; // all users are in master entity
515  } else {
516  // We try to change the entity of user
517  $object->entity = (GETPOSTISSET('entity') ? GETPOSTINT('entity') : $object->entity);
518  }
519  }
520  }
522  // Fill array 'array_options' with data from add form
523  $ret = $extrafields->setOptionalsFromPost(null, $object, '@GETPOSTISSET');
524  if ($ret < 0) {
525  $error++;
526  }
528  if (GETPOST('deletephoto')) {
529  $object->photo = '';
530  }
531  if (!empty($_FILES['photo']['name'])) {
532  $isimage = image_format_supported($_FILES['photo']['name']);
533  if ($isimage > 0) {
534  $object->photo = dol_sanitizeFileName($_FILES['photo']['name']);
535  } else {
536  $error++;
537  $langs->load("errors");
538  setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorBadImageFormat"), null, 'errors');
539  dol_syslog($langs->transnoentities("ErrorBadImageFormat"), LOG_INFO);
540  }
541  }
543  if (!$error) {
544  $passwordismodified = 0;
545  if (!empty($object->pass)) {
546  if ($object->pass != $object->pass_indatabase && !dol_verifyHash($object->pass, $object->pass_indatabase_crypted)) {
547  $passwordismodified = 1;
548  }
549  }
551  $ret = $object->update($user); // This may include call to setPassword if password has changed
552  if ($ret < 0) {
553  $error++;
554  if ($db->errno() == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS') {
555  $langs->load("errors");
556  setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorLoginAlreadyExists", $object->login), null, 'errors');
557  } else {
558  setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
559  $action = 'edit';
560  }
561  }
562  }
564  if (!$error && GETPOSTISSET('contactid')) {
565  $contactid = GETPOST('contactid', 'int');
566  $socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int');
568  if ($contactid > 0) { // The 'contactid' is used inpriority over the 'socid'
569  $contact = new Contact($db);
570  $contact->fetch($contactid);
572  $sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user";
573  $sql .= " SET fk_socpeople=".((int) $contactid);
574  if (!empty($contact->socid)) {
575  $sql .= ", fk_soc=".((int) $contact->socid);
576  } elseif ($socid > 0) {
577  $sql .= ", fk_soc = null";
578  setEventMessages($langs->trans("WarningUserDifferentContactSocid"), null, 'warnings'); // Add message if post socid != $contact->socid
579  }
580  $sql .= " WHERE rowid = ".((int) $object->id);
581  } elseif ($socid > 0) {
582  $sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user";
583  $sql .= " SET fk_socpeople=NULL, fk_soc=".((int) $socid);
584  $sql .= " WHERE rowid = ".((int) $object->id);
585  } else {
586  $sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user";
587  $sql .= " SET fk_socpeople=NULL, fk_soc=NULL";
588  $sql .= " WHERE rowid = ".((int) $object->id);
589  }
590  dol_syslog("usercard::update", LOG_DEBUG);
591  $resql = $db->query($sql);
592  if (!$resql) {
593  $error++;
594  setEventMessages($db->lasterror(), null, 'errors');
595  }
596  }
598  if (!$error && !count($object->errors)) {
599  if (GETPOST('deletephoto') && $object->oldcopy->photo) {
600  $fileimg = $conf->user->dir_output.'/'.get_exdir(0, 0, 0, 0, $object, 'user').'photos/'.$object->oldcopy->photo;
601  $dirthumbs = $conf->user->dir_output.'/'.get_exdir(0, 0, 0, 0, $object, 'user').'photos/thumbs';
602  dol_delete_file($fileimg);
603  dol_delete_dir_recursive($dirthumbs);
604  }
606  if (isset($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']) && trim($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) {
607  $dir = $conf->user->dir_output.'/'.get_exdir(0, 0, 0, 1, $object, 'user').'/photos';
609  dol_mkdir($dir);
611  if (@is_dir($dir)) {
612  $newfile = $dir.'/'.dol_sanitizeFileName($_FILES['photo']['name']);
613  $result = dol_move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'], $newfile, 1, 0, $_FILES['photo']['error']);
615  if (!($result > 0)) {
616  setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFailedToSaveFile"), null, 'errors');
617  } else {
618  // Create thumbs
619  $object->addThumbs($newfile);
620  }
621  } else {
622  $error++;
623  $langs->load("errors");
624  setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFailedToCreateDir", $dir), $mesgs, 'errors');
625  }
626  }
627  }
629  if (!$error && !count($object->errors)) {
630  // Then we add the associated categories
631  $categories = GETPOST('usercats', 'array');
632  $object->setCategories($categories);
633  }
635  if (!$error && !count($object->errors)) {
636  setEventMessages($langs->trans("UserModified"), null, 'mesgs');
637  $db->commit();
639  $login = $_SESSION["dol_login"];
640  if ($login && $login == $object->oldcopy->login && $object->oldcopy->login != $object->login) { // Current user has changed its login
641  $error++;
642  $langs->load("errors");
643  setEventMessages($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("WarningYourLoginWasModifiedPleaseLogin"), null, 'warnings');
644  }
645  if ($passwordismodified && $object->login == $user->login) { // Current user has changed its password
646  $error++;
647  $langs->load("errors");
648  setEventMessages($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("WarningYourPasswordWasModifiedPleaseLogin"), null, 'warnings');
649  header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT.'/user/card.php?id='.$object->id);
650  exit;
651  }
652  } else {
653  $db->rollback();
654  }
655  }
656  } else {
657  if ($caneditpassword) { // Case we can edit only password
658  dol_syslog("Not allowed to change fields, only password");
660  $object->fetch($id);
662  if (GETPOST("password", "none")) { // If pass is empty, we do not change it.
663  $object->oldcopy = clone $object;
665  $ret = $object->setPassword($user, GETPOST("password", "none"));
666  if (is_int($ret) && $ret < 0) {
667  setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
668  }
669  }
670  }
671  }
672  }
674  // Change password with a new generated one
675  if ((($action == 'confirm_password' && $confirm == 'yes')
676  || ($action == 'confirm_passwordsend' && $confirm == 'yes')) && $caneditpassword
677  ) {
678  $object->fetch($id);
680  $newpassword = $object->setPassword($user, ''); // This will generate a new password
681  if (is_int($newpassword) && $newpassword < 0) {
682  // Echec
683  setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFailedToSetNewPassword"), null, 'errors');
684  } else {
685  // Succes
686  if ($action == 'confirm_passwordsend' && $confirm == 'yes') {
687  if ($object->send_password($user, $newpassword) > 0) {
688  setEventMessages($langs->trans("PasswordChangedAndSentTo", $object->email), null, 'mesgs');
689  } else {
690  setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
691  }
692  } else {
693  setEventMessages($langs->trans("PasswordChangedTo", $newpassword), null, 'warnings');
694  }
695  }
696  }
698  // Action initialisation donnees depuis record LDAP
699  if ($action == 'adduserldap' && $canadduser) {
700  $selecteduser = GETPOST('users');
702  $required_fields = array(
703  $conf->global->LDAP_KEY_USERS,
704  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_NAME,
705  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FIRSTNAME,
706  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_LOGIN,
707  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_LOGIN_SAMBA,
708  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD,
709  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD_CRYPTED,
710  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PHONE,
711  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FAX,
712  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_MOBILE,
713  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_SKYPE,
714  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_MAIL,
715  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_TITLE,
716  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_DESCRIPTION,
717  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_SID
718  );
720  $ldap = new Ldap();
721  $result = $ldap->connect_bind();
722  if ($result >= 0) {
723  // Remove from required_fields all entries not configured in LDAP (empty) and duplicated
724  $required_fields = array_unique(array_values(array_filter($required_fields, "dol_validElement")));
726  $ldapusers = $ldap->getRecords($selecteduser, $conf->global->LDAP_USER_DN, $conf->global->LDAP_KEY_USERS, $required_fields);
727  //print_r($ldapusers);
729  if (is_array($ldapusers)) {
730  foreach ($ldapusers as $key => $attribute) {
731  $ldap_lastname = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_NAME];
732  $ldap_firstname = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FIRSTNAME];
733  $ldap_login = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_LOGIN];
734  $ldap_loginsmb = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_LOGIN_SAMBA];
735  $ldap_pass = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD];
736  $ldap_pass_crypted = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD_CRYPTED];
737  $ldap_phone = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PHONE];
738  $ldap_fax = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FAX];
739  $ldap_mobile = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_MOBILE];
740  $ldap_social['skype'] = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_SKYPE];
741  $ldap_social['twitter'] = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_TWITTER];
742  $ldap_social['facebook'] = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FACEBOOK];
743  $ldap_social['linkedin'] = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_LINKEDIN];
744  $ldap_mail = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_MAIL];
745  $ldap_sid = $attribute[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_SID];
746  }
747  }
748  } else {
749  setEventMessages($ldap->error, $ldap->errors, 'errors');
750  }
751  }
753  // Actions to send emails
754  $triggersendname = 'USER_SENTBYMAIL';
755  $paramname = 'id'; // Name of param key to open the card
756  $mode = 'emailfromuser';
757  $trackid = 'use'.$id;
758  include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/';
760  // Actions to build doc
761  $upload_dir = $conf->user->dir_output;
762  $permissiontoadd = $user->hasRight("user", "user", "write");
763  include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/';
764 }
767 /*
768  * View
769  */
771 $form = new Form($db);
772 $formother = new FormOther($db);
773 $formcompany = new FormCompany($db);
774 $formadmin = new FormAdmin($db);
775 $formfile = new FormFile($db);
776 if (isModEnabled('stock')) {
777  $formproduct = new FormProduct($db);
778 }
780 if ($object->id > 0) {
781  $person_name = !empty($object->firstname) ? $object->lastname.", ".$object->firstname : $object->lastname;
782  $title = $person_name." - ".$langs->trans('Card');
783 } else {
784  if (GETPOST('employee', 'alphanohtml')) {
785  $title = $langs->trans("NewEmployee");
786  } else {
787  $title = $langs->trans("NewUser");
788  }
789 }
790 $help_url = '';
792 llxHeader('', $title, $help_url);
795 if ($action == 'create' || $action == 'adduserldap') {
796  print load_fiche_titre($title, '', 'user');
798  print '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("CreateInternalUserDesc")."</span><br>\n";
799  print "<br>";
802  if (isModEnabled('ldap') && (isset($conf->global->LDAP_SYNCHRO_ACTIVE) && getDolGlobalInt('LDAP_SYNCHRO_ACTIVE') === Ldap::SYNCHRO_LDAP_TO_DOLIBARR)) {
803  // Show form to add an account from LDAP if sync LDAP -> Dolibarr is set
804  $ldap = new Ldap();
805  $result = $ldap->connect_bind();
806  if ($result >= 0) {
807  $required_fields = array(
808  $conf->global->LDAP_KEY_USERS,
809  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FULLNAME,
810  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_NAME,
811  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FIRSTNAME,
812  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_LOGIN,
813  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_LOGIN_SAMBA,
814  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD,
815  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD_CRYPTED,
816  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PHONE,
817  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FAX,
818  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_MOBILE,
819  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_SKYPE,
820  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_MAIL,
821  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_TITLE,
822  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_DESCRIPTION,
823  $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_SID
824  );
826  // Remove from required_fields all entries not configured in LDAP (empty) and duplicated
827  $required_fields = array_unique(array_values(array_filter($required_fields, "dol_validElement")));
829  // Get from LDAP database an array of results
830  $ldapusers = $ldap->getRecords('*', $conf->global->LDAP_USER_DN, $conf->global->LDAP_KEY_USERS, $required_fields, 1);
832  if (is_array($ldapusers)) {
833  $liste = array();
834  foreach ($ldapusers as $key => $ldapuser) {
835  // Define the label string for this user
836  $label = '';
837  foreach ($required_fields as $value) {
838  if ($value === $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD || $value === $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD_CRYPTED) {
839  $label .= $value."=******* ";
840  } elseif ($value) {
841  $label .= $value."=".$ldapuser[$value]." ";
842  }
843  }
844  $liste[$key] = $label;
845  }
846  } else {
847  setEventMessages($ldap->error, $ldap->errors, 'errors');
848  }
849  } else {
850  setEventMessages($ldap->error, $ldap->errors, 'errors');
851  }
853  // If user list is full, we show drop-down list
854  print "\n\n<!-- Form liste LDAP debut -->\n";
856  print '<form name="add_user_ldap" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'" method="post">';
857  print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
858  print '<table class="border centpercent"><tr>';
859  print '<td width="160">';
860  print $langs->trans("LDAPUsers");
861  print '</td>';
862  print '<td>';
863  print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="adduserldap">';
864  if (is_array($liste) && count($liste)) {
865  print $form->selectarray('users', $liste, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 'maxwidth500');
866  print ajax_combobox('users');
867  }
868  print '</td><td class="center">';
869  print '<input type="submit" class="button" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans('Get')).'"'.(count($liste) ? '' : ' disabled').'>';
870  print '</td></tr></table>';
871  print '</form>';
873  print "\n<!-- Form liste LDAP fin -->\n\n";
874  print '<br>';
875  }
878  print '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="createuser">';
879  print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
880  print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add">';
881  if (!empty($ldap_sid)) {
882  print '<input type="hidden" name="ldap_sid" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_sid).'">';
883  }
884  print '<input type="hidden" name="entity" value="'.$conf->entity.'">';
886  print dol_get_fiche_head('', '', '', 0, '');
888  dol_set_focus('#lastname');
890  print '<table class="border centpercent">';
892  // Civility
893  print '<tr><td><label for="civility_code">'.$langs->trans("UserTitle").'</label></td><td>';
894  print $formcompany->select_civility(GETPOSTISSET("civility_code") ? GETPOST("civility_code", 'aZ09') : $object->civility_code, 'civility_code');
895  print '</td></tr>';
897  // Lastname
898  print '<tr>';
899  print '<td class="titlefieldcreate"><span class="fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans("Lastname").'</span></td>';
900  print '<td>';
901  if (!empty($ldap_lastname)) {
902  print '<input type="hidden" id="lastname" name="lastname" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_lastname).'">';
903  print $ldap_lastname;
904  } else {
905  print '<input class="minwidth100 maxwidth150onsmartphone createloginauto" type="text" id="lastname" name="lastname" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('lastname', 'alphanohtml')).'">';
906  }
907  print '</td></tr>';
909  // Firstname
910  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Firstname").'</td>';
911  print '<td>';
912  if (!empty($ldap_firstname)) {
913  print '<input type="hidden" name="firstname" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_firstname).'">';
914  print $ldap_firstname;
915  } else {
916  print '<input id="firstname" class="minwidth100 maxwidth150onsmartphone createloginauto" type="text" name="firstname" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('firstname', 'alphanohtml')).'">';
917  }
918  print '</td></tr>';
920  // Login
921  print '<tr><td><span class="fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans("Login").'</span></td>';
922  print '<td>';
923  if (!empty($ldap_login)) {
924  print '<input type="hidden" name="login" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_login).'">';
925  print $ldap_login;
926  } elseif (!empty($ldap_loginsmb)) {
927  print '<input type="hidden" name="login" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_loginsmb).'">';
928  print $ldap_loginsmb;
929  } else {
930  print '<input id="login" class="maxwidth200 maxwidth150onsmartphone" maxsize="24" type="text" name="login" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('login', 'alphanohtml')).'">';
931  }
932  print '</td></tr>';
934  if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
935  print '<script>
936  jQuery(document).ready(function() {
937  $(".createloginauto").on("change", function(){
938  lastname = $("#lastname").val();
939  firstname = $("#firstname").val();
940  if($(this).attr("id") == "firstname"){
941  firstname = firstname.toLowerCase();
942  firstname = firstname[0];
943  }
944  lastname = lastname.toLowerCase();
945  console.log("We create a login from firstname and lastname");
946  $("#login").val(firstname+lastname);
947  })
948  });
949  </script>';
950  }
952  $generated_password = '';
953  if (empty($ldap_sid)) { // ldap_sid is for activedirectory
954  $generated_password = getRandomPassword(false);
955  }
956  $password = (GETPOSTISSET('password') ?GETPOST('password') : $generated_password);
958  // Administrator
959  if (!empty($user->admin)) {
960  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Administrator").'</td>';
961  print '<td>';
962  print $form->selectyesno('admin', GETPOST('admin'), 1);
964  if (isModEnabled('multicompany') && !$user->entity) {
965  if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
966  print '<script type="text/javascript">
967  $(function() {
968  $("select[name=admin]").change(function() {
969  if ( $(this).val() == 0 ) {
970  $("input[name=superadmin]")
971  .prop("disabled", true)
972  .prop("checked", false);
973  $("select[name=entity]")
974  .prop("disabled", false);
975  } else {
976  $("input[name=superadmin]")
977  .prop("disabled", false);
978  }
979  });
980  $("input[name=superadmin]").change(function() {
981  if ( $(this).is(":checked") ) {
982  $("select[name=entity]")
983  .prop("disabled", true);
984  } else {
985  $("select[name=entity]")
986  .prop("disabled", false);
987  }
988  });
989  });
990  </script>';
991  }
992  $checked = (GETPOST('superadmin', 'int') ? ' checked' : '');
993  $disabled = (GETPOST('superadmin', 'int') ? '' : ' disabled');
994  print '<input type="checkbox" name="superadmin" id="superadmin" value="1"'.$checked.$disabled.' /> <label for="superadmin">'.$langs->trans("SuperAdministrator").'</span>';
995  }
996  print "</td></tr>\n";
997  }
999  // Gender
1000  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Gender").'</td>';
1001  print '<td>';
1002  $arraygender = array('man'=>$langs->trans("Genderman"), 'woman'=>$langs->trans("Genderwoman"), 'other'=>$langs->trans("Genderother"));
1003  print $form->selectarray('gender', $arraygender, GETPOST('gender'), 1);
1004  print '</td></tr>';
1006  // Employee
1007  $defaultemployee = '1';
1008  print '<tr>';
1009  print '<td>'.$langs->trans('Employee').'</td><td>';
1010  print '<input type="checkbox" name="employee" value="1"'.(GETPOST('employee') == '1' ? ' checked="checked"' : (($defaultemployee && !GETPOSTISSET('login')) ? ' checked="checked"' : '')).'>';
1011  //print $form->selectyesno("employee", (GETPOST('employee') != '' ?GETPOST('employee') : $defaultemployee), 1);
1012  print '</td></tr>';
1014  // Hierarchy
1015  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("HierarchicalResponsible").'</td>';
1016  print '<td>';
1017  print img_picto('', 'user', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$form->select_dolusers($object->fk_user, 'fk_user', 1, array($object->id), 0, '', 0, $conf->entity, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 'maxwidth300 widthcentpercentminusx');
1018  print '</td>';
1019  print "</tr>\n";
1021  // Expense report validator
1022  if (isModEnabled('expensereport')) {
1023  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">';
1024  $text = $langs->trans("ForceUserExpenseValidator");
1025  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault"), 1, 'help');
1026  print '</td>';
1027  print '<td>';
1028  print img_picto('', 'user', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$form->select_dolusers($object->fk_user_expense_validator, 'fk_user_expense_validator', 1, array($object->id), 0, '', 0, $conf->entity, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 'maxwidth300 widthcentpercentminusx');
1029  print '</td>';
1030  print "</tr>\n";
1031  }
1033  // Holiday request validator
1034  if (isModEnabled('holiday')) {
1035  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">';
1036  $text = $langs->trans("ForceUserHolidayValidator");
1037  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault"), 1, 'help');
1038  print '</td>';
1039  print '<td>';
1040  print img_picto('', 'user', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$form->select_dolusers($object->fk_user_holiday_validator, 'fk_user_holiday_validator', 1, array($object->id), 0, '', 0, $conf->entity, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 'maxwidth300 widthcentpercentminusx');
1041  print '</td>';
1042  print "</tr>\n";
1043  }
1045  // External user
1046  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("ExternalUser").' ?</td>';
1047  print '<td>';
1048  print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("Internal"), $langs->trans("InternalExternalDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 2);
1049  print '</td></tr>';
1052  print '</table><hr><table class="border centpercent">';
1055  // Date validity
1056  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("RangeOfLoginValidity").'</td>';
1057  print '<td>';
1058  print $form->selectDate($datestartvalidity, 'datestartvalidity', 0, 0, 1, 'formdatestartvalidity', 1, 1);
1060  print ' &nbsp; ';
1062  print $form->selectDate($dateendvalidity, 'dateendvalidity', 0, 0, 1, 'formdateendvalidity', 1, 0);
1063  print '</td>';
1064  print "</tr>\n";
1066  // Password
1067  print '<tr><td class="fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans("Password").'</td>';
1068  print '<td>';
1069  $valuetoshow = '';
1070  if (preg_match('/ldap/', $dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
1071  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? ' + ' : '').$langs->trans("PasswordOfUserInLDAP").' (hidden)';
1072  }
1073  if (preg_match('/http/', $dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
1074  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? ' + ' : '').$langs->trans("HTTPBasicPassword");
1075  }
1076  if (preg_match('/dolibarr/', $dolibarr_main_authentication) || preg_match('/forceuser/', $dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
1077  if (!empty($ldap_pass)) { // For very old system comaptibilty. Now clear password can't be viewed from LDAP read
1078  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? ' + ' : '').'<input type="hidden" name="password" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_pass).'">'; // Dolibarr password is preffiled with LDAP known password
1079  $valuetoshow .= preg_replace('/./i', '*', $ldap_pass);
1080  } else {
1081  // We do not use a field password but a field text to show new password to use.
1082  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? ' + '.$langs->trans("DolibarrPassword") : '').'<input class="minwidth300 maxwidth400 widthcentpercentminusx" maxlength="128" type="text" id="password" name="password" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($password).'" autocomplete="new-password">';
1083  if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
1084  $valuetoshow .= img_picto($langs->trans('Generate'), 'refresh', 'id="generate_password" class="linkobject paddingleft"');
1085  }
1086  }
1087  }
1089  // Other form for user password
1090  $parameters = array('valuetoshow' => $valuetoshow, 'password' => $password);
1091  $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('printUserPasswordField', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
1092  if ($reshook > 0) {
1093  $valuetoshow = $hookmanager->resPrint; // to replace
1094  } else {
1095  $valuetoshow .= $hookmanager->resPrint; // to add
1096  }
1098  print $valuetoshow;
1099  print '</td></tr>';
1101  if (isModEnabled('api')) {
1102  // API key
1103  //$generated_password = getRandomPassword(false);
1104  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("ApiKey").'</td>';
1105  print '<td>';
1106  print '<input class="minwidth300 maxwidth400 widthcentpercentminusx" minlength="12" maxlength="128" type="text" id="api_key" name="api_key" value="'.GETPOST('api_key', 'alphanohtml').'" autocomplete="off">';
1107  if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
1108  print img_picto($langs->trans('Generate'), 'refresh', 'id="generate_api_key" class="linkobject paddingleft"');
1109  }
1110  print '</td></tr>';
1111  } else {
1113  $generated_fake_api_key = getRandomPassword(false);
1114  print '<input type="hidden" name="api_key" value="'.$generated_fake_api_key.'">';
1115  }
1118  print '</table><hr><table class="border centpercent">';
1121  // Address
1122  print '<tr><td class="tdtop titlefieldcreate">'.$form->editfieldkey('Address', 'address', '', $object, 0).'</td>';
1123  print '<td><textarea name="address" id="address" class="quatrevingtpercent" rows="3" wrap="soft">';
1124  print $object->address;
1125  print '</textarea></td></tr>';
1127  // Zip
1128  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Zip', 'zipcode', '', $object, 0).'</td><td>';
1129  print $formcompany->select_ziptown($object->zip, 'zipcode', array('town', 'selectcountry_id', 'state_id'), 6);
1130  print '</td></tr>';
1132  // Town
1133  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Town', 'town', '', $object, 0).'</td><td>';
1134  print $formcompany->select_ziptown($object->town, 'town', array('zipcode', 'selectcountry_id', 'state_id'));
1135  print '</td></tr>';
1137  // Country
1138  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Country', 'selectcountry_id', '', $object, 0).'</td><td class="maxwidthonsmartphone">';
1139  print img_picto('', 'country', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
1140  print $form->select_country((GETPOST('country_id') != '' ?GETPOST('country_id') : $object->country_id));
1141  if ($user->admin) {
1142  print info_admin($langs->trans("YouCanChangeValuesForThisListFromDictionarySetup"), 1);
1143  }
1144  print '</td></tr>';
1146  // State
1147  if (empty($conf->global->USER_DISABLE_STATE)) {
1148  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('State', 'state_id', '', $object, 0).'</td><td class="maxwidthonsmartphone">';
1149  print img_picto('', 'state', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
1150  print $formcompany->select_state($object->state_id, $object->country_code, 'state_id');
1151  print '</td></tr>';
1152  }
1154  // Tel
1155  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("PhonePro").'</td>';
1156  print '<td>';
1157  print img_picto('', 'object_phoning', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
1158  if (!empty($ldap_phone)) {
1159  print '<input type="hidden" name="office_phone" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_phone).'">';
1160  print $ldap_phone;
1161  } else {
1162  print '<input class="maxwidth200 widthcentpercentminusx" type="text" name="office_phone" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('office_phone', 'alphanohtml')).'">';
1163  }
1164  print '</td></tr>';
1166  // Tel portable
1167  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("PhoneMobile").'</td>';
1168  print '<td>';
1169  print img_picto('', 'object_phoning_mobile', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
1170  if (!empty($ldap_mobile)) {
1171  print '<input type="hidden" name="user_mobile" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_mobile).'">';
1172  print $ldap_mobile;
1173  } else {
1174  print '<input class="maxwidth200 widthcentpercentminusx" type="text" name="user_mobile" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('user_mobile', 'alphanohtml')).'">';
1175  }
1176  print '</td></tr>';
1178  // Fax
1179  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Fax").'</td>';
1180  print '<td>';
1181  print img_picto('', 'object_phoning_fax', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
1182  if (!empty($ldap_fax)) {
1183  print '<input type="hidden" name="office_fax" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_fax).'">';
1184  print $ldap_fax;
1185  } else {
1186  print '<input class="maxwidth200 widthcentpercentminusx" type="text" name="office_fax" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('office_fax', 'alphanohtml')).'">';
1187  }
1188  print '</td></tr>';
1190  // EMail
1191  print '<tr><td'.(!empty($conf->global->USER_MAIL_REQUIRED) ? ' class="fieldrequired"' : '').'>'.$langs->trans("EMail").'</td>';
1192  print '<td>';
1193  print img_picto('', 'object_email', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
1194  if (!empty($ldap_mail)) {
1195  print '<input type="hidden" name="email" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($ldap_mail).'">';
1196  print $ldap_mail;
1197  } else {
1198  print '<input type="text" name="email" class="maxwidth500 widthcentpercentminusx" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('email', 'alphanohtml')).'">';
1199  }
1200  print '</td></tr>';
1202  // Social networks
1203  if (isModEnabled('socialnetworks')) {
1204  foreach ($socialnetworks as $key => $value) {
1205  if ($value['active']) {
1206  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans($value['label']).'</td>';
1207  print '<td>';
1208  if (!empty($value['icon'])) {
1209  print '<span class="fa '.$value['icon'].' pictofixedwidth"></span>';
1210  }
1211  if (!empty($ldap_social[$key])) {
1212  print '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.$ldap_social[$key].'">';
1213  print $ldap_social[$key];
1214  } else {
1215  print '<input class="maxwidth200 widthcentpercentminusx" type="text" name="'.$key.'" value="'.GETPOST($key, 'alphanohtml').'">';
1216  }
1217  print '</td></tr>';
1218  } else {
1219  // if social network is not active but value exist we do not want to loose it
1220  if (!empty($ldap_social[$key])) {
1221  print '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.$ldap_social[$key].'">';
1222  } else {
1223  print '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.GETPOST($key, 'alphanohtml').'">';
1224  }
1225  }
1226  }
1227  }
1229  // Accountancy code
1230  if (isModEnabled('accounting')) {
1231  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("AccountancyCode").'</td>';
1232  print '<td>';
1233  print '<input type="text" class="maxwidthonsmartphone" name="accountancy_code" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('accountancy_code', 'alphanohtml')).'">';
1234  print '</td></tr>';
1235  }
1237  // User color
1238  if (isModEnabled('agenda')) {
1239  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("ColorUser").'</td>';
1240  print '<td>';
1241  print $formother->selectColor(GETPOSTISSET('color') ?GETPOST('color', 'alphanohtml') : $object->color, 'color', null, 1, '', 'hideifnotset');
1242  print '</td></tr>';
1243  }
1245  // Categories
1246  if (isModEnabled('categorie') && $user->hasRight("categorie", "read")) {
1247  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Categories', 'usercats', '', $object, 0).'</td><td>';
1248  $cate_arbo = $form->select_all_categories('user', null, 'parent', null, null, 1);
1249  print img_picto('', 'category', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$form->multiselectarray('usercats', $cate_arbo, GETPOST('usercats', 'array'), 0, 0, 'maxwdith300 widthcentpercentminusx', 0, '90%');
1250  print "</td></tr>";
1251  }
1253  // Default language
1254  if (getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_MULTILANGS')) {
1255  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('DefaultLang', 'default_lang', '', $object, 0, 'string', '', 0, 0, 'id', $langs->trans("WarningNotLangOfInterface", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UserGUISetup"))).'</td>';
1256  print '<td class="maxwidthonsmartphone">'."\n";
1257  print img_picto('', 'language', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$formadmin->select_language(GETPOST('default_lang', 'alpha') ?GETPOST('default_lang', 'alpha') : ($object->lang ? $object->lang : ''), 'default_lang', 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 'maxwidth300 widthcentpercentminusx');
1258  print '</td>';
1259  print '</tr>';
1260  }
1262  // Multicompany
1263  if (isModEnabled('multicompany') && is_object($mc)) {
1264  // This is now done with hook formObjectOptions. Keep this code for backward compatibility with old multicompany module
1265  if (!method_exists($mc, 'formObjectOptions')) {
1266  if (empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE) && $conf->entity == 1 && $user->admin && !$user->entity) { // condition must be same for create and edit mode
1267  print "<tr>".'<td>'.$langs->trans("Entity").'</td>';
1268  print "<td>".$mc->select_entities($conf->entity);
1269  print "</td></tr>\n";
1270  } else {
1271  print '<input type="hidden" name="entity" value="'.$conf->entity.'" />';
1272  }
1273  }
1274  }
1276  // Other attributes
1277  $parameters = array();
1278  include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/extrafields_add.tpl.php';
1280  // Signature
1281  print '<tr><td class="tdtop">'.$langs->trans("Signature").'</td>';
1282  print '<td class="wordbreak">';
1283  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/doleditor.class.php';
1285  $doleditor = new DolEditor('signature', GETPOST('signature', 'restricthtml'), '', 138, 'dolibarr_notes', 'In', true, $acceptlocallinktomedia, empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_USERSIGN) ? 0 : 1, ROWS_4, '90%');
1286  print $doleditor->Create(1);
1287  print '</td></tr>';
1289  // Note private
1290  print '<tr><td class="tdtop">';
1291  print $langs->trans("NotePublic");
1292  print '</td><td>';
1293  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/doleditor.class.php';
1294  $doleditor = new DolEditor('note_public', GETPOSTISSET('note_public') ? GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml') : '', '', 100, 'dolibarr_notes', '', false, true, getDolGlobalString('FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_NOTE_PUBLIC'), ROWS_3, '90%');
1295  $doleditor->Create();
1296  print "</td></tr>\n";
1298  // Note private
1299  print '<tr><td class="tdtop">';
1300  print $langs->trans("NotePrivate");
1301  print '</td><td>';
1302  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/doleditor.class.php';
1303  $doleditor = new DolEditor('note_private', GETPOSTISSET('note_private') ? GETPOST('note_private', 'restricthtml') : '', '', 100, 'dolibarr_notes', '', false, true, getDolGlobalString('FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_NOTE_PRIVATE'), ROWS_3, '90%');
1304  $doleditor->Create();
1305  print "</td></tr>\n";
1307  print '</table><hr><table class="border centpercent">';
1310  // TODO Move this into tab RH (HierarchicalResponsible must be on both tab)
1312  // Default warehouse
1313  if (isModEnabled('stock') && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE_USER)) {
1314  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("DefaultWarehouse").'</td><td>';
1315  print $formproduct->selectWarehouses($object->fk_warehouse, 'fk_warehouse', 'warehouseopen', 1);
1316  print '</td></tr>';
1317  }
1319  // Position/Job
1320  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("PostOrFunction").'</td>';
1321  print '<td>';
1322  print '<input class="maxwidth200 maxwidth150onsmartphone" type="text" name="job" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('job', 'alphanohtml')).'">';
1323  print '</td></tr>';
1325  if ((isModEnabled('salaries') && $user->hasRight("salaries", "read") && in_array($id, $childids))
1326  || (isModEnabled('salaries') && $user->hasRight("salaries", "readall"))
1327  || (isModEnabled('hrm') && $user->hasRight("hrm", "employee", "read"))) {
1328  $langs->load("salaries");
1330  // THM
1331  print '<tr><td>';
1332  $text = $langs->trans("THM");
1333  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("THMDescription"), 1, 'help', 'classthm');
1334  print '</td>';
1335  print '<td>';
1336  print '<input size="8" type="text" name="thm" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('thm')).'"> '.$langs->getCurrencySymbol($conf->currency);
1337  print '</td>';
1338  print "</tr>\n";
1340  // TJM
1341  print '<tr><td>';
1342  $text = $langs->trans("TJM");
1343  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("TJMDescription"), 1, 'help', 'classtjm');
1344  print '</td>';
1345  print '<td>';
1346  print '<input size="8" type="text" name="tjm" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('tjm')).'"> '.$langs->getCurrencySymbol($conf->currency);
1347  print '</td>';
1348  print "</tr>\n";
1350  // Salary
1351  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Salary").'</td>';
1352  print '<td>';
1353  print img_picto('', 'salary', 'class="pictofixedwidth paddingright"').'<input size="8" type="text" name="salary" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('salary')).'"> '.$langs->getCurrencySymbol($conf->currency);
1354  print '</td>';
1355  print "</tr>\n";
1356  }
1358  // Weeklyhours
1359  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("WeeklyHours").'</td>';
1360  print '<td>';
1361  print '<input size="8" type="text" name="weeklyhours" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('weeklyhours')).'">';
1362  print '</td>';
1363  print "</tr>\n";
1365  // Date employment
1366  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("DateOfEmployment").'</td>';
1367  print '<td>';
1368  print $form->selectDate($dateemployment, 'dateemployment', 0, 0, 1, 'formdateemployment', 1, 1);
1370  print ' - ';
1372  print $form->selectDate($dateemploymentend, 'dateemploymentend', 0, 0, 1, 'formdateemploymentend', 1, 0);
1373  print '</td>';
1374  print "</tr>\n";
1376  // Date birth
1377  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("DateOfBirth").'</td>';
1378  print '<td>';
1379  print $form->selectDate($dateofbirth, 'dateofbirth', 0, 0, 1, 'createuser', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', 1, '', '', 'tzserver');
1380  print '</td>';
1381  print "</tr>\n";
1383  print "</table>\n";
1385  print dol_get_fiche_end();
1387  print $form->buttonsSaveCancel("CreateUser");
1389  print "</form>";
1390 } else {
1391  // View and edit mode
1392  if ($id > 0) {
1393  $res = $object->fetch($id, '', '', 1);
1394  if ($res < 0) {
1395  dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
1396  exit;
1397  }
1398  $res = $object->fetch_optionals();
1400  // Check if user has rights
1401  if (empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE)) {
1402  $object->getrights();
1403  if (empty($object->nb_rights) && $object->statut != 0 && empty($object->admin)) {
1404  setEventMessages($langs->trans('UserHasNoPermissions'), null, 'warnings');
1405  }
1406  }
1408  // Connexion ldap
1409  // pour recuperer passDoNotExpire et userChangePassNextLogon
1410  if (isModEnabled('ldap') && !empty($object->ldap_sid)) {
1411  $ldap = new Ldap();
1412  $result = $ldap->connect_bind();
1413  if ($result > 0) {
1414  $userSearchFilter = '('.$conf->global->LDAP_FILTER_CONNECTION.'('.$ldap->getUserIdentifier().'='.$object->login.'))';
1415  $entries = $ldap->fetch($object->login, $userSearchFilter);
1416  if (!$entries) {
1417  setEventMessages($ldap->error, $ldap->errors, 'errors');
1418  }
1420  $passDoNotExpire = 0;
1421  $userChangePassNextLogon = 0;
1422  $userDisabled = 0;
1423  $statutUACF = '';
1425  // Check options of user account
1426  if (count($ldap->uacf) > 0) {
1427  foreach ($ldap->uacf as $key => $statut) {
1428  if ($key == 65536) {
1429  $passDoNotExpire = 1;
1430  $statutUACF = $statut;
1431  }
1432  }
1433  } else {
1434  $userDisabled = 1;
1435  $statutUACF = "ACCOUNTDISABLE";
1436  }
1438  if ($ldap->pwdlastset == 0) {
1439  $userChangePassNextLogon = 1;
1440  }
1441  }
1442  }
1444  // Show tabs
1445  if ($mode == 'employee') { // For HRM module development
1446  $title = $langs->trans("Employee");
1447  $linkback = '<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/hrm/employee/list.php?restore_lastsearch_values=1">'.$langs->trans("BackToList").'</a>';
1448  } else {
1449  $title = $langs->trans("User");
1450  $linkback = '';
1452  if ($user->hasRight("user", "user", "read") || $user->admin) {
1453  $linkback = '<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/user/list.php?restore_lastsearch_values=1">'.$langs->trans("BackToList").'</a>';
1454  }
1455  }
1457  $head = user_prepare_head($object);
1459  /*
1460  * Confirmation reinitialisation mot de passe
1461  */
1462  if ($action == 'password') {
1463  print $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=$object->id", $langs->trans("ReinitPassword"), $langs->trans("ConfirmReinitPassword", $object->login), "confirm_password", '', 0, 1);
1464  }
1466  /*
1467  * Confirmation envoi mot de passe
1468  */
1469  if ($action == 'passwordsend') {
1470  print $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=$object->id", $langs->trans("SendNewPassword"), $langs->trans("ConfirmSendNewPassword", $object->login), "confirm_passwordsend", '', 0, 1);
1471  }
1473  /*
1474  * Confirm deactivation
1475  */
1476  if ($action == 'disable') {
1477  print $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=$object->id", $langs->trans("DisableAUser"), $langs->trans("ConfirmDisableUser", $object->login), "confirm_disable", '', 0, 1);
1478  }
1480  /*
1481  * Confirm activation
1482  */
1483  if ($action == 'enable') {
1484  print $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=$object->id", $langs->trans("EnableAUser"), $langs->trans("ConfirmEnableUser", $object->login), "confirm_enable", '', 0, 1);
1485  }
1487  /*
1488  * Confirmation suppression
1489  */
1490  if ($action == 'delete') {
1491  print $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=$object->id", $langs->trans("DeleteAUser"), $langs->trans("ConfirmDeleteUser", $object->login), "confirm_delete", '', 0, 1);
1492  }
1494  /*
1495  * Fiche en mode visu
1496  */
1497  if ($action != 'edit') {
1498  print dol_get_fiche_head($head, 'user', $title, -1, 'user');
1500  $morehtmlref = '<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/user/vcard.php?id='.$object->id.'&output=file&file='.urlencode(dol_sanitizeFileName($object->getFullName($langs).'.vcf')).'" class="refid" rel="noopener" rel="noopener">';
1501  $morehtmlref .= img_picto($langs->trans("Download").' '.$langs->trans("VCard").' ('.$langs->trans("AddToContacts").')', 'vcard.png', 'class="valignmiddle marginleftonly paddingrightonly"');
1502  $morehtmlref .= '</a>';
1504  $urltovirtualcard = '/user/virtualcard.php?id='.((int) $object->id);
1505  $morehtmlref .= dolButtonToOpenUrlInDialogPopup('publicvirtualcard', $langs->trans("PublicVirtualCardUrl").' - '.$object->getFullName($langs), img_picto($langs->trans("PublicVirtualCardUrl"), 'card', 'class="valignmiddle marginleftonly paddingrightonly"'), $urltovirtualcard, '', 'nohover');
1507  dol_banner_tab($object, 'id', $linkback, $user->hasRight("user", "user", "read") || $user->admin, 'rowid', 'ref', $morehtmlref);
1509  print '<div class="fichecenter">';
1510  print '<div class="fichehalfleft">';
1512  print '<div class="underbanner clearboth"></div>';
1513  print '<table class="border tableforfield centpercent">';
1515  // Login
1516  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldmiddle">'.$langs->trans("Login").'</td>';
1517  if (!empty($object->ldap_sid) && $object->statut == 0) {
1518  print '<td class="error">';
1519  print $langs->trans("LoginAccountDisableInDolibarr");
1520  print '</td>';
1521  } else {
1522  print '<td>';
1523  $addadmin = '';
1524  if (property_exists($object, 'admin')) {
1525  if (isModEnabled('multicompany') && !empty($object->admin) && empty($object->entity)) {
1526  $addadmin .= img_picto($langs->trans("SuperAdministratorDesc"), "redstar", 'class="paddingleft"');
1527  } elseif (!empty($object->admin)) {
1528  $addadmin .= img_picto($langs->trans("AdministratorDesc"), "star", 'class="paddingleft"');
1529  }
1530  }
1531  print showValueWithClipboardCPButton($object->login).$addadmin;
1532  print '</td>';
1533  }
1534  print '</tr>'."\n";
1536  // Type
1537  print '<tr><td>';
1538  $text = $langs->trans("Type");
1539  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("InternalExternalDesc"));
1540  print '</td><td>';
1541  $type = $langs->trans("Internal");
1542  if ($object->socid > 0) {
1543  $type = $langs->trans("External");
1544  }
1545  print '<span class="badgeneutral">';
1546  print $type;
1547  if ($object->ldap_sid) {
1548  print ' ('.$langs->trans("DomainUser").')';
1549  }
1550  print '</span>';
1551  print '</td></tr>'."\n";
1553  // Ldap sid
1554  if ($object->ldap_sid) {
1555  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Type").'</td><td>';
1556  print $langs->trans("DomainUser", $ldap->domainFQDN);
1557  print '</td></tr>'."\n";
1558  }
1560  // Employee
1561  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Employee").'</td><td>';
1562  print '<input type="checkbox" disabled name="employee" value="1"'.($object->employee ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'>';
1563  //print yn($object->employee);
1564  print '</td></tr>'."\n";
1566  // TODO This is also available into the tab RH
1568  // Hierarchy
1569  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("HierarchicalResponsible").'</td>';
1570  print '<td>';
1571  if (empty($object->fk_user)) {
1572  print '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("None").'</span>';
1573  } else {
1574  $huser = new User($db);
1575  if ($object->fk_user > 0) {
1576  $huser->fetch($object->fk_user);
1577  print $huser->getNomUrl(-1);
1578  } else {
1579  print '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("None").'</span>';
1580  }
1581  }
1582  print '</td>';
1583  print "</tr>\n";
1585  // Expense report validator
1586  if (isModEnabled('expensereport')) {
1587  print '<tr><td>';
1588  $text = $langs->trans("ForceUserExpenseValidator");
1589  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault"), 1, 'help');
1590  print '</td>';
1591  print '<td>';
1592  if (!empty($object->fk_user_expense_validator)) {
1593  $evuser = new User($db);
1594  $evuser->fetch($object->fk_user_expense_validator);
1595  print $evuser->getNomUrl(-1);
1596  }
1597  print '</td>';
1598  print "</tr>\n";
1599  }
1601  // Holiday request validator
1602  if (isModEnabled('holiday')) {
1603  print '<tr><td>';
1604  $text = $langs->trans("ForceUserHolidayValidator");
1605  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault"), 1, 'help');
1606  print '</td>';
1607  print '<td>';
1608  if (!empty($object->fk_user_holiday_validator)) {
1609  $hvuser = new User($db);
1610  $hvuser->fetch($object->fk_user_holiday_validator);
1611  print $hvuser->getNomUrl(-1);
1612  }
1613  print '</td>';
1614  print "</tr>\n";
1615  }
1617  // Position/Job
1618  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("PostOrFunction").'</td>';
1619  print '<td>'.dol_escape_htmltag($object->job).'</td>';
1620  print '</tr>'."\n";
1622  // Weeklyhours
1623  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("WeeklyHours").'</td>';
1624  print '<td>';
1625  print price2num($object->weeklyhours);
1626  print '</td>';
1627  print "</tr>\n";
1629  // Sensitive salary/value information
1630  if ((empty($user->socid) && in_array($id, $childids)) // A user can always see salary/value information for its subordinates
1631  || (isModEnabled('salaries') && $user->hasRight("salaries", "readall"))
1632  || (isModEnabled('hrm') && $user->hasRight("hrm", "employee", "read"))) {
1633  $langs->load("salaries");
1635  // Salary
1636  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Salary").'</td>';
1637  print '<td>';
1638  print ($object->salary != '' ? img_picto('', 'salary', 'class="pictofixedwidth paddingright"').'<span class="amount">'.price($object->salary, '', $langs, 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency) : '').'</span>';
1639  print '</td>';
1640  print "</tr>\n";
1642  // THM
1643  print '<tr><td>';
1644  $text = $langs->trans("THM");
1645  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("THMDescription"), 1, 'help', 'classthm');
1646  print '</td>';
1647  print '<td>';
1648  print ($object->thm != '' ?price($object->thm, '', $langs, 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency) : '');
1649  print '</td>';
1650  print "</tr>\n";
1652  // TJM
1653  print '<tr><td>';
1654  $text = $langs->trans("TJM");
1655  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("TJMDescription"), 1, 'help', 'classtjm');
1656  print '</td>';
1657  print '<td>';
1658  print ($object->tjm != '' ?price($object->tjm, '', $langs, 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency) : '');
1659  print '</td>';
1660  print "</tr>\n";
1661  }
1663  // Date employment
1664  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("DateOfEmployment").'</td>';
1665  print '<td>';
1666  if ($object->dateemployment) {
1667  print '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("FromDate").'</span> ';
1668  print dol_print_date($object->dateemployment, 'day');
1669  }
1670  if ($object->dateemploymentend) {
1671  print '<span class="opacitymedium"> - '.$langs->trans("To").'</span> ';
1672  print dol_print_date($object->dateemploymentend, 'day');
1673  }
1674  print '</td>';
1675  print "</tr>\n";
1677  // Date of birth
1678  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("DateOfBirth").'</td>';
1679  print '<td>';
1680  print dol_print_date($object->birth, 'day', 'tzserver');
1681  print '</td>';
1682  print "</tr>\n";
1684  // Default warehouse
1685  if (isModEnabled('stock') && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE_USER)) {
1686  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/stock/class/entrepot.class.php';
1687  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("DefaultWarehouse").'</td><td>';
1688  if ($object->fk_warehouse > 0) {
1689  $warehousestatic = new Entrepot($db);
1690  $warehousestatic->fetch($object->fk_warehouse);
1691  print $warehousestatic->getNomUrl(1);
1692  }
1693  print '</td></tr>';
1694  }
1696  print '</table>';
1698  print '</div>';
1699  print '<div class="fichehalfright">';
1701  print '<div class="underbanner clearboth"></div>';
1703  print '<table class="border tableforfield centpercent">';
1705  // Color user
1706  if (isModEnabled('agenda')) {
1707  print '<tr><td class="titlefield">'.$langs->trans("ColorUser").'</td>';
1708  print '<td>';
1709  print $formother->showColor($object->color, '');
1710  print '</td>';
1711  print "</tr>\n";
1712  }
1714  // Categories
1715  if (isModEnabled('categorie') && $user->hasRight("categorie", "read")) {
1716  print '<tr><td class="titlefield">'.$langs->trans("Categories").'</td>';
1717  print '<td colspan="3">';
1718  print $form->showCategories($object->id, Categorie::TYPE_USER, 1);
1719  print '</td></tr>';
1720  }
1722  // Default language
1723  if (getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_MULTILANGS')) {
1724  $langs->load("languages");
1725  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
1726  print '<tr><td class="titlefield">';
1727  print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("DefaultLang"), $langs->trans("WarningNotLangOfInterface", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UserGUISetup")));
1728  print '</td><td>';
1729  //$s=picto_from_langcode($object->default_lang);
1730  //print ($s?$s.' ':'');
1731  $labellang = ($object->lang ? $langs->trans('Language_'.$object->lang) : '');
1732  print picto_from_langcode($object->lang, 'class="paddingrightonly saturatemedium opacitylow"');
1733  print $labellang;
1734  print '</td></tr>';
1735  }
1737  if (isset($conf->file->main_authentication) && preg_match('/openid/', $conf->file->main_authentication) && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_OPENIDURL_PERUSER)) {
1738  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("OpenIDURL").'</td>';
1739  print '<td>'.$object->openid.'</td>';
1740  print "</tr>\n";
1741  }
1743  // Multicompany
1744  if (isModEnabled('multicompany') && is_object($mc)) {
1745  // This is now done with hook formObjectOptions. Keep this code for backward compatibility with old multicompany module
1746  if (!method_exists($mc, 'formObjectOptions')) {
1747  if (isModEnabled('multicompany') && empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE) && $conf->entity == 1 && $user->admin && !$user->entity) {
1748  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Entity").'</td><td>';
1749  if (empty($object->entity)) {
1750  print $langs->trans("AllEntities");
1751  } else {
1752  $mc->getInfo($object->entity);
1753  print $mc->label;
1754  }
1755  print "</td></tr>\n";
1756  }
1757  }
1758  }
1760  // Other attributes
1761  include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/extrafields_view.tpl.php';
1763  // Company / Contact
1764  if (isModEnabled("societe")) {
1765  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("LinkToCompanyContact").'</td>';
1766  print '<td>';
1767  $s = '';
1768  if (isset($object->socid) && $object->socid > 0) {
1769  $societe = new Societe($db);
1770  $societe->fetch($object->socid);
1771  if ($societe->id > 0) {
1772  $s .= $societe->getNomUrl(1, '');
1773  }
1774  } else {
1775  $s .= '<span class="opacitymedium hideonsmartphone">'.$langs->trans("ThisUserIsNot").'</span>';
1776  }
1777  if (!empty($object->contact_id)) {
1778  $contact = new Contact($db);
1779  $contact->fetch($object->contact_id);
1780  if ($contact->id > 0) {
1781  if ($object->socid > 0 && $s) {
1782  $s .= ' / ';
1783  } else {
1784  $s .= '<br>';
1785  }
1786  $s .= $contact->getNomUrl(1, '');
1787  }
1788  }
1789  print $s;
1790  print '</td>';
1791  print '</tr>'."\n";
1792  }
1794  // Module Adherent
1795  if (isModEnabled('adherent')) {
1796  $langs->load("members");
1797  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("LinkedToDolibarrMember").'</td>';
1798  print '<td>';
1799  if ($object->fk_member) {
1800  $adh = new Adherent($db);
1801  $adh->fetch($object->fk_member);
1802  $adh->ref = $adh->getFullname($langs); // Force to show login instead of id
1803  print $adh->getNomUrl(-1);
1804  } else {
1805  print '<span class="opacitymedium hideonsmartphone">'.$langs->trans("UserNotLinkedToMember").'</span>';
1806  }
1807  print '</td>';
1808  print '</tr>'."\n";
1809  }
1811  // Signature
1812  print '<tr><td class="tdtop">'.$langs->trans('Signature').'</td><td class="wordbreak">';
1813  print dol_htmlentitiesbr($object->signature);
1814  print "</td></tr>\n";
1816  print "</table>\n";
1819  // Credentials
1820  print '<br>';
1821  print '<div class="div-table-responsive-no-min">';
1822  print '<table class="border tableforfield centpercent">';
1823  print '<tr class="liste_titre"><td class="liste_titre">';
1824  print img_picto('', 'security', 'class="paddingleft pictofixedwidth"').$langs->trans("Credentials");
1825  print '</td>';
1826  print '<td class="liste_titre"></td>';
1827  print '</tr>';
1829  // Date login validity
1830  print '<tr class="nooddeven"><td class="titlefield">'.$langs->trans("RangeOfLoginValidity").'</td>';
1831  print '<td>';
1832  if ($object->datestartvalidity) {
1833  print '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("FromDate").'</span> ';
1834  print dol_print_date($object->datestartvalidity, 'day');
1835  }
1836  if ($object->dateendvalidity) {
1837  print '<span class="opacitymedium"> - '.$langs->trans("To").'</span> ';
1838  print dol_print_date($object->dateendvalidity, 'day');
1839  }
1840  print '</td>';
1841  print "</tr>\n";
1843  // Password
1844  $valuetoshow = '';
1845  if (preg_match('/ldap/', $dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
1846  if (!empty($object->ldap_sid)) {
1847  if ($passDoNotExpire) {
1848  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').$langs->trans("LdapUacf_".$statutUACF);
1849  } elseif ($userChangePassNextLogon) {
1850  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').'<span class="warning">'.$langs->trans("UserMustChangePassNextLogon", $ldap->domainFQDN).'</span>';
1851  } elseif ($userDisabled) {
1852  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').'<span class="warning">'.$langs->trans("LdapUacf_".$statutUACF, $ldap->domainFQDN).'</span>';
1853  } else {
1854  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').$langs->trans("PasswordOfUserInLDAP");
1855  }
1856  } else {
1857  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').$langs->trans("PasswordOfUserInLDAP");
1858  }
1859  }
1860  if (preg_match('/http/', $dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
1861  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').$langs->trans("HTTPBasicPassword");
1862  }
1863  /*
1864  if (preg_match('/dolibarr/', $dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
1865  if ($object->pass) {
1866  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '');
1867  $valuetoshow .= '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("Hidden").'</span>';
1868  } else {
1869  if ($user->admin && $user->id == $object->id) {
1870  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '');
1871  $valuetoshow .= '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("Hidden").'</span>';
1872  $valuetoshow .= '<!-- Crypted into '.$object->pass_indatabase_crypted.' -->';
1873  } else {
1874  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '');
1875  $valuetoshow .= '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("Hidden").'</span>';
1876  }
1877  }
1878  }
1879  */
1881  // Other form for user password
1882  $parameters = array('valuetoshow' => $valuetoshow);
1883  $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('printUserPasswordField', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
1884  if ($reshook > 0) {
1885  $valuetoshow = $hookmanager->resPrint; // to replace
1886  } else {
1887  $valuetoshow .= $hookmanager->resPrint; // to add
1888  }
1890  if (dol_string_nohtmltag($valuetoshow)) { // If there is a real visible content to show
1891  print '<tr class="nooddeven"><td class="titlefield">'.$langs->trans("Password").'</td>';
1892  print '<td class="wordbreak">';
1893  print $valuetoshow;
1894  print "</td>";
1895  print '</tr>'."\n";
1896  }
1898  // API key
1899  if (isModEnabled('api') && ($user->id == $id || $user->admin || $user->hasRight("api", "apikey", "generate"))) {
1900  print '<tr class="nooddeven"><td>'.$langs->trans("ApiKey").'</td>';
1901  print '<td>';
1902  if (!empty($object->api_key)) {
1903  print '<span class="opacitymedium">';
1904  print showValueWithClipboardCPButton($object->api_key, 1, $langs->trans("Hidden")); // TODO Add an option to also reveal the hash, not only copy paste
1905  print '</span>';
1906  }
1907  print '</td></tr>';
1908  }
1910  print '<tr class="nooddeven"><td>'.$langs->trans("LastConnexion").'</td>';
1911  print '<td>';
1912  if ($object->datepreviouslogin) {
1913  print dol_print_date($object->datepreviouslogin, "dayhour", "tzuserrel").' <span class="opacitymedium">('.$langs->trans("Previous").')</span>, ';
1914  }
1915  if ($object->datelastlogin) {
1916  print dol_print_date($object->datelastlogin, "dayhour", "tzuserrel").' <span class="opacitymedium">('.$langs->trans("Currently").')</span>';
1917  }
1918  print '</td>';
1919  print "</tr>\n";
1921  print '</table>';
1922  print '</div>';
1924  print '</div>';
1926  print '</div>';
1927  print '<div class="clearboth"></div>';
1930  print dol_get_fiche_end();
1933  /*
1934  * Buttons actions
1935  */
1936  print '<div class="tabsAction">';
1938  $parameters = array();
1939  $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('addMoreActionsButtons', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
1940  if (empty($reshook)) {
1941  if (empty($user->socid)) {
1942  $canSendMail = false;
1943  $params = array(
1944  'attr' => array(
1945  'title' => '',
1946  'class' => 'classfortooltip'
1947  )
1948  );
1949  if (!empty($object->email)) {
1950  $langs->load("mails");
1951  $canSendMail = true;
1952  } else {
1953  $langs->load("mails");
1954  $params['attr']['title'] = $langs->trans('NoEMail');
1955  }
1956  print dolGetButtonAction('', $langs->trans('SendMail'), 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $object->id . '&action=presend&mode=init#formmailbeforetitle', '', $canSendMail, $params);
1957  }
1959  if ($caneditfield && (!isModEnabled('multicompany') || !$user->entity || ($object->entity == $conf->entity) || ($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE && $object->entity == 1))) {
1960  $params = array(
1961  'attr' => array(
1962  'title' => '',
1963  'class' => 'classfortooltip'
1964  )
1965  );
1966  if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_ONLY_LOGIN_ALLOWED)) {
1967  $params['attr']['title'] = $langs->trans('DisabledInMonoUserMode');
1968  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('Modify'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'#', '', false, $params);
1969  } else {
1970  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('Modify'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id.'&amp;action=edit&token='.newToken(), '', true, $params);
1971  }
1972  } elseif ($caneditpassword && !$object->ldap_sid &&
1973  (!isModEnabled('multicompany') || !$user->entity || ($object->entity == $conf->entity) || ($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE && $object->entity == 1))) {
1974  $params = array(
1975  'attr' => array(
1976  'title' => '',
1977  'class' => 'classfortooltip'
1978  )
1979  );
1980  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('Modify'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id.'&amp;action=edit', '', true, $params);
1981  }
1983  // Si on a un gestionnaire de generation de mot de passe actif
1984  $params = array(
1985  'attr' => array(
1986  'title' => '',
1987  'class' => 'classfortooltip'
1988  )
1989  );
1990  if ($conf->global->USER_PASSWORD_GENERATED != 'none') {
1991  if ($object->statut == 0) {
1992  $params['attr']['title'] = $langs->trans('UserDisabled');
1993  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('ReinitPassword'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'#', '', false, $params);
1994  } elseif (($user->id != $id && $caneditpassword) && $object->login && !$object->ldap_sid &&
1995  ((!isModEnabled('multicompany') && $object->entity == $user->entity) || !$user->entity || ($object->entity == $conf->entity) || ($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE && $object->entity == 1))) {
1996  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('ReinitPassword'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id.'&action=password&token='.newToken(), '', true, $params);
1997  }
1999  if ($object->statut == 0) {
2000  $params['attr']['title'] = $langs->trans('UserDisabled');
2001  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('SendNewPassword'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'#', '', false, $params);
2002  } elseif (($user->id != $id && $caneditpassword) && $object->login && !$object->ldap_sid &&
2003  ((!isModEnabled('multicompany') && $object->entity == $user->entity) || !$user->entity || ($object->entity == $conf->entity) || ($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE && $object->entity == 1))) {
2004  if ($object->email) {
2005  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('SendNewPassword'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id.'&action=passwordsend&token='.newToken(), '', true, $params);
2006  } else {
2007  $params['attr']['title'] = $langs->trans('NoEMail');
2008  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('SendNewPassword'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'#', '', false, $params);
2009  }
2010  }
2011  }
2013  // Enable user
2014  $params = array(
2015  'attr' => array(
2016  'title' => '',
2017  'class' => 'classfortooltip'
2018  )
2019  );
2020  if ($user->id <> $id && $candisableuser && $object->statut == 0 &&
2021  ((!isModEnabled('multicompany') && $object->entity == $user->entity) || !$user->entity || ($object->entity == $conf->entity) || ($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE && $object->entity == 1))) {
2022  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('Reactivate'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $object->id . '&action=enable&token='.newToken(), '', true, $params);
2023  }
2024  // Disable user
2025  if ($user->id <> $id && $candisableuser && $object->statut == 1 &&
2026  ((!isModEnabled('multicompany') && $object->entity == $user->entity) || !$user->entity || ($object->entity == $conf->entity) || ($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE && $object->entity == 1))) {
2027  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('DisableUser'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $object->id . '&action=disable&token='.newToken(), '', true, $params);
2028  } else {
2029  if ($user->id == $id) {
2030  $params['attr']['title'] = $langs->trans('CantDisableYourself');
2031  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('DisableUser'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'#', '', false, $params);
2032  }
2033  }
2034  // Delete
2035  if ($user->id <> $id && $candisableuser &&
2036  ((!isModEnabled('multicompany') && $object->entity == $user->entity) || !$user->entity || ($object->entity == $conf->entity) || ($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE && $object->entity == 1))) {
2037  if ($user->admin || !$object->admin) { // If user edited is admin, delete is possible on for an admin
2038  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('DeleteUser'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=delete&token='.newToken().'&id='.$object->id, '', true, $params);
2039  } else {
2040  $params['attr']['title'] = $langs->trans('MustBeAdminToDeleteOtherAdmin');
2041  print dolGetButtonAction($langs->trans('DeleteUser'), '', 'default', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=delete&token='.newToken().'&id='.$object->id, '', false, $params);
2042  }
2043  }
2044  }
2046  print "</div>\n";
2050  // Select mail models is same action as presend
2051  if (GETPOST('modelselected')) {
2052  $action = 'presend';
2053  }
2055  // Presend form
2056  $modelmail = 'user';
2057  $defaulttopic = 'Information';
2058  $diroutput = $conf->user->dir_output;
2059  $trackid = 'use'.$object->id;
2061  include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/card_presend.tpl.php';
2063  if ($action != 'presend' && $action != 'send') {
2064  /*
2065  * List of groups of user
2066  */
2068  if ($canreadgroup) {
2069  print '<!-- Group section -->'."\n";
2071  print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("ListOfGroupsForUser"), '', '');
2073  // On selectionne les groupes auquel fait parti le user
2074  $exclude = array();
2076  $usergroup = new UserGroup($db);
2077  $groupslist = $usergroup->listGroupsForUser($object->id, false);
2079  if (!empty($groupslist)) {
2080  foreach ($groupslist as $groupforuser) {
2081  $exclude[] = $groupforuser->id;
2082  }
2083  }
2085  // Other form for add user to group
2086  $parameters = array('caneditgroup' => $caneditgroup, 'groupslist' => $groupslist, 'exclude' => $exclude);
2087  $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddUserToGroup', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
2088  print $hookmanager->resPrint;
2090  if (empty($reshook)) {
2091  if ($caneditgroup) {
2092  print '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$id.'" method="POST">'."\n";
2093  print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'" />';
2094  print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="addgroup" />';
2095  print '<input type="hidden" name="page_y" value="" />';
2096  }
2098  print '<!-- List of groups of the user -->'."\n";
2099  print '<table class="noborder centpercent">'."\n";
2100  print '<tr class="liste_titre"><th class="liste_titre">'.$langs->trans("Groups").'</th>'."\n";
2101  print '<th class="liste_titre right">';
2102  if ($caneditgroup) {
2103  print $form->select_dolgroups('', 'group', 1, $exclude, 0, '', '', $object->entity, false, 'maxwidth150');
2104  print ' &nbsp; ';
2105  print '<input type="hidden" name="entity" value="'.$conf->entity.'" />';
2106  print '<input type="submit" class="button buttongen button-add reposition" value="'.$langs->trans("Add").'" />';
2107  }
2108  print '</th></tr>'."\n";
2110  // List of groups of user
2111  if (!empty($groupslist)) {
2112  foreach ($groupslist as $group) {
2113  print '<tr class="oddeven">';
2114  print '<td class="tdoverflowmax150">';
2115  if ($caneditgroup) {
2116  print $group->getNomUrl(1);
2117  } else {
2118  print img_object($langs->trans("ShowGroup"), "group").' '.$group->name;
2119  }
2120  print '</td>';
2121  print '<td class="right">';
2122  if ($caneditgroup) {
2123  print '<a class="reposition" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id.'&action=removegroup&token='.newToken().'&group='.((int) $group->id).'">';
2124  print img_picto($langs->trans("RemoveFromGroup"), 'unlink');
2125  print '</a>';
2126  } else {
2127  print "&nbsp;";
2128  }
2129  print "</td></tr>\n";
2130  }
2131  } else {
2132  print '<tr class="oddeven"><td colspan="3"><span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans("None").'</span></td></tr>';
2133  }
2135  print "</table>";
2137  if ($caneditgroup) {
2138  print '</form>';
2139  }
2140  print "<br>";
2141  }
2142  }
2143  }
2144  }
2146  /*
2147  * Card in edit mode
2148  */
2149  if ($action == 'edit' && ($canedituser || $caneditpassword)) {
2150  print '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id.'" method="POST" name="updateuser" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
2151  print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
2152  print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update">';
2153  print '<input type="hidden" name="entity" value="'.$object->entity.'">';
2155  print dol_get_fiche_head($head, 'user', $title, 0, 'user');
2157  print '<table class="border centpercent">';
2159  // Ref/ID
2160  if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_SHOW_TECHNICAL_ID)) {
2161  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("Ref").'</td>';
2162  print '<td>';
2163  print $object->id;
2164  print '</td>';
2165  print '</tr>';
2166  }
2168  // Civility
2169  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate"><label for="civility_code">'.$langs->trans("UserTitle").'</label></td><td>';
2170  if ($caneditfield && !$object->ldap_sid) {
2171  print $formcompany->select_civility(GETPOSTISSET("civility_code") ? GETPOST("civility_code", 'aZ09') : $object->civility_code, 'civility_code');
2172  } elseif ($object->civility_code) {
2173  print $langs->trans("Civility".$object->civility_code);
2174  }
2175  print '</td></tr>';
2177  // Lastname
2178  print "<tr>";
2179  print '<td class="titlefieldcreate fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans("Lastname").'</td>';
2180  print '<td>';
2181  if ($caneditfield && !$object->ldap_sid) {
2182  print '<input class="minwidth100" type="text" class="flat" name="lastname" value="'.$object->lastname.'">';
2183  } else {
2184  print '<input type="hidden" name="lastname" value="'.$object->lastname.'">';
2185  print $object->lastname;
2186  }
2187  print '</td>';
2188  print '</tr>';
2190  // Firstname
2191  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Firstname").'</td>';
2192  print '<td>';
2193  if ($caneditfield && !$object->ldap_sid) {
2194  print '<input class="minwidth100" type="text" class="flat" name="firstname" value="'.$object->firstname.'">';
2195  } else {
2196  print '<input type="hidden" name="firstname" value="'.$object->firstname.'">';
2197  print $object->firstname;
2198  }
2199  print '</td></tr>';
2201  // Login
2202  print "<tr>".'<td><span class="fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans("Login").'</span></td>';
2203  print '<td>';
2204  if ($user->admin && !$object->ldap_sid) {
2205  print '<input maxlength="50" type="text" class="flat" name="login" value="'.$object->login.'">';
2206  } else {
2207  print '<input type="hidden" name="login" value="'.$object->login.'">';
2208  print $object->login;
2209  }
2210  print '</td>';
2211  print '</tr>';
2213  // Administrator
2214  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Administrator").'</td>';
2215  if ($object->socid > 0) {
2216  $langs->load("admin");
2217  print '<td>';
2218  print '<input type="hidden" name="admin" value="'.$object->admin.'">'.yn($object->admin);
2219  print ' ('.$langs->trans("ExternalUser").')';
2220  print '</td></tr>';
2221  } else {
2222  print '<td>';
2223  $nbAdmin = $user->getNbOfUsers('active', '', 1);
2224  $nbSuperAdmin = $user->getNbOfUsers('active', 'superadmin', 1);
2225  //var_dump($nbAdmin);
2226  //var_dump($nbSuperAdmin);
2227  if ($user->admin // Need to be admin to allow downgrade of an admin
2228  && ($user->id != $object->id) // Don't downgrade ourself
2229  && (
2230  (!isModEnabled('multicompany') && $nbAdmin >= 1)
2231  || (isModEnabled('multicompany') && (($object->entity > 0 || ($user->entity == 0 && $object->entity == 0)) || $nbSuperAdmin > 1)) // Don't downgrade a superadmin if alone
2232  )
2233  ) {
2234  print $form->selectyesno('admin', $object->admin, 1);
2236  if (isModEnabled('multicompany') && !$user->entity) {
2237  if ($conf->use_javascript_ajax) {
2238  print '<script type="text/javascript">
2239  $(function() {
2240  var admin = $("select[name=admin]").val();
2241  if (admin == 0) {
2242  $("input[name=superadmin]")
2243  .prop("disabled", true)
2244  .prop("checked", false);
2245  }
2246  if ($("input[name=superadmin]").is(":checked")) {
2247  $("select[name=entity]")
2248  .prop("disabled", true);
2249  }
2250  $("select[name=admin]").change(function() {
2251  if ( $(this).val() == 0 ) {
2252  $("input[name=superadmin]")
2253  .prop("disabled", true)
2254  .prop("checked", false);
2255  $("select[name=entity]")
2256  .prop("disabled", false);
2257  } else {
2258  $("input[name=superadmin]")
2259  .prop("disabled", false);
2260  }
2261  });
2262  $("input[name=superadmin]").change(function() {
2263  if ( $(this).is(":checked")) {
2264  $("select[name=entity]")
2265  .prop("disabled", true);
2266  } else {
2267  $("select[name=entity]")
2268  .prop("disabled", false);
2269  }
2270  });
2271  });
2272  </script>';
2273  }
2275  $checked = (($object->admin && !$object->entity) ? ' checked' : '');
2276  print '<input type="checkbox" name="superadmin" id="superadmin" value="1"'.$checked.' /> <label for="superadmin">'.$langs->trans("SuperAdministrator").'</span>';
2277  }
2278  } else {
2279  $yn = yn($object->admin);
2280  print '<input type="hidden" name="admin" value="'.$object->admin.'">';
2281  print '<input type="hidden" name="superadmin" value="'.(empty($object->entity) ? 1 : 0).'">';
2282  if (isModEnabled('multicompany') && empty($object->entity)) {
2283  print $form->textwithpicto($yn, $langs->trans("DontDowngradeSuperAdmin"), 1, 'warning');
2284  } else {
2285  print $yn;
2286  }
2287  }
2288  print '</td></tr>';
2289  }
2291  // Gender
2292  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Gender").'</td>';
2293  print '<td>';
2294  $arraygender = array('man'=>$langs->trans("Genderman"), 'woman'=>$langs->trans("Genderwoman"), 'other'=>$langs->trans("Genderother"));
2295  if ($caneditfield) {
2296  print $form->selectarray('gender', $arraygender, GETPOSTISSET('gender') ?GETPOST('gender') : $object->gender, 1);
2297  } else {
2298  print $arraygender[$object->gender];
2299  }
2300  print '</td></tr>';
2302  // Employee
2303  print '<tr>';
2304  print '<td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Employee', 'employee', '', $object, 0).'</td><td>';
2305  if ($caneditfield) {
2306  print '<input type="checkbox" name="employee" value="1"'.($object->employee ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'>';
2307  //print $form->selectyesno("employee", $object->employee, 1);
2308  } else {
2309  print '<input type="checkbox" name="employee" disabled value="1"'.($object->employee ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'>';
2310  /*if ($object->employee) {
2311  print $langs->trans("Yes");
2312  } else {
2313  print $langs->trans("No");
2314  }*/
2315  }
2316  print '</td></tr>';
2318  // Hierarchy
2319  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("HierarchicalResponsible").'</td>';
2320  print '<td>';
2321  if ($caneditfield) {
2322  print img_picto('', 'user', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$form->select_dolusers($object->fk_user, 'fk_user', 1, array($object->id), 0, '', 0, $object->entity, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 'widthcentpercentminusx maxwidth300');
2323  } else {
2324  print '<input type="hidden" name="fk_user" value="'.$object->fk_user.'">';
2325  $huser = new User($db);
2326  $huser->fetch($object->fk_user);
2327  print $huser->getNomUrl(-1);
2328  }
2329  print '</td>';
2330  print "</tr>\n";
2332  // Expense report validator
2333  if (isModEnabled('expensereport')) {
2334  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">';
2335  $text = $langs->trans("ForceUserExpenseValidator");
2336  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault"), 1, 'help');
2337  print '</td>';
2338  print '<td>';
2339  if ($caneditfield) {
2340  print img_picto('', 'user', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$form->select_dolusers($object->fk_user_expense_validator, 'fk_user_expense_validator', 1, array($object->id), 0, '', 0, $object->entity, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 'widthcentpercentminusx maxwidth300');
2341  } else {
2342  print '<input type="hidden" name="fk_user_expense_validator" value="'.$object->fk_user_expense_validator.'">';
2343  $evuser = new User($db);
2344  $evuser->fetch($object->fk_user_expense_validator);
2345  print $evuser->getNomUrl(-1);
2346  }
2347  print '</td>';
2348  print "</tr>\n";
2349  }
2351  // Holiday request validator
2352  if (isModEnabled('holiday')) {
2353  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">';
2354  $text = $langs->trans("ForceUserHolidayValidator");
2355  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault"), 1, 'help');
2356  print '</td>';
2357  print '<td>';
2358  if ($caneditfield) {
2359  print img_picto('', 'user', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$form->select_dolusers($object->fk_user_holiday_validator, 'fk_user_holiday_validator', 1, array($object->id), 0, '', 0, $object->entity, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 'widthcentpercentminusx maxwidth300');
2360  } else {
2361  print '<input type="hidden" name="fk_user_holiday_validator" value="'.$object->fk_user_holiday_validator.'">';
2362  $hvuser = new User($db);
2363  $hvuser->fetch($object->fk_user_holiday_validator);
2364  print $hvuser->getNomUrl(-1);
2365  }
2366  print '</td>';
2367  print "</tr>\n";
2368  }
2370  // External user ?
2371  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("ExternalUser").' ?</td>';
2372  print '<td>';
2373  if ($user->id == $object->id || !$user->admin) {
2374  // Read mode
2375  $type = $langs->trans("Internal");
2376  if ($object->socid) {
2377  $type = $langs->trans("External");
2378  }
2379  print $form->textwithpicto($type, $langs->trans("InternalExternalDesc"));
2380  if ($object->ldap_sid) {
2381  print ' ('.$langs->trans("DomainUser").')';
2382  }
2383  } else {
2384  // Select mode
2385  $type = 0;
2386  if ($object->contact_id) {
2387  $type = $object->contact_id;
2388  }
2390  if ($object->socid > 0 && !($object->contact_id > 0)) { // external user but no link to a contact
2391  print img_picto('', 'company').$form->select_company($object->socid, 'socid', '', '&nbsp;', 0, 0, null, 0, 'maxwidth300');
2392  print img_picto('', 'contact').$form->selectcontacts(0, 0, 'contactid', 1, '', '', 1, 'maxwidth300', false, 1);
2393  if ($object->ldap_sid) {
2394  print ' ('.$langs->trans("DomainUser").')';
2395  }
2396  } elseif ($object->socid > 0 && $object->contact_id > 0) { // external user with a link to a contact
2397  print img_picto('', 'company').$form->select_company($object->socid, 'socid', '', '&nbsp;', 0, 0, null, 0, 'maxwidth300'); // We keep thirdparty empty, contact is already set
2398  print img_picto('', 'contact').$form->selectcontacts(0, $object->contact_id, 'contactid', 1, '', '', 1, 'maxwidth300', false, 1);
2399  if ($object->ldap_sid) {
2400  print ' ('.$langs->trans("DomainUser").')';
2401  }
2402  } elseif (!($object->socid > 0) && $object->contact_id > 0) { // internal user with a link to a contact
2403  print img_picto('', 'company').$form->select_company(0, 'socid', '', '&nbsp;', 0, 0, null, 0, 'maxwidth300'); // We keep thirdparty empty, contact is already set
2404  print img_picto('', 'contact').$form->selectcontacts(0, $object->contact_id, 'contactid', 1, '', '', 1, 'maxwidth300', false, 1);
2405  if ($object->ldap_sid) {
2406  print ' ('.$langs->trans("DomainUser").')';
2407  }
2408  } else { // $object->socid is not > 0 here
2409  print img_picto('', 'company').$form->select_company(0, 'socid', '', '&nbsp;', 0, 0, null, 0, 'maxwidth300'); // We keep thirdparty empty, contact is already set
2410  print img_picto('', 'contact').$form->selectcontacts(0, 0, 'contactid', 1, '', '', 1, 'maxwidth300', false, 1);
2411  }
2412  }
2413  print '</td></tr>';
2416  print '</table>';
2418  print '<hr>';
2420  print '<table class="border centpercent">';
2422  // Date access validity
2423  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("RangeOfLoginValidity").'</td>';
2424  print '<td>';
2425  if ($caneditfield) {
2426  print $form->selectDate($datestartvalidity ? $datestartvalidity : $object->datestartvalidity, 'datestartvalidity', 0, 0, 1, 'formdatestartvalidity', 1, 1, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', '');
2427  } else {
2428  print dol_print_date($object->datestartvalidity, 'day');
2429  }
2431  /*if ($datestartvalidity && $dateendvalidity) {
2432  print ' - ';
2433  }*/
2434  print ' &nbsp; ';
2436  if ($caneditfield) {
2437  print $form->selectDate($dateendvalidity ? $datendevalidity : $object->dateendvalidity, 'dateendvalidity', 0, 0, 1, 'formdateendvalidity', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', '');
2438  } else {
2439  print dol_print_date($object->dateendvalidity, 'day');
2440  }
2441  print '</td>';
2442  print "</tr>\n";
2444  // Pass
2445  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("Password").'</td>';
2446  print '<td>';
2447  $valuetoshow = '';
2448  if (preg_match('/ldap/', $dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
2449  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').$langs->trans("PasswordOfUserInLDAP");
2450  }
2451  if (preg_match('/http/', $dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
2452  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').$form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("DolibarrInHttpAuthenticationSoPasswordUseless", $dolibarr_main_authentication), 1, 'warning');
2453  }
2454  if (preg_match('/dolibarr/', $dolibarr_main_authentication) || preg_match('/forceuser/', $dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
2455  if ($caneditpassword) {
2456  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').'<input maxlength="128" type="password" class="flat" id="password" name="password" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($object->pass).'" autocomplete="new-password">';
2457  if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
2458  $valuetoshow .= img_picto((getDolGlobalString('USER_PASSWORD_GENERATED') === 'none' ? $langs->trans('NoPasswordGenerationRuleConfigured') : $langs->trans('Generate')), 'refresh', 'id="generate_password" class="paddingleft'.(getDolGlobalString('USER_PASSWORD_GENERATED') === 'none' ? ' opacitymedium' : ' linkobject').'"');
2459  }
2460  } else {
2461  $valuetoshow .= ($valuetoshow ? (' '.$langs->trans("or").' ') : '').preg_replace('/./i', '*', $object->pass);
2462  }
2463  }
2464  // Other form for user password
2465  $parameters = array('valuetoshow' => $valuetoshow, 'caneditpassword' => $caneditpassword);
2466  $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('printUserPasswordField', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
2467  if ($reshook > 0) {
2468  $valuetoshow = $hookmanager->resPrint; // to replace
2469  } else {
2470  $valuetoshow .= $hookmanager->resPrint; // to add
2471  }
2473  print $valuetoshow;
2474  print "</td></tr>\n";
2476  // API key
2477  if (isModEnabled('api')) {
2478  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("ApiKey").'</td>';
2479  print '<td>';
2480  if ($caneditpassword || $user->hasRight("api", "apikey", "generate")) {
2481  print '<input class="minwidth300 maxwidth400 widthcentpercentminusx" minlength="12" maxlength="128" type="text" id="api_key" name="api_key" value="'.$object->api_key.'" autocomplete="off">';
2482  if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
2483  print img_picto($langs->trans('Generate'), 'refresh', 'id="generate_api_key" class="linkobject paddingleft"');
2484  }
2485  }
2486  print '</td></tr>';
2487  }
2489  // OpenID url
2490  if (isset($conf->file->main_authentication) && preg_match('/openid/', $conf->file->main_authentication) && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_OPENIDURL_PERUSER)) {
2491  print "<tr>".'<td>'.$langs->trans("OpenIDURL").'</td>';
2492  print '<td>';
2493  if ($caneditfield) {
2494  print '<input class="minwidth100" type="url" name="openid" class="flat" value="'.$object->openid.'">';
2495  } else {
2496  print '<input type="hidden" name="openid" value="'.$object->openid.'">';
2497  print $object->openid;
2498  }
2499  print '</td></tr>';
2500  }
2502  print '</table><hr><table class="border centpercent">';
2505  // Address
2506  print '<tr><td class="tdtop titlefieldcreate">'.$form->editfieldkey('Address', 'address', '', $object, 0).'</td>';
2507  print '<td>';
2508  if ($caneditfield) {
2509  print '<textarea name="address" id="address" class="quatrevingtpercent" rows="3" wrap="soft">';
2510  }
2511  print $object->address;
2512  if ($caneditfield) {
2513  print '</textarea>';
2514  }
2515  print '</td></tr>';
2517  // Zip
2518  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Zip', 'zipcode', '', $object, 0).'</td><td>';
2519  if ($caneditfield) {
2520  print $formcompany->select_ziptown($object->zip, 'zipcode', array('town', 'selectcountry_id', 'state_id'), 6);
2521  } else {
2522  print $object->zip;
2523  }
2524  print '</td></tr>';
2526  // Town
2527  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Town', 'town', '', $object, 0).'</td><td>';
2528  if ($caneditfield) {
2529  print $formcompany->select_ziptown($object->town, 'town', array('zipcode', 'selectcountry_id', 'state_id'));
2530  } else {
2531  print $object->town;
2532  }
2533  print '</td></tr>';
2535  // Country
2536  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Country', 'selectcounty_id', '', $object, 0).'</td><td>';
2537  print img_picto('', 'country', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
2538  if ($caneditfield) {
2539  print $form->select_country((GETPOST('country_id') != '' ?GETPOST('country_id') : $object->country_id), 'country_id');
2540  if ($user->admin) {
2541  print info_admin($langs->trans("YouCanChangeValuesForThisListFromDictionarySetup"), 1);
2542  }
2543  } else {
2544  $countrylabel = getCountry($object->country_id, '0');
2545  print $countrylabel;
2546  }
2547  print '</td></tr>';
2549  // State
2550  if (empty($conf->global->USER_DISABLE_STATE)) {
2551  print '<tr><td class="tdoverflow">'.$form->editfieldkey('State', 'state_id', '', $object, 0).'</td><td>';
2552  if ($caneditfield) {
2553  print img_picto('', 'state', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
2554  print $formcompany->select_state($object->state_id, $object->country_code, 'state_id');
2555  } else {
2556  print $object->state;
2557  }
2558  print '</td></tr>';
2559  }
2561  // Tel pro
2562  print "<tr>".'<td>'.$langs->trans("PhonePro").'</td>';
2563  print '<td>';
2564  print img_picto('', 'phoning', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
2565  if ($caneditfield && empty($object->ldap_sid)) {
2566  print '<input type="text" name="office_phone" class="flat maxwidth200" value="'.$object->office_phone.'">';
2567  } else {
2568  print '<input type="hidden" name="office_phone" value="'.$object->office_phone.'">';
2569  print $object->office_phone;
2570  }
2571  print '</td></tr>';
2573  // Tel mobile
2574  print "<tr>".'<td>'.$langs->trans("PhoneMobile").'</td>';
2575  print '<td>';
2576  print img_picto('', 'phoning_mobile', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
2577  if ($caneditfield && empty($object->ldap_sid)) {
2578  print '<input type="text" name="user_mobile" class="flat maxwidth200" value="'.$object->user_mobile.'">';
2579  } else {
2580  print '<input type="hidden" name="user_mobile" value="'.$object->user_mobile.'">';
2581  print $object->user_mobile;
2582  }
2583  print '</td></tr>';
2585  // Fax
2586  print "<tr>".'<td>'.$langs->trans("Fax").'</td>';
2587  print '<td>';
2588  print img_picto('', 'phoning_fax', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
2589  if ($caneditfield && empty($object->ldap_sid)) {
2590  print '<input type="text" name="office_fax" class="flat maxwidth200" value="'.$object->office_fax.'">';
2591  } else {
2592  print '<input type="hidden" name="office_fax" value="'.$object->office_fax.'">';
2593  print $object->office_fax;
2594  }
2595  print '</td></tr>';
2597  // EMail
2598  print "<tr>".'<td'.(!empty($conf->global->USER_MAIL_REQUIRED) ? ' class="fieldrequired"' : '').'>'.$langs->trans("EMail").'</td>';
2599  print '<td>';
2600  print img_picto('', 'object_email', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
2601  if ($caneditfield && empty($object->ldap_sid)) {
2602  print '<input class="minwidth100 maxwidth500 widthcentpercentminusx" type="text" name="email" class="flat" value="'.$object->email.'">';
2603  } else {
2604  print '<input type="hidden" name="email" value="'.$object->email.'">';
2605  print $object->email;
2606  }
2607  print '</td></tr>';
2609  if (isModEnabled('socialnetworks')) {
2610  foreach ($socialnetworks as $key => $value) {
2611  if ($value['active']) {
2612  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans($value['label']).'</td>';
2613  print '<td>';
2614  if (!empty($value['icon'])) {
2615  print '<span class="fa '.$value['icon'].' pictofixedwidth"></span>';
2616  }
2617  if ($caneditfield && empty($object->ldap_sid)) {
2618  print '<input type="text" name="'.$key.'" class="flat maxwidth200" value="'.(isset($object->socialnetworks[$key])?$object->socialnetworks[$key]:'').'">';
2619  } else {
2620  print '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.$object->socialnetworks[$key].'">';
2621  print $object->socialnetworks[$key];
2622  }
2623  print '</td></tr>';
2624  } else {
2625  // if social network is not active but value exist we do not want to loose it
2626  print '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.(isset($object->socialnetworks[$key])?$object->socialnetworks[$key]:'').'">';
2627  }
2628  }
2629  }
2631  print '</table><hr><table class="border centpercent">';
2633  // Default warehouse
2634  if (isModEnabled('stock') && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE_USER)) {
2635  print '<tr><td class="titlefield">'.$langs->trans("DefaultWarehouse").'</td><td>';
2636  print $formproduct->selectWarehouses($object->fk_warehouse, 'fk_warehouse', 'warehouseopen', 1);
2637  print ' <a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/product/stock/card.php?action=create&token='.newToken().'&backtopage='.urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id.'&action=edit&token='.newToken()).'"><span class="fa fa-plus-circle valignmiddle paddingleft" title="'.$langs->trans("AddWarehouse").'"></span></a>';
2638  print '</td></tr>';
2639  }
2641  // Accountancy code
2642  if (isModEnabled('accounting')) {
2643  print "<tr>";
2644  print '<td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("AccountancyCode").'</td>';
2645  print '<td>';
2646  if ($caneditfield) {
2647  print '<input type="text" class="flat maxwidth300" name="accountancy_code" value="'.$object->accountancy_code.'">';
2648  } else {
2649  print '<input type="hidden" name="accountancy_code" value="'.$object->accountancy_code.'">';
2650  print $object->accountancy_code;
2651  }
2652  print '</td>';
2653  print "</tr>";
2654  }
2656  // User color
2657  if (isModEnabled('agenda')) {
2658  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("ColorUser").'</td>';
2659  print '<td>';
2660  if ($caneditfield) {
2661  print $formother->selectColor(GETPOSTISSET('color') ?GETPOST('color', 'alphanohtml') : $object->color, 'color', null, 1, '', 'hideifnotset');
2662  } else {
2663  print $formother->showColor($object->color, '');
2664  }
2665  print '</td></tr>';
2666  }
2668  // Photo
2669  print '<tr>';
2670  print '<td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("Photo").'</td>';
2671  print '<td>';
2672  print $form->showphoto('userphoto', $object, 60, 0, $caneditfield, 'photowithmargin', 'small', 1, 0, 'user', 1);
2673  print '</td>';
2674  print '</tr>';
2676  // Categories
2677  if (isModEnabled('categorie') && $user->hasRight("categorie", "read")) {
2678  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Categories', 'usercats', '', $object, 0).'</td>';
2679  print '<td>';
2680  print img_picto('', 'category', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
2681  $cate_arbo = $form->select_all_categories(Categorie::TYPE_USER, null, null, null, null, 1);
2682  $c = new Categorie($db);
2683  $cats = $c->containing($object->id, Categorie::TYPE_USER);
2684  $arrayselected = array();
2685  foreach ($cats as $cat) {
2686  $arrayselected[] = $cat->id;
2687  }
2688  if ($caneditfield) {
2689  print $form->multiselectarray('usercats', $cate_arbo, $arrayselected, '', 0, '', 0, '90%');
2690  } else {
2691  print $form->showCategories($object->id, Categorie::TYPE_USER, 1);
2692  }
2693  print "</td></tr>";
2694  }
2696  // Default language
2697  if (getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_MULTILANGS')) {
2698  print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('DefaultLang', 'default_lang', '', $object, 0, 'string', '', 0, 0, 'id', $langs->trans("WarningNotLangOfInterface", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UserGUISetup"))).'</td><td colspan="3">'."\n";
2699  print img_picto('', 'language', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$formadmin->select_language($object->lang, 'default_lang', 0, null, '1', 0, 0, 'widthcentpercentminusx maxwidth300');
2700  print '</td>';
2701  print '</tr>';
2702  }
2704  // Status
2705  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Status").'</td>';
2706  print '<td>';
2707  print $object->getLibStatut(4);
2708  print '</td></tr>';
2710  // Company / Contact
2711  if (isModEnabled("societe")) {
2712  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("LinkToCompanyContact").'</td>';
2713  print '<td>';
2714  if ($object->socid > 0) {
2715  $societe = new Societe($db);
2716  $societe->fetch($object->socid);
2717  print $societe->getNomUrl(1, '');
2718  if ($object->contact_id) {
2719  $contact = new Contact($db);
2720  $contact->fetch($object->contact_id);
2721  print ' / <a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/contact/card.php?id='.$object->contact_id.'">'.img_object($langs->trans("ShowContact"), 'contact').' '.dol_trunc($contact->getFullName($langs), 32).'</a>';
2722  }
2723  } else {
2724  print '<span class="opacitymedium hideonsmartphone">'.$langs->trans("ThisUserIsNot").'</span>';
2725  }
2726  print ' <span class="opacitymedium hideonsmartphone">('.$langs->trans("UseTypeFieldToChange").')</span>';
2727  print '</td>';
2728  print "</tr>\n";
2729  }
2731  // Module Adherent
2732  if (isModEnabled('adherent')) {
2733  $langs->load("members");
2734  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("LinkedToDolibarrMember").'</td>';
2735  print '<td>';
2736  if ($object->fk_member) {
2737  $adh = new Adherent($db);
2738  $adh->fetch($object->fk_member);
2739  $adh->ref = $adh->login; // Force to show login instead of id
2740  print $adh->getNomUrl(1);
2741  } else {
2742  print '<span class="opacitymedium hideonsmartphone">'.$langs->trans("UserNotLinkedToMember").'</span>';
2743  }
2744  print '</td>';
2745  print "</tr>\n";
2746  }
2748  // Multicompany
2749  // TODO check if user not linked with the current entity before change entity (thirdparty, invoice, etc.) !!
2750  if (isModEnabled('multicompany') && is_object($mc)) {
2751  // This is now done with hook formObjectOptions. Keep this code for backward compatibility with old multicompany module
2752  if (!method_exists($mc, 'formObjectOptions')) {
2753  if (empty($conf->multicompany->transverse_mode) && $conf->entity == 1 && $user->admin && !$user->entity) {
2754  print "<tr>".'<td>'.$langs->trans("Entity").'</td>';
2755  print "<td>".$mc->select_entities($object->entity, 'entity', '', 0, 1, false, false, 1); // last parameter 1 means, show also a choice 0=>'all entities'
2756  print "</td></tr>\n";
2757  } else {
2758  print '<input type="hidden" name="entity" value="'.$conf->entity.'" />';
2759  }
2760  }
2761  }
2763  // Other attributes
2764  $parameters = array('colspan' => ' colspan="2"');
2765  //include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/extrafields_edit.tpl.php'; // We do not use common tpl here because we need a special test on $caneditfield
2766  $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formObjectOptions', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
2767  print $hookmanager->resPrint;
2768  if (empty($reshook)) {
2769  if ($caneditfield) {
2770  print $object->showOptionals($extrafields, 'edit');
2771  } else {
2772  print $object->showOptionals($extrafields, 'view');
2773  }
2774  }
2776  // Signature
2777  print '<tr><td class="tdtop">'.$langs->trans("Signature").'</td>';
2778  print '<td>';
2779  if ($caneditfield) {
2780  require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/doleditor.class.php';
2782  $doleditor = new DolEditor('signature', $object->signature, '', 138, 'dolibarr_notes', 'In', false, $acceptlocallinktomedia, empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_USERSIGN) ? 0 : 1, ROWS_4, '90%');
2783  print $doleditor->Create(1);
2784  } else {
2785  print dol_htmlentitiesbr($object->signature);
2786  }
2787  print '</td></tr>';
2790  print '</table>';
2792  print '<hr>';
2795  print '<table class="border centpercent">';
2798  // TODO Move this into tab RH (HierarchicalResponsible must be on both tab)
2800  // Position/Job
2801  print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate">'.$langs->trans("PostOrFunction").'</td>';
2802  print '<td>';
2803  if ($caneditfield) {
2804  print '<input type="text" class="minwidth300 maxwidth500" name="job" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($object->job).'">';
2805  } else {
2806  print '<input type="hidden" name="job" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($object->job).'">';
2807  print dol_escape_htmltag($object->job);
2808  }
2809  print '</td></tr>';
2811  // Weeklyhours
2812  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("WeeklyHours").'</td>';
2813  print '<td>';
2814  if ($caneditfield) {
2815  print '<input size="8" type="text" name="weeklyhours" value="'.price2num(GETPOST('weeklyhours') ?GETPOST('weeklyhours') : $object->weeklyhours).'">';
2816  } else {
2817  print price2num($object->weeklyhours);
2818  }
2819  print '</td>';
2820  print "</tr>\n";
2822  // Sensitive salary/value information
2823  if ((empty($user->socid) && in_array($id, $childids)) // A user can always see salary/value information for its subordinates
2824  || (isModEnabled('salaries') && $user->hasRight("salaries", "readall"))
2825  || (isModEnabled('hrm') && $user->hasRight("hrm", "employee", "read"))) {
2826  $langs->load("salaries");
2828  // Salary
2829  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Salary").'</td>';
2830  print '<td>';
2831  print img_picto('', 'salary', 'class="pictofixedwidth paddingright"').'<input size="8" type="text" name="salary" value="'.price2num(GETPOST('salary') ?GETPOST('salary') : $object->salary).'">';
2832  print '</td>';
2833  print "</tr>\n";
2835  // THM
2836  print '<tr><td>';
2837  $text = $langs->trans("THM");
2838  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("THMDescription"), 1, 'help', 'classthm');
2839  print '</td>';
2840  print '<td>';
2841  if ($caneditfield) {
2842  print '<input size="8" type="text" name="thm" value="'.price2num(GETPOST('thm') ?GETPOST('thm') : $object->thm).'">';
2843  } else {
2844  print ($object->thm != '' ?price($object->thm, '', $langs, 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency) : '');
2845  }
2846  print '</td>';
2847  print "</tr>\n";
2849  // TJM
2850  print '<tr><td>';
2851  $text = $langs->trans("TJM");
2852  print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("TJMDescription"), 1, 'help', 'classthm');
2853  print '</td>';
2854  print '<td>';
2855  if ($caneditfield) {
2856  print '<input size="8" type="text" name="tjm" value="'.price2num(GETPOST('tjm') ?GETPOST('tjm') : $object->tjm).'">';
2857  } else {
2858  print ($object->tjm != '' ?price($object->tjm, '', $langs, 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency) : '');
2859  }
2860  print '</td>';
2861  print "</tr>\n";
2862  }
2864  // Date employment
2865  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("DateEmployment").'</td>';
2866  print '<td>';
2867  if ($caneditfield) {
2868  print $form->selectDate($dateemployment ? $dateemployment : $object->dateemployment, 'dateemployment', 0, 0, 1, 'formdateemployment', 1, 1);
2869  } else {
2870  print dol_print_date($object->dateemployment, 'day');
2871  }
2873  if ($dateemployment && $dateemploymentend) {
2874  print ' - ';
2875  }
2877  if ($caneditfield) {
2878  print $form->selectDate($dateemploymentend ? $dateemploymentend : $object->dateemploymentend, 'dateemploymentend', 0, 0, 1, 'formdateemploymentend', 1, 0);
2879  } else {
2880  print dol_print_date($object->dateemploymentend, 'day');
2881  }
2882  print '</td>';
2883  print "</tr>\n";
2885  // Date birth
2886  print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("DateOfBirth").'</td>';
2887  print '<td>';
2888  if ($caneditfield) {
2889  echo $form->selectDate($dateofbirth ? $dateofbirth : $object->birth, 'dateofbirth', 0, 0, 1, 'updateuser', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', '', 'tzserver');
2890  } else {
2891  print dol_print_date($object->birth, 'day', 'tzserver');
2892  }
2893  print '</td>';
2894  print "</tr>\n";
2896  print '</table>';
2898  print dol_get_fiche_end();
2900  print '<div class="center">';
2901  print '<input value="'.$langs->trans("Save").'" class="button button-save" type="submit" name="save">';
2902  print '&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;';
2903  print '<input value="'.$langs->trans("Cancel").'" class="button button-cancel" type="submit" name="cancel">';
2904  print '</div>';
2906  print '</form>';
2907  }
2909  if ($action != 'edit' && $action != 'presend') {
2910  print '<div class="fichecenter"><div class="fichehalfleft">';
2912  // Generated documents
2913  $filename = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
2914  $filedir = $conf->user->dir_output."/".dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
2915  $urlsource = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?id=".$object->id;
2916  $genallowed = $user->hasRight("user", "user", "read");
2917  $delallowed = $user->hasRight("user", "user", "write");
2919  print $formfile->showdocuments('user', $filename, $filedir, $urlsource, $genallowed, $delallowed, $object->model_pdf, 1, 0, 0, 28, 0, '', 0, '', empty($soc->default_lang) ? '' : $soc->default_lang);
2920  $somethingshown = $formfile->numoffiles;
2922  // Show links to link elements
2923  $linktoelem = $form->showLinkToObjectBlock($object, null, null);
2924  $somethingshown = $form->showLinkedObjectBlock($object, $linktoelem);
2926  print '</div><div class="fichehalfright">';
2928  // List of actions on element
2929  include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formactions.class.php';
2930  $formactions = new FormActions($db);
2931  $somethingshown = $formactions->showactions($object, 'user', $socid, 1, 'listactions', 0, '', '', $object->id);
2933  print '</div></div>';
2934  }
2936  if (isModEnabled('ldap') && !empty($object->ldap_sid)) {
2937  $ldap->unbind();
2938  }
2939  }
2940 }
2942 // Add button to autosuggest a key
2943 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/security2.lib.php';
2944 print dolJSToSetRandomPassword('password', 'generate_password', 0);
2945 if (isModEnabled('api')) {
2946  print dolJSToSetRandomPassword('api_key', 'generate_api_key', 1);
2947 }
2949 // End of page
2950 llxFooter();
2951 $db->close();
if(GETPOST('button_removefilter_x', 'alpha')||GETPOST('button_removefilter.x', 'alpha')||GETPOST('button_removefilter', 'alpha')) if(GETPOST('button_search_x', 'alpha')||GETPOST('button_search.x', 'alpha')||GETPOST('button_search', 'alpha')) if($action=="save" &&empty($cancel)) $help_url
Definition: agenda.php:118
if(preg_match('/set_([a-z0-9_\-]+)/i', $action, $reg)) if(preg_match('/del_([a-z0-9_\-]+)/i', $action, $reg)) if($action=='set') elseif($action=='specimen') elseif($action=='setmodel') elseif($action=='del') elseif($action=='setdoc') $formactions
ajax_combobox($htmlname, $events=array(), $minLengthToAutocomplete=0, $forcefocus=0, $widthTypeOfAutocomplete='resolve', $idforemptyvalue='-1', $morecss='')
Convert a html select field into an ajax combobox.
Definition: ajax.lib.php:449
if(!defined('NOREQUIRESOC')) if(!defined('NOREQUIRETRAN')) if(!defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREMENU')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREAJAX')) llxHeader()
Empty header.
Definition: wrapper.php:56
Empty footer.
Definition: wrapper.php:70
Class to manage members of a foundation.
Class to manage categories.
Class to manage contact/addresses.
Class to manage a WYSIWYG editor.
Class to manage warehouses.
Class to manage standard extra fields.
Class to manage building of HTML components.
Class to generate html code for admin pages.
Class to build HTML component for third parties management Only common components are here.
Class to offer components to list and upload files.
Class to manage generation of HTML components Only common components must be here.
Classe permettant la generation de composants html autre Only common components are here.
Class with static methods for building HTML components related to products Only components common to ...
Class to manage LDAP features.
Definition: ldap.class.php:35
Ldap to Dolibarr synchronization.
Definition: ldap.class.php:141
Class to manage third parties objects (customers, suppliers, prospects...)
Class to manage user groups.
Class to manage Dolibarr users.
Definition: user.class.php:48
getCountry($searchkey, $withcode='', $dbtouse=0, $outputlangs='', $entconv=1, $searchlabel='')
Return country label, code or id from an id, code or label.
Definition: card.php:83
if(isModEnabled('facture') && $user->hasRight('facture', 'lire')) if((isModEnabled('fournisseur') &&empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_NEW_SUPPLIERMOD) && $user->hasRight("fournisseur", "facture", "lire"))||(isModEnabled('supplier_invoice') && $user->hasRight("supplier_invoice", "lire"))) if(isModEnabled('don') && $user->hasRight('don', 'lire')) if(isModEnabled('tax') &&!empty($user->rights->tax->charges->lire)) if(isModEnabled('facture') &&isModEnabled('commande') && $user->hasRight("commande", "lire") &&empty($conf->global->WORKFLOW_DISABLE_CREATE_INVOICE_FROM_ORDER)) $sql
Social contributions to pay.
Definition: index.php:746
if($cancel &&! $id) if($action=='add' &&! $cancel) if($action=='delete') if($id) $form
Definition: card.php:143
dol_delete_dir_recursive($dir, $count=0, $nophperrors=0, $onlysub=0, &$countdeleted=0, $indexdatabase=1, $nolog=0)
Remove a directory $dir and its subdirectories (or only files and subdirectories)
Definition: files.lib.php:1507
dol_delete_file($file, $disableglob=0, $nophperrors=0, $nohook=0, $object=null, $allowdotdot=false, $indexdatabase=1, $nolog=0)
Remove a file or several files with a mask.
Definition: files.lib.php:1356
dol_move_uploaded_file($src_file, $dest_file, $allowoverwrite, $disablevirusscan=0, $uploaderrorcode=0, $nohook=0, $varfiles='addedfile', $upload_dir='')
Make control on an uploaded file from an GUI page and move it to final destination.
Definition: files.lib.php:1218
Check the syntax of some PHP code.
dol_banner_tab($object, $paramid, $morehtml='', $shownav=1, $fieldid='rowid', $fieldref='ref', $morehtmlref='', $moreparam='', $nodbprefix=0, $morehtmlleft='', $morehtmlstatus='', $onlybanner=0, $morehtmlright='')
Show tab footer of a card.
dol_mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year, $gm='auto', $check=1)
Return a timestamp date built from detailed informations (by default a local PHP server timestamp) Re...
picto_from_langcode($codelang, $moreatt='', $notitlealt=0)
Return img flag of country for a language code or country code.
load_fiche_titre($titre, $morehtmlright='', $picto='generic', $pictoisfullpath=0, $id='', $morecssontable='', $morehtmlcenter='')
Load a title with picto.
showValueWithClipboardCPButton($valuetocopy, $showonlyonhover=1, $texttoshow='')
Create a button to copy $valuetocopy in the clipboard (for copy and paste feature).
GETPOSTINT($paramname, $method=0)
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
yn($yesno, $case=1, $color=0)
Return yes or no in current language.
dol_get_fiche_head($links=array(), $active='', $title='', $notab=0, $picto='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morehtmlright='', $morecss='', $limittoshow=0, $moretabssuffix='', $dragdropfile=0)
Show tabs of a record.
dol_string_nohtmltag($stringtoclean, $removelinefeed=1, $pagecodeto='UTF-8', $strip_tags=0, $removedoublespaces=1)
Clean a string from all HTML tags and entities.
price2num($amount, $rounding='', $option=0)
Function that return a number with universal decimal format (decimal separator is '.
dol_print_error($db='', $error='', $errors=null)
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation...
dolButtonToOpenUrlInDialogPopup($name, $label, $buttonstring, $url, $disabled='', $morecss='classlink button bordertransp', $jsonopen='', $backtopagejsfields='', $accesskey='')
Return HTML code to output a button to open a dialog popup box.
img_object($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=false, $srconly=0, $notitle=0)
Show a picto called object_picto (generic function)
Return tab footer of a card.
price($amount, $form=0, $outlangs='', $trunc=1, $rounding=-1, $forcerounding=-1, $currency_code='')
Function to format a value into an amount for visual output Function used into PDF and HTML pages.
dol_print_date($time, $format='', $tzoutput='auto', $outputlangs='', $encodetooutput=false)
Output date in a string format according to outputlangs (or langs if not defined).
getDolGlobalInt($key, $default=0)
Return dolibarr global constant int value.
img_picto($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=false, $srconly=0, $notitle=0, $alt='', $morecss='', $marginleftonlyshort=2)
Show picto whatever it's its name (generic function)
Set focus onto field with selector (similar behaviour of 'autofocus' HTML5 tag)
Return the value of token currently saved into session with name 'newtoken'.
dolGetButtonAction($label, $text='', $actionType='default', $url='', $id='', $userRight=1, $params=array())
Function dolGetButtonAction.
Get array of social network dictionary.
GETPOST($paramname, $check='alphanohtml', $method=0, $filter=null, $options=null, $noreplace=0)
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
info_admin($text, $infoonimgalt=0, $nodiv=0, $admin='1', $morecss='hideonsmartphone', $textfordropdown='')
Show information for admin users or standard users.
setEventMessages($mesg, $mesgs, $style='mesgs', $messagekey='', $noduplicate=0)
Set event messages in dol_events session object.
dol_sanitizeFileName($str, $newstr='_', $unaccent=1)
Clean a string to use it as a file name.
dol_trunc($string, $size=40, $trunc='right', $stringencoding='UTF-8', $nodot=0, $display=0)
Truncate a string to a particular length adding '…' if string larger than length.
Return true if we are in a context of submitting the parameter $paramname from a POST of a form.
dol_htmlentitiesbr($stringtoencode, $nl2brmode=0, $pagecodefrom='UTF-8', $removelasteolbr=1)
This function is called to encode a string into a HTML string but differs from htmlentities because a...
getDolGlobalString($key, $default='')
Return dolibarr global constant string value.
Is Dolibarr module enabled.
get_exdir($num, $level, $alpha, $withoutslash, $object, $modulepart='')
Return a path to have a the directory according to object where files are stored.
dol_syslog($message, $level=LOG_INFO, $ident=0, $suffixinfilename='', $restricttologhandler='', $logcontext=null)
Write log message into outputs.
dol_mkdir($dir, $dataroot='', $newmask='')
Creation of a directory (this can create recursive subdir)
dol_escape_htmltag($stringtoescape, $keepb=0, $keepn=0, $noescapetags='', $escapeonlyhtmltags=0, $cleanalsojavascript=0)
Returns text escaped for inclusion in HTML alt or title or value tags, or into values of HTML input f...
image_format_supported($file, $acceptsvg=0)
Return if a filename is file name of a supported image format.
Definition: images.lib.php:80
dolJSToSetRandomPassword($htmlname, $htmlnameofbutton='generate_token', $generic=1)
Ouput javacript to autoset a generated password using default module into a HTML element.
getRandomPassword($generic=false, $replaceambiguouschars=null, $length=32)
Return a generated password using default module.
dol_verifyHash($chain, $hash, $type='0')
Compute a hash and compare it to the given one For backward compatibility reasons,...
restrictedArea(User $user, $features, $object=0, $tableandshare='', $feature2='', $dbt_keyfield='fk_soc', $dbt_select='rowid', $isdraft=0, $mode=0)
Check permissions of a user to show a page and an object.
accessforbidden($message='', $printheader=1, $printfooter=1, $showonlymessage=0, $params=null)
Show a message to say access is forbidden and stop program.
user_prepare_head(User $object)
Prepare array with list of tabs.